Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 56 The Challenge of the Ax Gang

Chapter 56 The Challenge of the Ax Gang

Li Zhao's words made Jiang Bao dubious: "Boss Li's son was kidnapped, why didn't our patrol room know?"

"Don't call me Boss Li, brother, you can call me old brother from now on!" Li Zhao said, sighing, "The kidnapper cut off one of my son's fingers, and warned me not to look for the police station, to keep quiet, How dare I report the crime?"

"You have been in business for many years, and you should have a lot of friends. If you can borrow a little from someone, can't you make up fifty gold bars?" Jiang Bao couldn't believe it.

"Brother, you don't know, the one who kidnapped my son is the Black Dragon Society from Japan. My son was kidnapped by them because I offended the Black Dragon Society before. They have already threatened that whoever helps me is the enemy of the Black Dragon Society." In the past two years, the Black Dragon Society has shaken Southeast Asia, and the businessmen in Xiangjiang, who dares to mess with them?"

Jiang Bao was furious: "Damn it, the black dragon is so arrogant!"

Jiang Bao, who has received patriotic education for many years, is well aware of the viciousness and inhumanity of Dongying people.In his view, the enemy of the Dongying people is his friend, and Li Zhao is still his compatriot.

He felt that he had an obligation to support Li Zhao.

With that said, Jiang Bao pushed all the banknotes in front of Li Zhao's face: "Brother, the money is all yours! Is it enough? If not, I'll help you find a way!"

He said to think of a way, but in fact he used the black material of Wanshun foreign company to scare Fang Yanyun.

His entire net worth was only 13 in cash and eight gold bars, equivalent to a total of 21 yuan, which he actually gave to Li Zhao.

Even if he bought Li Zhao's house for 21 yuan, he would not lose money.

He was not worried that Li Zhao would lie to him.

Although he is only a small patrol now, he is already a first-rate martial artist from outside and a third-rate from inside.If Li Zhao really lied to him, he has plenty of ways to retaliate.

"I can't use it, I can't use it!" Li Zhaolian said, "I was short of [-] gold bars, but my wife is selling jewelry, and she can sell about [-] to [-], which can be exchanged for five or six gold bars. This house has been lowered to more than [-] yuan, so I just want to sell it as soon as possible!"

"Okay, I'll take out 20, and you can take the remaining [-] first, so that the old sister-in-law will stop selling her jewelry. Since the Black Dragon Society has already let go, I guess her jewelry will be difficult to sell. You Don't refuse, save your young master as soon as possible!"

"Brother, if the black dragon finds out that you helped me, aren't you afraid that they will retaliate against you?"

Jiang Bao sneered: "I'm single, and the Black Dragon Society can't deal with my family at all. If they want to deal with me, that would be even better!"

Having said that, he slapped hard, and with a "snap", the coffee table in front of him was shaken and one leg was broken, and half of the coffee table collapsed immediately.

Jiang Bao was quick, and pushed all the banknotes and gold bars to Li Zhao before they hit the ground, and he only put a stack of banknotes in his pocket: "Come on, let's go through the formalities!"

Li Zhao was taken aback: "Young hero! I thought he was the second generation ancestor of some rich man!"

Thinking of this, he was even more grateful: "Okay, take my car!"

Ah Xing and Ah Gu were very excited when they saw Jiang Bao's casual display of strength.

However, when they were excited, they all clicked their tongues and said, "It's a pity that there is a huanghuali coffee table!"

Li Zhao's car was a [-]% new Oldsmobile. Everyone got into his car and went all the way to the district office to exchange for a deed with Jiang Bao and his identity information on it.

Coming out of the district office, Li Zhao bowed his hands to Jiang Bao: "Brother, our Li family owes you a debt, I will always remember it!"

"Hurry up and save your young master!" Jiang Bao waved his hand and watched Li Zhao's car go away.

"Lord Leopard, you have such a big heart!" Ah Xing said.

Jiang Bao said with a smile: "Isn't it just an extra tens of thousands of dollars! As long as the house is worth buying, I don't care about spending a little more. Well, Ah Gu will go back to my house now and help me clean it up. See if there is anything missing, buy it for me! From now on, you will live in my house, and I will take you to make a fortune together!"

As he spoke, he took out the only [-] yuan from his pocket and handed it to A Gu.

He explained again: "Don't forget to add something to Ah Xing's house!"

"Don't rush to add it to me!" A Xing said hurriedly, "Master Bao, I also want to live in your house for a while!"

"Yes! But, if you get married in the future, you can no longer live in my house!" Speaking of this, Jiang Bao thought of the dumb girl Afang again.

He often went to the street during this time, why didn't he see Ah Fang who was pushing a cart selling ice cream?Although the plot has changed, the person who should appear should still appear!
Ah Xing waved his hands again and again: "Married? What are you busy with? I'm only a third-level police officer now, and I still want to get promoted and make a fortune in the police room!"

"Okay, if you have ambition, then I will train you well!" Jiang Bao said, and pushed A Gu onto the bus bound for Jiguan Mountain. He and A Xing were going back to the patrol room.

When getting off work at night, Niu Qianjin suddenly came to Jiang Bao's office, holding an envelope in his hand, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Brother Niu, what's the matter with you? Has something serious happened again?" Jiang Bao asked hastily.

About the kidnapping of Li Zhao's son, he was hesitating whether to tell Niu Qianjin, and even looking for an opportunity to add trouble to the Black Dragon Society.

But the old cow handed over the envelope in his hand: "Leopard, take a look, this is for you!"

Jiang Bao opened the envelope and took out a piece of letter paper, and saw that it read: "The ax gang Yan Tiexin challenged Jiang Bao. Fists and feet have no eyes. Life and death are fate. Before the battle, you must sign a life and death certificate. If Jiang Bao If you don't dare to fight, you will go to the headquarters of the Ax Gang and kneel for a long time!

Duel location: Queen's Dance Hall;

Duel time: [-] o'clock tomorrow night;
Invited members of the observation group: New Territories Police Commissioner, Head of the Ax Gang, President of the Black Dragon Association, General Manager of the East India Company in Hong Kong, etc. "

Seeing the last line, Jiang Bao smiled wryly and said, "Hey, is it true that the Axe Gang is here? I thought Brother Chen was talking big on purpose that night!"

Then he asked Niu Qianjin: "Is Director Ma really going to observe?"

Niu Qianjin nodded: "At the same time as you sent you the letter of challenge, the Ax Gang also sent invitation letters to Director Ma and others. The Director has called just now, and he said that as long as you dare to challenge, He went to the scene. He also asked about your situation!"

"Thank you Director for your concern! What does he ask?"

"The director asked me, what is your strength? Do you dare to fight?"

"How did you answer?"

"I said, Jiang Bao definitely accepts Yan Tiexin's challenge, but I'm not optimistic about your strength at all! Director Ma told me that if you feel difficult in the duel, I must throw out the white towel in time, If you lose, you lose, we admit it, face is not as important as your life! The director also said, you are a talent in our patrol room and the New Territories Police Station, you must cherish it!"

Regarding Jiang Bao's strength, Niu Qianjin was still stuck in his impression of the last time they competed.Therefore, he was afraid that Jiang Bao would die in the ring.

Jiang Bao smiled and said: "Brother Niu, please reply to Director Ma, I will definitely show my best form and not embarrass him! I will find a place to practice hard tonight!"

Niu Qianjin patted Jiang Bao on the shoulder: "It's already this time, what are you still practicing? Go home and sleep well, recharge your energy, and start fighting tomorrow night!"

 Brother, you have seen it too, just look at the two axes on the chest, it will scare you to death

(End of this chapter)

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