Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 54 Buying a House

Chapter 54 Buying a House
When Jiang Bao traveled through time, his parents were fine in the real world, and he really didn't want to arrange such a bad fate for them.

However, in a hurry, he didn't have any good ideas.In addition, Ning Zhiheng's reason for urging marriage was very reasonable, and he used it inadvertently.

Don't tell me, this reason is really good, Ning Zhiheng was speechless on the spot.

According to the customs of the Xia Kingdom, if the children are engaged but not yet married, if they catch up with the funeral of their parents, they should get married within a hundred days of the funeral.Those who are still unmarried after a hundred days have to wait until three years later.

This custom may have existed since the Ming and Qing dynasties, and Jiang Bao has read it in some scriptures.Until the 21st century, in many places in Sulu, Henan and Anhui, people still followed it.

The Ning family's poetry and rites are heirlooms, and they pay more attention to these customs.Hearing what Jiang Bao said, Ning Zhiheng repeatedly patted his thighs: "It's a pity that we have a good marriage!"

Seeing the other party let go, Jiang Bao immediately stood up: "Brother Ning, take your time, I have something else to do, let's go first!"

"Brother-in-law!" Ning Zhiheng hurriedly stood up to stop him.

However, this time Jiang Bao was prepared, Ning Zhiheng could not stop him, he just watched Jiang Bao run down the stairs.

After leaving the Chaoshan Restaurant, Jiang Bao heaved a sigh of relief: "It can be regarded as getting rid of it!"

He felt a little funny again: "Miss Ning, why did you go so early?"

When he was in the restaurant just now, he didn't eat a single bite of that delicious dish.When he returned to the patrol room, he ate three bowls in a row just in time for the cafeteria to open.

In the afternoon, he was going to the playground to practice, when Ah Xing brought Ah Gu to his dormitory.

"Lord Bao, I have found a suitable house, you must like it?" Ah Gu smiled.

"Really?" Jiang Bao had never seen Ah Gu so confident, and his interest greatly increased, "Where is the house, show me!"

"In Jiguan Mountain!" A Gu said, "The house is a little far away, but the scenery is good, and there is a tram nearby!"

"I don't care if there are trams or not. As long as the house is really good, I will buy it, and then I will buy a car. It will be more convenient to commute to and from get off work!"

Jiang Bao now has a total of 21 yuan including cash and gold bars. If the house can be won for 15 yuan, he will have [-] yuan left, so he can consider buying a car.

In this era, the few cars running on the streets of Xiangjiang are actually models that are popular in various countries around the world.

As far as Jiang Bao knows, the most expensive car during this period is the Stee Punk, which is the one driven by Fang Yanyun, and it can be bought for about 30 yuan.

Fang Yanyun has plenty of money, as long as the model is beautiful, he doesn't care about the price.Many bosses who drive big companies take this kind of car.

In addition, models such as Citroen, Chevrolet, and Oldsmobile are between 20 and [-]. The bosses of smaller companies, or the executives of Ocean Bank, basically use these cars for transportation.

Even the Xiangjiang Police Department has equipped the directors and detectives below with the above three cars.

Zheng Guibao owns a Chevrolet. He loves it like an eyeball. He is afraid that it will be damaged if someone touches it, let alone sit in it.

Ordinarily, after Jiang Bao bought the house, the money left in his hands was not enough to buy any of the above-mentioned cars.

However, he still holds the black material of Wanshun Foreign Company in his hand!

He just needs to tear off one of the pages, send it to Fang Yanyun, and give her an address, and she will obediently ask someone to send money to that address.In this way, the money to buy a car is not enough!

Moreover, Jiang Bao had also thought about it, he would not drive the car to the door of the patrol house, that would be too quick to remind people of the theft of the Ning family's gold bars.

Which bank will he stop at? There are many cars there, and most people don't care at all.

Or, he trains Ah Gu to be a driver, taking him to and from get off work every day, as long as he doesn't wait for him in front of the patrol room.

Hearing that Jiang Bao wanted to buy a car, Ah Xing and Ah Gu were both surprised and delighted: "Master Bao, you can still drive!"

"Of course!" Jiang Bao had several years of driving experience before crossing.

Although the steering wheel of the car he drove in his previous life was always on the left, and he still drove on the right, which is contrary to Xiangjiang's current vehicle and driving rules, but so what, the more you practice, the better you will be.

Anyway, no one checks his driver's license here!

While speaking, the three of them had already left the patrol room.

"Ah Xing, did you come out of the household registration office and say hello to someone?"

"Hit it! My colleague heard that he was doing something for you, so he immediately took over the work I was doing!" Ah Xing said with a smile.

Jiang Bao has solved a major case before he even joined the job. Everyone knows that he has a bright future, so who wouldn't rush to curry favor with him?
"Agu, how much is the house price?"

"He asked for 16 at the beginning, but I told him it was 14! Later, if you don't like it, we will leave!"

"You didn't pay the deposit?"

"I paid two thousand."

"Where did you get the money?"

"A Xing paid for the house, didn't you give me two thousand more! I told him not to buy furniture, I'll use it to pay the deposit!"

The fat man was so kind that Jiang Bao didn't know what to say.

"Okay!" Jiang Bao laughed, "You pay the deposit for the furniture I bought for you, and I'll go to the bank to get it for you!"

Jiang Bao asked the two to wait in front of Citigroup Guifeng Bank, and he entered the basement accompanied by Manager Pan.

"I said last time that I won't come to Citigroup to make deposits in the future."

With this in mind, he simply took all the cash and gold bars.

After leaving the bank, the three of them got on the tram, took more than 20 stops, and finally arrived at the foot of Jiguan Mountain.

Although the name of Jiguan Mountain has the word mountain, it is not actually a mountain, but its altitude is slightly higher than that of the urban area.

At its highest point, there is a Golden Rooster Temple.

Around the Jinji Temple, there are many villas built by dignitaries in the former Qing Dynasty.

A few years ago, a Master Lin said that Taipingshan had good Fengshui, and many newly rich people went to Taipingshan to build villas, so this place was somewhat neglected.

Jiang Bao guessed that the owner of the house that Ah Gu found for him might not want to live here because of Feng Shui problems.

"It's best if he wants to move away, I can find a leak!" Jiang Bao has never believed in Feng Shui.

Walking not far from the tram platform, I went up a gentle slope, where there were several independent western-style houses.

"Lord Bao, that's the one with the stone lions at the door!" A Gu said, pointing to a black door.

The three came to the door, A Gu knocked on the door, and an old man came out to open the door.

"Little fat man, have you brought the buyer?" The old man smiled, showing his few teeth.

"This is our Lord Bao, and he is the buyer!" A Gu introduced, pointing to Jiang Bao.

The old man saw that Jiang Bao was only in his twenties, but he was called "Master", obviously because of the effect of the black skin on his body.

His first impression was that Jiang Bao was a dog who relied on his power to bully men and women.

The old man said in his heart: "You are young, if it wasn't for stealing and plundering, where would you get the money to buy my house?"

Even though he knew that Jiang Bao was not a good person, the old man didn't dare to say anything.He was a janitor after all, and as long as the house was sold, everything would be fine.

 Look at your sweatshirt and slippers, it’s really very individual, if you vote for me, or give me a reward of one or two yuan, I can help you match it, there is still a future!

(End of this chapter)

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