Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 196 Frank the Gorilla

Chapter 196 Frank the Gorilla
In a grocery store next to Chaoshan Restaurant, a black muzzle protruded from the window, aiming at Jiang Bao.

If that shot hadn't been fired, Jiang Bao would never have thought of looking in that direction.Only Ning Huilin accidentally saw that while reminding Jiang Bao, she also wanted to help him block a shot.

Fortunately, there was a reminder of the first gunshot. With Jiang Bao's current eyesight, he could see the barrel of the gun clearly when he turned his head.He can even recognize the model of this gun - carbine.

Seeing that the gun missed, the person who assassinated Jiang Bao immediately fired continuously.

How could Jiang Bao give the opponent another chance?He touched the ground with his feet, quickly raised his body, and fell in front of the window of the grocery store in a parabolic path at a height of more than ten meters in an instant.

"Fuck your ancestors, you dare to plot against me, watch me destroy you!" Jiang Bao slammed into the window while cursing.

"My God!" The man in the window had just finished firing a shuttle of bullets and was about to change the magazine, but Jiang Bao rushed to him unexpectedly, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Hearing this English sound, Jiang Bao also saw the gunman's appearance clearly, with short blond hair and sunken eye sockets, he knew it was a foreigner at a glance.

"Your God can't save you!" Jiang Bao snorted coldly, and snatched the man's carbine.

The foreigner backed away immediately, buying himself a buffer distance.

At the same time, he groaned and shook his body violently.

In the dark night, the foreigner's appearance was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His body grew more than one meter taller, his original short hair turned into a mane like an orangutan, fangs protruded from the corners of his mouth, and his two arms gradually swelled. They looked thicker than Jiang Leopard's thighs, and had sharp Claws appear.Looking at the shape, it looks like a real gorilla.

If it were someone else, it might scare Hun'er away, but Jiang Bao has seen the blood of Joseph's uncle and nephew, and has already developed immunity.

He sneered: "It's useless, even if you become a real gorilla, I'll still slap you to death!"

As he spoke, Jiang Bao swung his carbine and threw it at the opponent.

The foreigner stretched out his furry arm to block it, and there was a "Dang" sound, and the barrel made of fine steel was immediately bent into a Ding Gouer.In this way, the gun will be useless.

"Hey, the bones are quite hard!" Jiang Bao threw the carbine and slapped the foreigner again.

Facing such an enemy, he must have used his trump card, and directly blasted out the move "Buddha's First Appearance".

"Aww!" That guy faced the palm wind, and instead of retreating, he punched him.

This scene alone is enough to see that this person's strength is not inferior to Huoyun evil god.

If it was Huoyun Cthulhu, and Jiang Bao slapped him like this, Huoyun Cthulhu would definitely be blown back two to three steps by the palm wind.

The reason why the "gorilla" didn't retreat was because his size was more than three times that of Huoyun Cthulhu.The weight has increased greatly, and the natural wind can't move it.


The fists and palms of the two collided, generating a powerful shock wave, which washed the groceries in the store everywhere.

Jiang Bao swayed, but the "gorilla" took three steps back.

"Look at the palm!" Jiang Bao yelled, and continued to use the palm of the Tathagata.

The "Golden Buddha Lamp" used it, and made the "gorilla" retreat five steps in a row until it reached the back wall of the grocery store.

Jiang made another trick, "Buddha Moves Mountains and Rivers".

This time, the "gorilla" didn't even have any room to retreat, because he couldn't counteract the force of the palm, and his legs couldn't bear such a force either, so his body softened and he knelt heavily on the ground.

Jiang Bao still refused to give up, and used another move of "Welcome Buddha to the West".


He directly punched the body of the "gorilla" into the ground, just like the scene in the movie "Kung Fu", where the evil fire cloud god hit Ah Xing.

After this blow, the "gorilla" began to shrink in size, and returned to the size and appearance of a normal person at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Forgive...forgive!" "Gorilla" muttered begging in English.

"Yo ho, you're not dead yet!" Jiang Bao said bitterly.

He raised his palm, and was about to make another move "Buddha asked Jialan", but he stopped in time.

"If you just kill him like this, it would be too cheap for him. Let me see who he is and who sent him!"

In fact, he already had a rough answer in his mind, that this "gorilla" was most likely instigated by the American consulate.After all, he had already killed several people from the country before, and it was understandable that he wanted revenge.

However, the answer still needs to be said by the other party himself, oh no, it has to be figured out in his head.

So, Jiang Bao directly pressed his palm on the back of the "gorilla"'s head, and asked sharply, "Tell me, what country are you from, what's your name, and who's instigated by you?"

"I, I am a Rakshasa, my name is Poponov, and I am assigned by the Rakshasa Consulate!"

The "gorilla" answered Jiang Bao's three questions in one breath.

However, Jiang Bao showed another picture from the brain of the "gorilla":
In the American Consulate in Xiangjiang, the Consul James gave the "gorilla" an opportunity: "Frank, you are a warrior trained by the traitor. Only you can kill Jiang Bao and avenge our traitor!"

Although he knew Frank's true identity and mission, Jiang Bao did not expose it. He continued to ask, "When did you come to Xiangjiang, and how did you find me?"

"I have been in Xiangjiang for almost two months. When I first came here, I heard that you hadn't been born in public for a long time. I thought you might be hiding, so I observed secretly and followed your subordinates. This staring is a many months.

This grocery store was also bought by our consulate, and the bosses and clerks inside are all locals from Xiangjiang whom we bribed.

This afternoon, the owner of the grocery store told me that the Twelfth Lane Patrol House will have a big banquet here tonight to welcome you back to Xiangjiang.So, I lay in ambush here, and when you come out, I'll give you a shot! "

During the process of Frank's narration, Jiang Bao closely inspected his brain, but unexpectedly, Frank's words were all true.

Jiang Bao asked again: "I just got into a fight with a fat man like a toad. Do you know that man? Is he your accomplice?"

Tonight, with such a big incident, Ning Huilin's life might be lost.This incident was tantamount to exposing Jiang Bao's infidelity.Someone has to pay for this.

He made up his mind that if Huoyun Cthulhu and Frank were in the same group, after killing Frank, he would do everything possible to kill Huoyun Cthulhu.At that time, he would not care whether Huoyun evil god is Ye Lanshan's biological father.

"That ugly monster, I don't know him at all!" Frank said disdainfully.

Jiang Bao examined Frank's brain and found that he was not lying.

"Okay, I believe you!" Jiang Bao said lightly.

Just when Frank thought Jiang Bao had been fooled, Jiang Bao suddenly said again: "Which organization did you grow up with? Where is your base? How did you come to Huaxia?"

Frank was dumbfounded on the spot: "How did he know that I was a traitor?"

Then, his mind couldn't help thinking about his past.

(End of this chapter)

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