Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 76 Cooperate with me one?

Chapter 76 Cooperate With Me?
Ye Lanshan was really wronged by being called "Sister-in-law" for no reason.

Hearing what she said, Jiang Bao was overjoyed.Of course, his face was more grievous than Dou E: "My God, I didn't know you would come today? Besides, I don't have any photos or portraits of you. How could I teach them like this?"

Jiang Bao really never taught the people below to call it that way, but when everyone really called it that, he could only say "these people are sensible"!
Although Ye Lanshan was upset, she had nothing to do with Jiang Bao, she just said coldly: "Tell them, if you dare to bark again, be careful that I will cut their tongues off!"

Jiang Bao immediately stopped him and said, "My eldest lady, why are you so fierce? I still expect them to do things for you? If you always have this attitude, be careful that they don't work hard!"

"Then you change a group of people for me!"

When Ye Lanshan said this, she no longer had the confidence.She also knew that it was not easy for Jiang Bao to gather a group of people, and it was not easy to change.

Jiang Bao didn't answer, but changed the subject instead: "Stay for dinner tonight!"

"Who will eat with you bastards!" Ye Lanshan said, and walked towards the stairs.

"How did you get here?" Jiang Bao asked with concern, seeing that her feet were still wearing high heels.

"Take a rickshaw!" Ye Lanshan said, "I came back from Qiongzhou by boat, and when I got off the boat, I came to look for you!"

"Then I'll see you off with a bicycle!" Jiang Bao accompanied her downstairs.

He knew that the rickshaw could not have been waiting at the foot of the mountain.

After Li Zhao's family moved out, they left behind a lot of furniture, including a bicycle.

A Gu wanted to ride, but Jiang Bao disagreed, worried that he would overwhelm him.

And Jiang Bao and Ah Xing also walked to the tram stop when commuting to and from work.

I thought that this car would not be used together, but today it happens to be useful.

"No need to drop off, I'll walk to the tram stop!" Ye Lanshan said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Bao had already pushed the bicycle out.

Ye Lanshan turned her head and said, "Did you see that I am wearing high heels and it is difficult for me to walk? You forgot my profession!"

Jiang Baoxin said: "Your occupation is a female thief, I know it well!"

However, he brought up a reason that Ye Lanshan couldn't refuse: "Now, it's not dark yet, do you want to fly over the roof? Are you not afraid of scaring the neighbors nearby?"

"I don't have to fly over the walls, I can still walk on the gravel road as if walking on the ground!"

"Yeah! Other women will sprain their feet wearing high heels on such a road, but if you walk on the ground, they will still be jealous of you and treat you as a different kind!"

"A different kind is a different kind! Am I afraid of their comments?" Ye Lanshan said so, but still jumped onto the back seat of Jiang Bao's bicycle.

If it was another woman, Jiang Bao would definitely let her hug his waist for safety reasons.However, for Ye Lanshan, it was inappropriate for him to say this again.

"If you can get in my car today, you can get in my bed tomorrow!" Jiang Bao comforted himself, and then pedaled the car up and down the mountain.

"Jiang Bao, is that house yours?" Ye Lanshan asked suddenly.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"You, a poor boy from other places, where did you get the money to buy this bungalow?" Ye Lanshan sneered, "So, I guess there are two ways for you to get the money, one is to make noodles , one is from patrolling corruption!"

Jiang Bao thought: "This woman is preconceived, it seems that she has remembered my face!"

But he was not reconciled to this result all the time.

So, he slowed down his cycling speed, and said slowly: "Miss Ye, let me do the math for you! I bought this house for 20 yuan. And since I came to Xiangjiang, I have been doing haircuts. If I Just by working as a barber, I can earn dozens of dollars a day at most, and I have to pay the rent and be responsible for my own food and clothing, and I can save up to a few thousand dollars a year, which is not enough to buy this house by the age of 50!"

"That's why I guessed that you got the money from being a noodle boss or a corrupt official!" Ye Lanshan thought she had a plan.

Jiang Bao continued to settle accounts: "Judging from the aesthetics of these noble ladies in Xiangjiang, they prefer those effeminate little white faces, and I am not their type. Only Fang Yanyun is an exception. Even if she is greedy for my body, do you think she Will you give me so much money?"

Ye Lanshan thought for a while: "That's the money you embezzled!"

"I'm just a small first-level policeman. Even our inspector and detective can't afford such a house. What chance do I have for getting so much money? Besides, I have only been a policeman for the past one or two months." thing!"

"Then where did you get the money?"

Jiang Bao thought for a while and asked back, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

"of course!"

"We are colleagues!" Jiang Bao finally made up his mind.

"Going together?" Ye Lanshan didn't understand Jiang Bao's meaning for a while.

"I don't even understand this, how stupid!" Jiang Bao joked, "Let me tell you a story! Fang Yanyun has a younger brother-in-law, Tian Wanqing, who only wants to get her ideas. One night, Fang Yanyun asked me to tell her I happened to meet Tian Wanqing for a haircut. Tian Wanqing wanted to bully his widowed wife, and I beat him up. Afterwards, Tian Wanqing actually wanted someone to take revenge on me, but I fought back. When he saw that I was going to kill him, he opened the safe at home. told me the code and key."

Then, he gave a general account of how he sneaked into the bungalow at No. 38 Nathan Road late at night.

"That's how I got the money to buy the house!"

In this story, Jiang Bao hides the premise that he wants Shang Yanyun's bed, and as for the secret of touching his head and reading his mind, he cannot mention it.

So, when Ye Lanshan heard it, she snorted: "Do you think I will believe you?"

"Believe it or not!" Jiang Bao didn't want to explain anymore.

"If what you said is true, do you have the guts to cooperate with me?"

"Cooperation?" Jiang Bao was taken aback, "How do you want to cooperate with me?"

He thought to himself: "I am a police officer, and you are a female thief. What can we do together?"

Ye Lanshan sat on the back seat of the bicycle, first looked around and saw no one was passing by, then whispered: "Let's clean Citi Guifeng, what do you think?"

The "cleaning" she said was definitely not cleaning.

Jiang Bao's heart was shocked: "You and I are just two people, what confidence do you have to dare to rob a multinational bank?"

"How? I said you don't have the guts!" Ye Lanshan sneered.

"Why don't I have the guts? If you dare, I will!" Jiang Bao said loudly, almost forgetting that they were discussing a monstrous case.

He had thought about it, if there was one thing that bound him and Ye Lanshan deeply, it would be great.That way, they're more likely to come together.

What's more, Citi Guifeng Bank's harm to Ms. Meng after 100 years is tantamount to harming all Xia people.

That being the case, he will now give this bank that is acting as a minion a hot blow, and it is best to let it go bankrupt.

"Okay, the platform is here, I'm getting off!" Ye Lanshan said, jumping off the back seat of the bicycle, "What I said just now needs a long-term plan, you must keep it a secret!"

 Don't move, stop, call someone!This is the final scene of the second head of the Ax Gang, brothers, don't worry, I will never cut it!
(End of this chapter)

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