Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 265 The Holy Maiden and the Holy Son

Chapter 265 The Holy Maiden and the Holy Son

In fact, with the strength of Jiang Bao and Huoyun Cthulhu, even if they were surrounded by people, they still couldn't die.

However, they really don't want to fight these people.Once they make a move, the other party will only increase the casualties, and they will feel guilty, which is meaningless at all.

So Jiang Bao immediately jumped out of the pit and ran towards the way he came.

"Son-in-law, come back, come back!" Huoyun Cthulhu yelled, "This way!"

Jiang Bao said, "Didn't we go this way when we came?"

"I can't get out! When is this? The fog in Hukouao has cleared long ago. Unless there is fog again, I will never be able to get out!" Huoyun evil god ran over, took Jiang Bao's hand, and walked towards the forest Running in the direction, while explaining.

It was only then that Jiang Bao remembered the words of the Huoyun evil god before he entered the mountain. Every year in the late spring and early summer and the late autumn and early winter, there is a possibility of fog in Hukou Pass, and it usually lasts at most half an hour around five o'clock in the morning.

Now, it's almost noon, and the fog there has long since cleared.Without the special fog, the only passage between Kongtong Secret Realm and the outside world was cut off.

That kind of fog should be a space-time tunnel!

"Then where are we going?" Jiang Bao was at a loss.

"Come with me, let's hide in the forest!"

"Okay!" Jiang Bao was not familiar with this place, so he could only run behind Huoyun Cthulhu.

The more he ran, the more frustrated he became.With his martial arts, he is not afraid of anyone here. In order not to cause casualties, they had to flee.

He can't do without running away, once surrounded by this group of people, the other party's rude abuse will eventually anger him, and it is very likely that he will kill.

Fortunately, their lightness skills are good, and they quickly broke through the encirclement and ran into the forest.

There are so many types of trees here that you can basically see them in the outside world.The only difference is the season, the yellow leaves are fluttering outside, and the branches and leaves are luxuriant here.

Through the gaps in the treetops, Jiang Bao looked at the sun in the sky, no different from the sun outside.

Jiang Bao was a little hungry, so he went to the tree and picked a bunch of wild fruits, and shared them with Huoyun evil god.

After filling his stomach, he was rather bored, so he asked, "Old man, can we climb over this mountain?" He wanted to look at the back of the mountain.

Huoyun Cthulhu looked at the direction Jiang Bao was pointing at, smiled wryly and shook his head: "I can't get through!"

"How do you know, and you haven't tried?"

"I really tried to go to the mountain, and I have been there many times. The mountain is not high, but there seems to be an invisible wall on the mountain. It's been a long time, I came back late, and I was scolded by the elder!"

Speaking of this, Huoyun evil god pointed to the surroundings: "This is the case all around the secret realm, and there are invisible barriers. If you don't believe it, go to the col where we came now, and you will definitely not be able to get through!"

"Then I won't try!" Jiang Bao laughed.

He believed what Huoyun Cthulhu said was true.His realm was only slightly higher than that of Huoyun Cthulhu, and if he went to places where Huoyun Cthulhu could hardly walk, it would not change much.

Huoyun evil god said again: "This secret realm is not very big, with a radius of dozens of miles at most. That's why the Great Elder doesn't allow people from outside to be accepted. There are too many people, and we can't support them!"

Jiang Bao sneered and said, "If you expect the hundreds of families here to reproduce, they will end up extinct! At that time, it will not be a problem of not being able to support them, but a problem of not being able to give birth to healthy children!"

"They are not your relatives, why do you care so much?" Huoyun evil god mocked him.

Jiang Bao laughed and said, "Although they have no relatives or reason with me, they are relatives of Lan Shan!"

When Ye Lanshan was mentioned just now, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in their ears: "Leopard, Leopard, where are you? I'm coming!"

Jiang Bao immediately regained his spirits: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!"

Then, he injected his true energy into his voice: "Lan Shan, I'm here!"

He yelled several times, and soon, a white figure leaped down from the treetops in the distance, it was Ye Lanshan.

Jiang Bao rushed forward and hugged Ye Lanshan in his arms: "Lanshan, I miss you so much!"

This time, Ye Lanshan didn't refuse either, and took the initiative to hug his waist: "I miss you too!"

A pair of young people embraced warmly, and Huoyun Cthulhu showed a gratified smile on his face.

After a while, Jiang Bao and Ye Lanshan separated.

Lanshan was about to confide in him about parting, when she suddenly saw Huoyun Cthulhu, her face changed immediately: "Why are you here?"

Huoyun evil god knew that his daughter was still angry with him, so he didn't say anything, smiled apologetically, and turned to the back of the big tree.

Jiang Bao hurriedly comforted Ye Lanshan: "Don't blame him, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to find this place either! Besides, it wasn't that he abandoned your mother and daughter on his own initiative, but the people here didn't let him in at all!"

Having said that, he asked loudly: "Old man, am I right?"

Then Huoyun Cthulhu came out from behind the big tree, and explained in detail how he was treated in the Kongtong Secret Realm, and how he was blocked every time he wanted to come back after leaving the Kongtong Secret Realm.

Finally, he said with hatred on his face: "If you don't believe me, you can ask those men who are about the same age as your mother, because your mother married me, which one of them doesn't regard me as an enemy? Just now, the reason why I stopped Leopard, don't let him kill people, just want to keep a few alive, waiting for us to confront them!"

Jiang Bao thought to himself, "I thought this ultimate murderer had changed his gender, so he wanted to keep a few alive!"

However, Ye Lanshan shook her head: "No need to confront, I believe what you say. When I was young, my mother often told me about you, saying that you were squeezed out everywhere in the secret realm. And, because of you, Our family often lacks all kinds of daily necessities. In order to make my mother's life better, and to have the opportunity to get out of the secret realm in the future, I practiced martial arts hard and finally became the saint of the secret realm!"

Jiang Bao asked, "Why? Is it possible to get out of the secret realm only by becoming a holy woman? Can't a man do it? Get a holy son or a holy man?"

Ye Lanshan was amused by Jiang Bao, the "holy man": "According to the ancient records in the secret realm, at first, the secret realm sent out men to understand the outside world. However, the outside world is a colorful world, and the temptation for men is too great." , Many people never come back after going out. They make meritorious deeds, get promoted and get rich, marry wives and concubines outside, and they are much more comfortable than in the secret realm. More than a dozen generations of holy sons have gone and never returned, forcing the secret realm to change the rules and withdraw The title of the Holy Son was chosen, and the Holy Maiden was chosen, and the Holy Maiden was sent to travel the outside world!"

Jiang Bao laughed suddenly: "People in the secret realm don't have a high level of thought! It's not as good as me. I came here just to take you to Xiangjiang, and I will never return to this ghostly place!"

At this moment, a voice came from a distance: "Ye Lanshan, what should you do for colluding with outsiders?"

(End of this chapter)

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