Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 169 Kotaro Must Die

Chapter 169 Kotaro Must Die
Jiang Bao found a church near the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society.

He stood on the steeple of the church and looked down. The street was empty of pedestrians.The watchtower of the Black Dragon Society not far away is actually much shorter than where he is.Moreover, the sentry on the watchtower was also looking down at this time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Bao immediately flew down from the steeple, flew into the compound of the Black Dragon Society, and landed on the roof of a row of houses.

Unlike Xiangjiang and Shanghai, the houses here are all one-story.Jiang Bao speculated that it might be because Japan is prone to earthquakes, and science and technology in this era are not yet developed, so it is easy to dare not build houses with two or more floors.

For Jiang Bao, such a building is more suitable for him to engage in small tricks.He only needs to lift the tiles to see the people below.

After uncovering the first tile, he saw dozens of warriors practicing sword skills below.

He immediately jumped onto a nearby house.The tiles were lifted again, and there were several Japanese dancers dancing below, as if they were rehearsing some kind of dance.

He changed another house to observe again. This time, when he lifted the tiles, he saw an acquaintance underneath—Kotaro Touyama.

"Xiao Taro is the son of the president of the Black Dragon Association. He definitely knows about Shu Liangtian! Okay, let's find him!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bao immediately jumped off the roof and entered the room. With a "squeak", Jiang Bao opened the door.

At this moment, Kotaro Touyama turned his gaze to this side.The eyes of the two met, Kotaro Touyama couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

"Jiang Bao, I miss you day and night, but I didn't expect you to come to my door. It's so kind! Are you going to kneel down and beg for mercy, or wait for me to call someone over and beat you to your knees begging for mercy?" ?” Kotaro Toushan shouted arrogantly.

This guy was broken by Jiang Bao on both shoulders, and has become disabled. However, the arrogance he had cultivated since he was a child has not restrained him at all.

Jiang Bao smiled and said, "You are already like this, where do you have the confidence?"

As he spoke, he stepped in front of Kotaro Touyama, and gently pinched the back of the other's neck with his hand.With his current skill, he can crush Kotaro to death like a fly at any time.

Because Jiang Bao moved so fast, Toushan Kotaro didn't even have time to call someone, so he became Jiang Bao's hostage.

In order to prevent him from barking, Jiang Bao took off his chin as he did to He Dayang.

"Okay, listen to my question now, you just answer. If you are not honest, I will also have your legs crippled!" Jiang Bao said.

Toushan Xiaotaro thought: "Even if I want to answer, I can't make a sound. If you want to torture me, don't make excuses!"

At this time, Jiang Bao asked straight to the point: "Where is the Shu Liangtian?"

When he said this, his hand was already on Kotaro Toyama's forehead.

Toushan Kotaro thought to himself: "It turns out that Jiang Bao came here for Mu Liangtian. He must have known that Mu Liangtian is developing Gu poison for us in Dongying. As long as he succeeds, China can be wiped out. Now, Mu Liangtian is the head of the Black Dragon Palace." In the basement. I heard that he is about to produce the finished product, I can't let him be found by Jiang Bao!"

He didn't know that Jiang Bao had stolen all his thoughts.

Jiang Bao asked again: "Where is the Black Dragon Palace?"

He knew that the Black Dragon Palace should be in the compound of the headquarters, but the area here is too large and there are so many houses, it would definitely take time to search for one by one.It's better for him to bring it up and let Kotaro associate it.

Sure enough, Kotaro was startled: "How does this guy know about the Black Dragon Palace? Oh, I see, he must have collected some information here before he came, but he couldn't determine the exact location. Haha, I won't tell him, The Black Dragon Hall is the third row from north to south on the central axis of the headquarters!"

Jiang Bao asked again, "Are you familiar with Mu Liangtian?"

Xiao Tailang thought to himself: "Of course I know him well! During this time, I often went to the Black Dragon Palace to instill in him some bad habits of Chinese people. The basement of the Black Dragon Palace is not accessible to ordinary people. It is heavily guarded, even if I go in You have to ask for the password!"

When he thought about these things, his mind naturally came up with how he walked to the Black Dragon Hall, how he found the secret door to enter the basement from behind the screen in the main hall, and how he entered the basement after answering the correct password.

Jiang Bao also saw the scene where Kotaro Toushan was talking and laughing with Mu Liangtian and Haruko Nakajima in the basement.

Jiang Bao even heard Toushan Xiaotaro's voice, and when Mu Liangtian produced the finished product of Gu poison, Xiaotaro would let Mu Liangtian die quietly.Because Kotaro was also thinking about Haruko Nakajima.

"This guy is physically and mentally strong!" Jiang Bao sneered to himself.

Kotaro Touyama and Major Yamashita both have the same idea, and perhaps there are more people who agree with them.

In any case, a person who betrayed his motherland will not end well wherever he goes.

"What's the password to go to the basement of the Black Dragon Palace?" Jiang Bao asked suddenly.

Kotaro Toushan was surprised: "How did he know that he needs a password to go to the basement of the Black Dragon Hall? This secret is in the entire headquarters of the Black Dragon Association, and only ten people at most know it. It seems that our Black Dragon will have traitors! Fortunately, my father insisted on asking for a password for a week Once changed, if it is delayed for a long time, it may also be leaked. This week's password is 'the desert is lonely, the long river is not full', as long as I can leave alive, I will ask my father to change the password immediately!"

What he didn't know was that Jiang Bao had memorized the latest password.

Jiang Bao, who got the password, was a little dumbfounded: "'The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, the long river and the moon are not round', the people below must ask, and the people above answer. Our Tang poetry and Song Ci are also very popular in Dongying, and most people only know' The desert is solitary, the long river is full of sun, if you answer according to common sense, you must be wrong!"

He was about to ask something else, when suddenly someone came in from outside.

The man was as thin as a monkey, and he was quite timid.Seeing Toushan Xiaotaro being pinned down by Jiang Bao, "Skinny Monkey" was taken aback, backed up, and shouted sharply: "Who are you, how dare you hold Xiaotaro hostage!"

Jiang Bao didn't wait for him to finish, he jumped over and grabbed the man in his hand: "Stop talking!"

Unexpectedly, he had just removed the chin of "Skinny Monkey", and several people came in from outside.

"Kimura, who is this person? What happened to Kotaro?"

Seeing the frightened look on "Skinny Monkey" and the little Taro lying in the distance, those few people didn't know whether he was dead or alive, so they immediately surrounded Jiang Bao.

One of them was sober and ran out instead: "I'm going to sound the alarm!"

Jiang Bao was not afraid of their siege, but he was afraid of them sounding the alarm.

As soon as the alarm sounded, people from the entire Black Dragon Society headquarters would surround them, and if they failed, they might even alert the Gendarmerie Command at the pier.

He wasn't afraid of being surrounded, but he was afraid of delaying his killing of Mu Liangtian.

Thinking of this, he immediately threw the "Skinny Monkey" Kimura out of his hand, smashing the guy who was going to raise the alarm to death.

Then, he jumped to Kotaro's side with one step, and broke Kotaro's neck with one step.

He had mentioned Mu Liangtian's name just now, and Xiaotaro already knew that he came for Mu Liangtian.

Therefore, Kotaro must die.

(End of this chapter)

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