Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 200 Never Leave You Again

Chapter 200 Never Leave You Again

The sailor was full of hatred and moved forward at the fastest speed. The distance of a hundred meters was reached in an instant.

The gangway that was put down on the cruiser just now has not been put up yet, it is just for them.

"I'll come first!" James was the first to step on the gangway.

Just as he climbed up step by step, a small bug flew out of He Keren's hand and quickly flew onto the deck of the cruiser.At the same time, its buttocks began to emit faint white smoke.People with poor eyesight can't see clearly at all.

Jiang Bao and He Keren looked at each other and laughed silently.

When James was halfway up, Jiang Bao pushed He Keren up, and he crawled behind He Keren.

The sailor had to stay last because he still had to put the motorboat back in place.

He Keren had just climbed onto the deck, and Jiang Bao had only climbed halfway, when he heard screams from above, followed by the sound of someone falling down.

Jiang Bao immediately jumped onto the deck.

At this point, everyone, including James, fell down, and the farting bug was gone.

He Keren laughed and said, "Brother Leopard, you kill people with martial arts, and I kill people with insects, the effect is the same. But my method is easier, unlike yours, which makes such a big commotion every time! "

Jiang Bao said: "Last time at the headquarters of the Black Dragon Club, you already lost a bug. I don't want you to lose too much!"

"I have a pair of female worms in this bottle. Every time a larva is released, the female worm will give birth to a larva in a short time to make up the number!"

Jiang Bao nodded reassuringly, and asked again, "Where's the bug? Why is it gone? Is it dead?"

"No, I let it go down the cabin. There must be many soldiers in the cabin. As long as the bugs go down and continue to spray poisonous gas, they will die faster in that small space!"

Seeing that Jiang Bao was about to enter the cabin, He Keren grabbed him: "Don't be too busy! The poisonous gas is not easy to dissipate in the cabin, and you will die if you go down!"

"Okay, I'll subdue that sailor first!"

Jiang Bao turned his head to look at the gangway, the sailor with one ear missing had just climbed onto the deck when he grabbed him and hit his "Tanzhong acupoint".

"You didn't kill him?" He Keren asked.

"Don't kill him in a hurry, we will go back to the shore in a while, I don't know how to drive a motorboat, so I expect him to take us!" Jiang Bao laughed.

Because the poisonous gas in the cabin needed time to dissipate, Jiang Bao didn't rush down, but took He Keren to walk around the boat and have a look.

"How did you find this place?" Jiang Bao asked.

When he asked this question, He Keren's tears fell on the spot: "It's not because of you! That morning, you left my room, and I didn't care at that time. In the morning, I went to your room to look for you with the cheek , I realized that you had already packed your things and left. I guess you must have gone to the pier, and I wanted to go to the pier to chase you, but my body still hurts, and it is really inconvenient to run, so I had to go back to the room to rest!"

Having said that, she was already blushing.

Jiang Bao knew that she was in some pain because he exerted too much force on the bed.Also, they did it a little too much that night.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Still laughing, it's all your fault!" He Keren punched Jiang Bao on the shoulder, "That morning, when Uncle Zhang and Minister Nie couldn't see you, they all came to ask me, and I couldn't tell them about you. The real reason for leaving is really embarrassing!"

"Then how did you explain to them that I left without saying goodbye?"

"I just said, there was a woman who came to you that night, you just cleaned up and followed that woman. They all scolded you for being blind, and you don't know how to cherish a beautiful woman like me!"

Jiang Bao shook his head helplessly: "Okay, I can arrange whatever you want! Then when did you leave Wenshang?"

"The day after you left, I also left on a cruise from Shanghai to Xiangjiang!"

"Didn't you say that your body still hurts, why are you walking in such a hurry?" Jiang Bao said with a smirk.

"Don't laugh so obscenely!" He Keren punched him again, "When you were in my room, you once said that you were going to the Hundred Thousand Mountains to dismantle our Five Poisons, can I not be in a hurry? ! This is all my fault, I have to tell you clearly. Besides, I don't want to lose you either!"

Jiang Bao did the math for her: "You left one day later than me, and arrived at Xiangjiang one day later than me. You should have arrived this morning!"

He Keren nodded: "The cruise ship is going to Nanyang. After it arrives in Xiangjiang, I have to disembark. Before disembarking, I was still hesitating. Should I immediately transfer to another passenger ship and go directly to my hometown along the Pearl River, or should I return first?" Xiangjiang, look, are you here?"

Jiang Bao said: "You should come to Xiangjiang first, because I have been away from the patrol room for so long, and I always want to go back to see my brothers!"

"Yes, that's what I thought!" He Keren pursed her lips and smiled, "When I was in Dongying, I remember you said that you were the inspector of the patrol room in Lane Twelve. After I got off the boat, I hired a rickshaw and went directly to Your patrol house. When you got there, the gatekeeper said you went to the cemetery, so I went to the cemetery to look for you again!"

Jiang Bao suddenly realized: "I mean, when I left the cemetery, I always felt that someone was following me. When I looked back, I couldn't find the person following me. It turned out that you were spying on me!"

He Keren said again: "Your face was ugly at that time. I didn't know if you were still angry with me, so I didn't dare to show up immediately. After you left, I went to see the tombstone of the deceased, and it was written 'Tomb of Beloved Wife Ning Huilin'. I remember, you said that your sweetheart is Ye Lanshan!"

Jiang Bao shook his head and sighed: "This is another bad relationship!"

Then, he roughly talked about the process of himself and Ning Huilin from acquaintance to rest in peace.

He Keren looked Jiang Bao up and down: "Brother Baozi, you are not handsome, why is it that a woman fell in love with you at first sight?"

Jiang Bao smiled and said, "That's right! Some girls even used Gu for me!"

He wanted to say that some people sacrificed themselves directly in order to tie him down.However, it hurts his self-esteem too much to say that, he always wants to save some face for He Keren.

Even so, He Keren was blushing: "People see you as a great hero! You killed the world in Dongying, we Miao girls have worshiped heroes since we were young!"

Jiang Bao smiled and said, "I am also a hero in Miss Ning's heart!"

What he said was against his will. As an old girl, Miss Ning married him in order to marry herself off within a hundred days before her father.

However, later facts proved that Jiang Bao has enough strength to be worthy of any daughter in Xiangjiang.

After all the knots were untied, He Keren finally got Jiang Bao's forgiveness, and she threw herself into Jiang Bao's arms without any reservations: "My hero, from now on, I will never leave you again!"

(End of this chapter)

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