Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 249 Come with me

Chapter 249 Come With Me
"Four ghosts move mountains? Which four ghosts?" Jiang Bao is an idiot when it comes to formations.

"The four ghosts are the black rooster, black dog, black pig, and black goat that you threw down from the cliff just now. Of course, they are no longer ordinary poultry or livestock. , and hung them above me while I was in samadhi. This is the Four Ghosts Moving Mountain Formation!" Huoyun Cthulhu explained.

Jiang Bao still didn't understand: "The four animals represent four ghosts, so where are they moving?"

Huoyun Cthulhu took no trouble: "The so-called mountain is just a false finger. Because these four animals occupy four wonderful positions, and there is a steady stream of spiritual power in their bodies, they have a suppressive effect on me who is below. , It's like moving a mountain to press on me!"

"Oh, that's how it is!" Jiang Bao finally understood.

Then, he asked again: "Are only four animals, rooster, dog, pig and goat, able to form this formation?"

Huoyun Cthulhu shook his head: "Where? As long as black male animals are fine. If you don't believe me, go back and have a look. Not only roosters, pigs, dogs, and goats are also males!"

Jiang Bao would not go back to verify these things. On the topic of formations, he had to trust Huoyun Cthulhu.

Then, Huoyun Cthulhu said: "Fortunately, they used roosters, pigs, dogs, and goats. If they replaced wild animals such as lions, tigers, and leopards, the mountains they moved would be heavier. Crush me to pieces!"

"You mean, the more powerful the ghost that moves the mountain, the heavier the mountain it moves?"

"of course!"

"Then why don't they use lions and tigers?" Jiang Bao asked.

As far as he knew, there were a considerable number of South China tigers, also known as Bengal tigers, living in the jungles of Southeast Asia in this era.

It was not until after World War II that many civilians had hot weapons that the number of South China tigers dropped sharply.

"Do you think lions and tigers are so easy to catch? I can absorb the Heavenly Fiend Crystal for at most one day. If Hu Chachai and others insist on using lions and tigers to move mountains, before they catch these beasts, I've already done it. Let's leave Here it is. The reason why they chose these livestock is because they are available in every household, so they are easy to choose!" Huoyun evil god said.

Jiang Bao was a little scared after hearing this, and thought to himself: "I must take this as a warning, and I must observe more when I go to a strange place in the future, and I must not be trapped in such a formation!"

While talking, a group of people have arrived at the pier where the destroyer is docked.

"Boy, is this your boat?"

"Of course!" Jiang Bao laughed, "I am now the director of Xiangjiang Maritime Anti-smuggling Department, isn't it normal to have such a warship?"

Huoyun evil god looked Jiang Bao up and down: "Don't think that you can marry my daughter just because you get promoted and get rich. She doesn't pay attention to these vulgar things at all!"

Jiang Bao said: "I'm not going to use these things to impress her, but a group of brothers follow me to do it, and I want to plan for their glory and wealth!"

Actually, he didn't agree with Huoyun Cthulhu's words.

A man's promotion and wealth is a manifestation of ability, and only ability can attract the opposite sex.

Besides, Ye Lanshan is not the kind of person who doesn't eat other worldly things.She took her mother out of the secret realm, and in order to buy some elixir for her mother, she even did things like robbery.

Jiang Bao didn't argue with him, but just gestured: "Get on the boat, I'll treat you to a good drink!"

In the restaurant of the destroyer, Zeng Xiaoyu and the others prepared many famous wines from Huaguo, such as Dukang, Xifeng, Zhuyeqing, etc. Of course, Lai Mao was also indispensable.

When Huoyun evil god drank heavily and ate large pieces of meat, Zeng Xiaoyu asked: "Master Bao, do you want to go back to Xiangjiang!"

"Let's go!" Jiang Bao said.

"What about him?" Zeng Xiaoyu pointed to Huoyun evil god.

It seemed that he didn't want to bring Huoyun Cthulhu back.Huoyun Cthulhu beat Ah Xing like that, which has left a shadow in the hearts of these brothers.

Jiang Bao smiled and said, "I came this time to find him. I still have important matters to discuss with him!"

Zeng Xiaoyu had no choice but to obey: "Okay then, I'll go to the island and notify Qihang!"

Before the destroyer set sail, Lao Fang also came to bid farewell to Li Jiacheng and Jiang Bao.

Jiang Bao told him: "You send someone to go to the canyon, and take away and eat all those roosters, pigs, dogs, and goats, and don't leave any traces in the canyon where the head-subduing masters once deployed. In this way, today's It won't involve you anymore!"

Lao Fang nodded again and again: "Director Jiang is really thoughtful. After I get off the boat, I will have someone clean it up!"

As soon as Lao Fang got off the boat, the destroyer set sail.

At this time, Huoyun Cthulhu was already full of wine and food.He pulled Jiang Bao to the deck outside: "Boy, I have something to talk to you about!"

Jiang Bao smiled and said, "Senior, just say it!"

"You came here to save me this time, didn't you?" Huoyun evil god looked into Jiang Bao's eyes, "Are you only thinking about my daughter and trying to please her? Don't deny it, there are many worthless men That's all!"

Jiang Bao said, "If I tell you that I'm married to Lanshan, would you believe me?"

Huoyun Cthulhu shook his head again and again: "My daughter is not that kind of person! Besides, do you think you are Pan An and Song Yu, who can fascinate my daughter?"

Jiang Bao also knew that Huoyun Cthulhu would not believe it, so he took out a piece of paper and handed it over.

"What is this?" Huoyun Cthulhu was at a loss.

"You'll know just by looking at it!"

Huoyun Cthulhu only read two lines before changing his face: "Lanshan's mother passed away... Ye Qiu died..."

This old man who had always put cultivation and killing people first, actually burst into tears.

"Where is my daughter, where is she?" Huoyun evil god grabbed Jiang Bao's hand, as if the tighter his grip, the more he could keep his lover.

"Keep watching, there is her whereabouts up there!" Jiang Bao couldn't get rid of the opponent's grasp, so he could only use his true energy to resist.

If it was an ordinary person, his wrist might be broken by the Huoyun evil god.

Huoyun evil god continued to look down, only then did he realize that Jiang Bao hadn't lied to him, and his daughter Ye Lanshan had already had a substantial breakthrough with Jiang Bao.

The piece of paper that Jiang Bao gave Huo Yun Xie Shen was the note that Ye Lanshan left him after he and Ye Lanshan had a good time together.

In this note, Ye Lanshan did not ask Jiang Bao to find her.However, Jiang Bao has always had her in his heart, so how can he forget her.

That's why he looked for the evil god of fire cloud everywhere, hoping to get the path to the Kongtong secret realm from the evil god of fire cloud, and then directly broke into the secret realm by himself.

At this time, Huoyun Cthulhu had finished reading the note, and murmured: "Ye Qiu is gone, why should I pay homage to her grave? Unexpectedly, my daughter brought her ashes back to the secret realm. You The kid wants me to take you to the secret realm, right?"

"Otherwise, what would I do with you?"

"Okay then, just come with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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