Chapter 20
Because it was dawn before going to bed, Jiang Bao slept until noon, and after lunch, he came to Morse's barbershop Shi Shiran.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that all the employees in the store were winking at each other.

Manager Ding smiled and said: "Brother, if you are too tired, you can sleep a little longer, there is no need to come so early!"

Jiang Bao said, "It's okay, I'm not tired!"

Lu Guo pulled him to the mirror, pointed at the mirror and smiled, "Brother Leopard, your eye circles are all black, yet you still say you're not tired!"

Only then did Jiang Bao see that he had a pair of dark circles under his eyes in the mirror.

"No wonder they winked at each other. How dare they think that I was squeezed dry by Fang Yanyun!" He was a little bit dumbfounded.

No matter what, as long as he has been "favored" by Mrs. Tian, ​​everyone in Morse's family will give him three points.

However, Fang Yanyun dotes on him, but other customers don't want to see him.It has been more than an hour since he entered the door, and no one has asked him for a haircut.

Jiang Bao was not in a hurry, and sat on the sofa drinking coffee alone.

Manager Ding and Lu Guo didn't like this kind of bitter coffee.They were very surprised to see Jiang Bao drink several cups a day.

How did they know that before Jiang Bao was reborn, because of writing web articles, he drank a lot of coffee.

Just as he finished his drink and was about to continue to drink, a person came in from outside.

"Hey, isn't this the charterer!" Jiang Bao immediately stood up and greeted him.

Seeing Jiang Bao, Bao Zugong was also very surprised: "Jiang Bao, you are not in the city every day, so you have climbed a high branch!"

"People go to high places, but water flows to low places!" Jiang Bao laughed, "Charterer, let me shave you! You haven't seen my skills yet!"

The charterer shook his head again and again: "I don't need you, I want Xiaoye to cut it for me!"

The girl the charterer fell in love with was Ye Nen. This girl has a slim waist and hips, no wonder he likes it.

Although Ye Nen wanted to serve the charterer and earn some commission, but she saw that Jiang Bao wanted to steal her business, so she didn't dare to approach her.

She worried that if Jiang Bao spoke ill of her in front of Mrs. Tian, ​​she might be fired.

"Brother Bao, look..." Ye Nen wanted to ask Jiang Bao's opinion first.

Jiang Bao saw that the charterer's eyes were fascinated, and it was clearly not for shaving his head, but for another purpose.That being the case, you can't force yourself.

"Ye Zi, you can serve the charterer and serve some snacks!" He urged.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Nen approached Baozugong, Baozugong's hand pressed her waist.

"Uncle, you are so annoying!" Ye Nen said softly.

"What are you afraid of? Uncle will give you a tip!" The charterer smiled obscenely.

Jiang Bao couldn't stand it anymore, so he hid aside.

He thought hard: "How can I get the charterer to pat his head for me obediently?"

After the charterer's head was shaved, he didn't come up with any good solution.

"Sauce burst, I'm leaving!"

Jiang Bao stood up and said politely: "Manager Ding, I will pay for the renter's haircut!"

The charterer acted like a rich man: "No need, man is rich!"

As he said that, he took out 30 yuan, gave [-] yuan to the counter, and gave the remaining [-] yuan to Ye Nen.

Jiang Bao respectfully sent the charterer out of the house.

The charterer has a heart and no guts, and dare not spend the night outside with a woman standing on the street, so he can only talk and play a little bit.

He continued to walk forward with unfulfilled intentions, and just as he reached the tram platform, he was suddenly stopped by several police officers.

"Master, are you okay?" He asked with a smile on his face.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, ordinary citizens would call them "chai ye" when they met policemen and officials.

Bao Zugong is a person from that era, and he is used to this address.

A policeman pointed at his nose and yelled, "You old bastard, you can't walk properly, your eyes are perverted, you can't be a good person at first glance. Take out your ID card and have a look!"

Charterer has lived in Xiangjiang for many years, so he must have an ID card, so he took it out calmly.

In this day and age, although cameras are still affordable by the rich, Hong Kong citizens already have photos on their ID cards.

The leading patrol took the charterer's ID card, looked left and right against him, and then sneered: "I don't think the person mentioned here is like you!"

The charterer smiled and said, "This is a certificate issued a few years ago. I was much more handsome then than I am now!"

"Stop talking about these useless things, and come with us to the patrol room!"

"Why bother?" The charterer said, took out 20 yuan, and gently stuffed it into the pocket of the leader of the patrol.

"You're so sensible, don't you save us a lot of trouble! Get out!" The lead patrolman showed a smile, waved his hand, and dismissed the charterer.

The charterer shook his head with a wry smile, then waved to stop the passing tram.

This farce was seen by Jiang Bao standing in front of Morse Gate.

"The charterer obviously has special skills, why can he endure being extorted by several police officers?"

He changed his mind: "Oh, he didn't want to show off his martial arts. The husband and wife were tired of fighting and killing in the Jianghu because their son was beaten to death in a martial arts competition. If he showed his martial arts today because he taught these patrolmen a lesson , there may be enemies coming to the door tomorrow. In this case, their peaceful life will be disrupted!"

Although he understood what the charterer did, there was still no way to get the charterer to have his head shaved honestly.

"Okay, this matter can't be rushed, I'll find a way slowly!" He comforted himself.

Then, he thought again: "Yesterday, I got the address of Tian Wanqing's home from his memory. If I have a chance recently, I should go and have a look! Yanyun crossed the river and demolished the bridge, I also have a handle!"

Anyway, there are no customers for him to serve now, so Jiang Bao told Manager Ding that he would go to the street to buy some daily necessities.

Manager Ding immediately nodded in agreement, and took the initiative to introduce that the things in the Tianshan Road market were good, plentiful and cheap.

Jiang Bao thought: "Which Tianshan Road am I going? I'm going to Nathan Road!"

He thanked him, went out and got on the tram.

During this period of time, Jiang Bao was already very familiar with some roads in Xiangjiang. After changing a car, he came to the intersection of Nathan Road.

This is also a wealthy area in Xiangjiang, where many wealthy families buy land and houses. Of course, compared with Taipingshan, where Fang Yanyun lives, this place pales in comparison.

Jiang Bao passed by the door of the residence, looked at the number on the house plate, and quickly found number 38.

This is another bungalow that combines Chinese and Western styles.Although the gate is closed, the flower beds in the yard can be seen from the gap in the railing.

Two bodyguards and two maids were chatting on the steps of the bungalow. Jiang Bao had good ears, and he could vaguely hear them talking about his young master Tian Wanqing.

"The young master took someone to the young lady's mansion last night. If he hasn't come back so late, he may have already slept in the young lady's bed!"

"It would be better for him to live there all the time, so as not to go home and find us unpleasant!"

"He probably won't come back tonight, we can go to bed early!"

Obviously, they didn't know that the second young master of the Tian family had been sent to his own water prison by his sister-in-law.

Hearing the maids' discussion up to this point, Jiang Bao thought to himself: "I'll come when you all fall asleep!"

 Hey, that brother, we hit it off very well, I don't want you to pay for the medical bills, and I don't want you to set up ten tables and eight tables. How about you vote for it?
(End of this chapter)

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