Chapter 72

Unknowingly, Ye Lanshan's hostility towards Jiang Bao decreased a lot.

Of course, Jiang Bao didn't think that Ye Lanshan was giving him a chance because of this.He knew that she still despised him.

"If you don't like it, you don't like it. I still need to work hard to improve. As long as my realm surpasses her and makes her look up to her, at that time, it is possible for her to chase after her!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bao cupped his fists and saluted: "Thank you, Ms. Ye, for your enlightenment and advice! This coffee is also finished, let's say goodbye here, and we will see each other if we are destined!"

"Wait a minute, I still have something to say!" Ye Lanshan stopped him again.

"what's up?"

"I would like to ask you to help me find someone! You are a local policeman and are very familiar with Xiangjiang, so you should be able to help me!" Ye Lanshan said, and asked the waiter to bring two cups of coffee, "Today I invite you !"

"Who do you want?" Jiang Bao asked.

"He is a peerless master. I don't know if you have heard of it. He used to have the title, the ultimate murderer-Huoyun Cthulhu!" Ye Lanshan was afraid that Jiang Bao had never heard of it, so she deliberately pronounced the last four words a little bit. ring.

In fact, when Ye Lanshan said the words "ultimate murderer", Jiang Bao opened his mouth wide in surprise.In order to cover up, he immediately picked up the coffee cup and poured it into his mouth.

"I'll be good, it's so hot!" Jiang Bao spit out the coffee in his mouth hastily.

"What's the matter with you? You're so old, you can't even drink coffee? Can't you use a spoon?" Ye Lanshan only cared about criticizing Jiang Bao's recklessness in drinking coffee, but didn't pay attention to his surprised expression just now.

"I'm sorry, I was so focused on listening to you that I forgot that this was just coffee!" Jiang Bao picked up the handkerchief on the table and wiped his mouth.

This handkerchief is not his, but Ye Lanshan's. Although there are no flowers embroidered on it, Jiang Bao wants to keep it for himself out of love for the house and the crow.

So, as soon as he wiped his mouth, he immediately put it in his pocket.

"You..." Ye Lanshan only said one word, and didn't want to say any more.

For a young woman her handkerchief was not an ordinary personal property, and there was something of that in it.

However, her handkerchief was only used by herself and put on the table, Jiang Bao took it for himself.

"Forget it, I will never want what this stinky man used again!"

"Miss Ye, are you sure that the evil fire cloud god is in Xiangjiang?" At this time, Jiang Bao had already concealed his surprise.

"I'm not sure, I just heard that he killed people here a few years ago, and this was the last stop of his poisonous world, and then disappeared. So, I found this place!"

"Okay then! Leave this matter to me, and I will try my best to help you find out!" Jiang Bao said, "However, I think it is unlikely that this person is in Xiangjiang!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Think about it! Xiangjiang is such a big place, and anyone who lacks a dog will be known throughout the city. If there is really an ultimate murderer hiding here, no matter how good his disguise is, he won't be able to hide for long. !"

Ye Lanshan thought for a while: "What you said makes sense! I'd better look elsewhere!"

Jiang Bao also made an air of loyalty: "You can go to other places, take a look, and ask! My side will launch all the closely related patrols to help you find out. By the way, if there is news, how can I inform you?"

Ye Lanshan thought for a while: "You don't need to notify me, I will return to Xiangjiang every few days. At that time, I will come to the patrol room to look for you!"

Jiang Bao knew that Ye Lanshan hadn't told him her address, so he still couldn't trust him.

He understands this very well.How could a female thief trust others casually?

Thinking of this, he waved his hands again and again: "Don't come to the police station to look for me. If you do such a big case, if you are recognized in the police station, I will not be able to get rid of it. How about it, next time you come to Xiangjiang, go directly to Jiguan Mountain No. [-] Hongyun Road, I will live there now!"

Ye Lanshan couldn't help covering her small mouth, and smiled happily: "That night, I wore a veil and night clothes, so no one would recognize me at all!"

"However, you spoke at that time. Your voice is so clear and beautiful. If you meet someone with better ears, you will know that you took the gold bar that night!"

"Okay, I'll go to your house!" Ye Lanshan wrote down the address, "I'll go to Qiongzhou tomorrow, and when I come back in a few days, I'll go find you!"

Speaking of which, Ye Lanshan opened her small bag, took out two gold bars, and put them on the coffee table.

"I can't order people around for nothing. You can exchange these two small yellow croakers for money. Give it to your brother as an errand fee!"

Jiang Bao was taken aback again, and immediately covered the gold bars with his palms, and said with concern: "You, what are you doing with so many gold bars around? Aren't you afraid of being suspected?"

Ye Lanshan smiled and said in a low voice: "I snatched so many gold bars, if I don't bring them with me, when will I spend them all? Besides, I'm so beautiful and weak, who would doubt me?"

Jiang Bao asked, "I'm just wondering, you just need some money to spend, why did you rob one family and then another?"

"You're so strict!" Ye Lanshan immediately blocked his words.

Jiang Bao asked again: "May I ask, is your relationship with Huoyun evil god?"

"You don't need to know!" Ye Lanshan put down half a cup of coffee in her hand and stood up, "Take other people's money and do things for them, I hope you can live up to my trust!"

"Okay, I will definitely not disappoint Miss Ye's trust!" Jiang Bao said, and quickly put the gold bars on the table into his pocket.

Since the last time he bought Li Zhao's house, Jiang Bao only had 1 yuan left in his hands.He gave part of the money to Ah Gu to maintain his family's life, and kept the other part for his own pocket money.

It's only been a few days, and his pocket money has bottomed out.

He originally thought that his hands and feet would be tighter these days, and he would stick to it until the salary was paid.Unexpectedly, the female thief Ye took the initiative to send two gold bars.

"She has a lot of gold bars. If I don't help her, I'm really sorry for her career!"

Jiang Bao watched Ye Lanshan leave, picked up her remaining half cup of coffee, and drank it too.

He had just put down his coffee cup when he saw a waiter looking at him with disdain.

"Dog, what are you looking at?" Jiang Bao scolded.

"Master, I didn't see anything, I just saw you drinking someone else's leftover coffee!"

The waiter usually couldn't afford to mess with these black-skinned people, but seeing Jiang Bao's "nasty" behavior today, he became more courageous and dared to talk back to him.

"Nonsense, how could I drink someone else's leftover coffee? It's not like I can't pay the bill!" Jiang Bao's face was already a little uneasy.

"Master, I didn't say you couldn't pay the bill. I just think that if you can't catch up with someone, you just drank the leftover coffee. What does this belong to? Kissing Fangze indirectly!"

"Hahahaha!" Everyone in the cafe laughed.

Jiang Bao was said to be the center of the matter, and originally wanted to fix the waiter, but now he is not in the mood, so let's slip away!

 Charterer: It took so long to buy porridge?Charterer: Didn’t I buy it back? I sent Lu Hui a breakfast just now, and told him not to write me too lewdly!I promised him that if any reader votes or gives a reward in the future, I will give him a bowl of porridge!
(End of this chapter)

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