Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 276 Tropical Rainforest

Chapter 276 Tropical Rainforest
No matter how much everyone complained about Jiang Bao in their hearts, they still had to address Ye Lanshan as "Mrs. Jiang".

The last time Jiang Bao brought He Keren to the Governor's Mansion, he was called "Mrs. Jiang" by everyone.

"Mrs. Jiang", "Mrs. Jiang", Ye Lanshan and He Keren are evenly matched.

At the mahjong table that night, like He Keren, Ye Lanshan lost several million, which was regarded as a meeting gift for everyone.

In the next few days, Jiang Bao and Ye Lanshan were invited by a group of dignitaries in Xiangjiang to drink and play cards.Ye Lanshan was accepted by the local high society.

A few days later, Jiang Bao took Ye Lanshan to bid farewell to Du Jun, and then they boarded the flight to the west.

The reason why he left in such a hurry was suggested by Ye Lanshan.

She said: "Didn't you want to take me to the bad country? You are not idle every night, if you don't leave, after a while, I will definitely get pregnant!"

It was the last flight, it was the last transfer process, after they arrived in New York, they took the last train to go west, although the journey was boring, but Ye Lanshan was in high spirits after arriving here for the first time.

When she was in a good mood, Jiang Bao was not troubled.Moreover, when he heard the people around him speak English, he could also explain to her so that she could adapt to the environment in the country as soon as possible.

After six days of trekking, they finally came to Las Vegas, the gambling city.

Jiang Bao took Ye Lanshan to play here for two days, then bought a second-hand car and drove south all the way to the border between Arizona and Mexico.

Jiang Bao originally thought that the cars in the country would not be able to drive in Mexico, but unexpectedly, he just tipped the soldiers at the border with a hundred dollars, and the soldiers immediately opened the roadblock and waved to him.

Jiang Bao went all the way south again.In the next section, although the road is not easy to walk, this is the path in the memory of the high priest, and it will never be wrong.

Fortunately, the scenery ahead is getting better and better.

There are various plant wonders in the tropical rainforest, such as cocoa tree, heliconia, giant konjac and other unique tree species all attract Ye Lanshan's attention.

Especially the heliconia, with more than a dozen scorpion-like tentacles growing on the bright red corolla, making it more like an octopus.

"Stop, stop, I want to take a closer look!" Ye Lanshan patted Jiang Bao's arm.

"Okay, don't worry!" Jiang Bao smiled. It was the first time he had seen this strange plant. Since his sweetheart wanted to see it, he would watch it with her.

"It's a pity, I don't know how to take pictures. If I can take pictures, I can show them to people in Kongtong Secret Realm if I have a chance. Don't sit and watch the sky anymore!" Ye Lanshan said.

Just as he was talking, a carriage pulled by a small horse suddenly ran from a distance.

Jiang Bao read the information before, saying that the Americas do not produce tall horses, and the current horses are all brought over by European colonists.

This kind of pony is only used by indigenous people living in the tropical rainforest.

Seeing Jiang Bao and Ye Lanshan, the carriage immediately stopped at the side of the road, and then four natives got out of the carriage.

These indigenous people wore grass skirts one by one, and their faces were painted with oil paint, so that they couldn't see the expressions on their faces clearly.

"Ji Li Gu Lu..." the natives said as they approached Jiang and Bao.

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Bao asked in English.

As soon as Jiang Bao finished speaking, the three natives surrounded him, and one of them showed a machete.As for the fourth native, he had already charged towards Ye Lanshan.

Jiang Bao laughed back angrily: "Hahahaha! I've always heard how simple primitive people are, but I didn't expect it to be my own sentimentality, so don't blame me for being rude!"

As he spoke, he swung out his palm, which was the seventh move of the Nine Forms of Tathagata Palm, "Heavenly Buddha Comes to the World".

As soon as this move was made, the three aborigines who were attacking were immediately suspended in front of Jiang Bao involuntarily, causing them to shout in fright.

Jiang Bao turned his palm and pressed it on the ground.The three natives also fell heavily to the ground, their internal organs ruptured and blood spurted from their mouths.Although he didn't die, he couldn't survive tomorrow.

At this time, someone from Ye Lanshan's side screamed.

It turned out that as soon as the native who attacked her got close, she snatched the knife and cut off the opponent's two ears.

Jiang Bao laughed again.

"Are you still laughing?" Ye Lanshan said angrily, "Why are they attacking us? Do you know?"

"Is it okay if I ask?" Jiang Bao said.

"Can you understand their language? Why doesn't it sound like English to me?"

In the past few days since she came to America, she could hear the conversations of the Chinese people every day, and she could more or less understand a few simple sentences.However, she couldn't understand a single word these natives said.

Not only did she not understand, Jiang Bao also could not understand.

Jiang Bao studied world history in his previous life and knew that Mexico was once colonized by the Spaniards, and the official language of this country is Spanish.

In addition to his mother tongue, he only knows English, and Spanish, he can't understand a single letter.

Fortunately, he still has the trick of touching his head and reading his mind.

So he put his hand on the earless native's head and asked in English, "Who are you? Why are you attacking us?"

"Ji Li Gu Lu..." The native babbled again, and Jiang Bao couldn't understand a word.

However, at this time he has already invaded the inner world of the natives.

"These two yellow people are so powerful! Especially this man, he killed my three brothers in one shot! This woman is really cruel! We are so obsessed that we actually want to snatch her away and sacrifice her to the Great God! Well, as long as you don't die, Let me go back to meet the Great God, and my ears will grow new ones!"

The aborigine was terrified and regretted it long ago, but he didn't know that Jiang Bao had captured all his thoughts.

Jiang Bao's head-touching and mind-reading skills are so good, even if he doesn't understand the language, he can understand the other person's heartfelt voice.

It's a pity that being able to understand does not mean that he can speak, and he cannot learn the other party's language.

"Great God? Could it be the Great God above the priest?" Jiang Bao was a little shocked. He didn't expect that they would encounter such a bloody thing just after they set foot on the Yucatan Peninsula.

He now wants to know what is the relationship between these few people and the Great God, are they disciples of the Great God, or ordinary believers?What is the strength of the Great God?Who else is there beside the Great God?

However, Jiang Bao didn't know what to do to make the other party associate with what he wanted to know.

There was nothing wrong with him, so he showed his strength by sucking a stone weighing more than a thousand catties ten meters away in front of him, and then waved his hand to let the stone fly out, hitting a big tree in the distance.

There was only a bang, and the big tree was smashed to the waist, and the leaves, branches and sawdust were scattered like a heavy snowfall.

"My God, this kid's strength is only a little weaker than our Great God's. If they fight, it's really not certain who will win! Our Great God wins, but it will be a miserable victory!"

In fact, this guy still thinks highly of Jiang Bao, but after Jiang Bao caught his voice, Jiang Bao became very angry.

"I'm already a big Zhou Tian, ​​and I'm actually weaker than that bullshit god? No, I have to kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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