Chapter 293
With Wang Gui in charge of this group of believers, Jiang Bao didn't have to worry. He discussed with Ye Lanshan and Lin Zhengying how to deal with Panini.

"Uncle Nine, Lanshan, tell me, are we waiting here, or are we taking the initiative to search in the rainforest?"

Lin Zhengying said: "Among the three of us, only you are stronger than Panini. If we go, we will all die. If you want to go, you will go alone!"

Jiang Bao laughed loudly: "I'm just teasing you, I hope you can give me some advice, I didn't expect you to be so careless!"

Ye Lanshan said: "We are all unfamiliar here, so it's not suitable to go out and search at all. It's better to sit here and wait for rabbits!"

Lin Zhengying thought for a while: "Can we also set up a magic circle and let Panini walk in by himself?"

When he said this, Jiang Bao suddenly remembered the last time he rescued Huoyun evil god on Jipo Island.So, he described that experience in detail.

As soon as his story was finished, Lin Zhengying asked: "I know Huoyun Cthulhu. He has always been ruthless, and countless fighters have died in his hands. Why do you want to just him?"

Jiang Bao said with a smile, "Uncle Jiu doesn't know that Huoyun Cthulhu is Lanshan's father, that is, my father-in-law. Can I not save him?"

Lin Zhengying couldn't believe it: "Miss Ye, is what he said true?"

Ye Lanshan was also a little embarrassed, "Uncle Jiu, Huoyun Cthulhu is really my father!"

Lin Zhengying was a little embarrassed: "I still want to scold Huoyun Cthulhu! Since it's your father, I'll bear with it!"

Ye Lanshan said: "Uncle Jiu, I understand how you feel, if you want to scold you, just scold you, I have no objection!"

Hearing what she said, everyone laughed, and the embarrassing atmosphere disappeared immediately.

Jiang Bao smiled and said, "Okay, okay, let's get down to business, let's talk about how to deal with Panini!"

Lin Zhengying said: "I'm not familiar with the formation of four ghosts moving mountains, will Miss Ye know it?"

Ye Lanshan nodded: "I have read the classics about formations. There is indeed such a formation. It should be possible to set up one. However, this formation requires four black beasts and at least four demon crystals. Where do you get these things?"

"You want a beast? This is easy!" Jiang Bao laughed.

As he spoke, he waved his right hand to draw a folding space, from which several leopards, lions, and gorillas were released.

Among these beasts, there is a black panther and two black gorillas.

These wild beasts have been locked in the folding space for several days, and today they finally saw the light of day, and immediately showed their wildness.

But Jiang Bao didn't allow them to be presumptuous, just as the beasts bared their fangs, he stroked them with the palm of a Tathagata, and pressed the beasts to the ground, letting them struggle as much as they could, but they couldn't move.

This time, the beasts immediately became more docile.

"One more?" Ye Lanshan asked.

Jiang Bao swiped his hand again, and instantly released a gorilla and a black rhino.

"Enough is enough!" Ye Lanshan said repeatedly.

However, her voice changed: "Do you have the Heavenly Fiend Crystal?"

Jiang Bao thought for a while, then shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, Lin Zhengying said with a smile: "What a coincidence, I have several Heavenly Fiend Crystals!"

Only then did Jiang Bao think, as an Onmyoji, Lin Zhengying must have a few Heavenly Fiend Crystals by his side, and this thing has miraculous effects against all kinds of evil spirits.

"Uncle Jiu, don't hide it!" Jiang Bao laughed.

Lin Zhengying groped around in his sheepskin bag, took out four Heavenly Fiend Crystals, and handed them to Jiang Bao.

Jiang Bao asked Ye Lanshan, "Should the beasts swallow the Tiansha crystal?"

Ye Lanshan nodded: "Yes, let them swallow it, don't crush it!"

Jiang Bao picked up a gorilla, pinched its cheek, forced it to open its mouth wide, and then stuffed a gorilla into its throat.

The gorilla had been subdued by Jiang Bao, and he didn't dare to move, so he obediently swallowed the Tianshajing.

Jiang Bao did the same thing, making the other three black beasts swallow the Heavenly Fiend Crystal as well.

"Okay, now it's my job!" Ye Lanshan said.

"Do you want us to help?" Lin Zhengying asked.

Ye Lanshan thought for a while: "Our formation is going to ambush inside the temple. When I measure the correct formation, Uncle Jiu and Leopard will help me set the formation!"

Setting up formations is a precise project, Ye Lanshan finally found four formations for black ghosts on the top floor of the temple after careful calculation.

"Black ghosts" are the four black beasts that Jiang Bao just fed to Tianshajing.This is what the so-called "four ghosts move mountains".

After the formation was confirmed, Jiang Bao drew a folding space in each of the four places and hid the "black ghost" in it.

"Okay, as long as Panini dares to come, he will be trapped here!" Ye Lanshan said confidently, "Leopard, tell Wang Gui that no one is allowed to enter the temple! Because, once someone If you enter, you will be crushed to death immediately, and we will not be able to enter even if we try to save people. In this case, if Panini sees it, he will become suspicious, so why would he step into it?"

When Ye Lanshan said this, she had already pulled Jiang Bao and Lin Zhengying to stand on the platform outside the temple. They would never step into the temple.

"Okay, I'll tell him right away!" Jiang Bao nodded.

After everything is arranged, we are waiting for Panini to hit the net.

However, Panini seemed to have evaporated, and there was no trace of him near the temple.

For one month, Wang Gui and his disciples searched for panini everywhere in the name of hunting and fishing, but they found nothing.

"Don't look for it!" Jiang Bao said to Wang Gui, "We are not in a hurry to go home, just wait slowly, you let your men who should farm the land, and those who should build houses, do some serious work. !"

"Okay, my god!" Wang Gui said with a smile.

During this time, Panini's believers regarded Jiang Bao as a great god, and when they saw him, they worshiped him devoutly.

No matter how Jiang Bao tried to persuade him, no one listened to him. He was getting used to it now.

Wang Gui is talented in management. In less than a month, he led the group of natives to build a circle of wooden houses.

The wooden houses form a square city, and the temple is in the center of this square city.

After some planning by Wang Gui, Fangcheng already possessed the basic functions of a city.

In order to commend Wang Gui's contribution, Jiang Bao approved everyone to hold a bonfire party.

At this party, Jiang Bao also danced with Ye Lanshan.This is the ballroom dance they learned in the entertainment place in Xiangjiang.

At the end of the party, Wang Gui asked Jiang Bao in front of everyone: "Master, which house do you want?"

Jiang Bao laughed and said, "I don't want a house, let's live in the temple!"

Wang Gui didn't force himself anymore, and led everyone to continue drinking, dancing, and eating barbecue.

After another two hours, Jiang Bao felt that it was getting late, so he bid farewell to Lin Zhengying, took Ye Lanshan's hand, and walked towards the gate of the temple.

They knew that as soon as they entered the temple, they would be caught in the "four ghosts moving the mountain", so they didn't enter the door, but jumped up to the highest level of the temple, and looked in from the window.

On the ground of the fifth floor, lay a familiar figure.

(End of this chapter)

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