Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 83 Promoted to Inspector

Chapter 83 Promoted to Inspector
On the way home, in Ma Rulong's Oldsmobile.

Ma Rulong said slowly: "Leopard, what you said just now will bring pressure to us Lord Overseer?"

Jiang Bao knowingly asked, "Director, which sentence?"

"Stinky boy, you still pretend to be stupid with me!" Ma Rulong couldn't help punching Jiang Bao, "That's the sentence, Xiangjiang is the Xiangjiang of my Xia people..."

"Isn't it?" Jiang Bao asked back.

"The words are correct, but you should know that Lord Overseer has just taken back Xiangjiang from the people of China. In order to prevent the people of China from making a comeback, we have been building good relations with businessmen from the East and the West. According to the dance, Xiangjiang is still an open Xiangjiang. Don’t let them feel that we are about to drive them away. In that case, Xiangjiang will be on fire again!” Ma Rulong explained earnestly.

Jiang Bao nodded again and again: "It's my words that went too far, and put pressure on the Director and Lord Overseer!"

Ma Rulong showed a smile again: "Actually, Lord Overseer appreciates a passionate young man like you. In the future, the security of Xiangjiang will still need you to maintain!"

In fact, Jiang Bao didn't like Ma Rulong's way of slapping a slap and then giving a sweet date. He just said flatly: "The humble job must go all out!"


At the same moment, in Fang Yanyun's Steepunk.

"Little Lu, I'll go to 'Mors' to announce your appointment when I get back!" Fang Yanyun said to Lu Guo.

"Thank you Madam for your cultivation!" Although Lu Guo knew this result before, he still showed enough respect.

"Don't call me madam, call me sister-in-law!" When Fang Yanyun said this, there was a hint of shyness on her face.

Lu Guo was stunned for a moment, he didn't know where he was talking about, but he became Fang Yanyun's brother-in-law.

Fang Yanyun explained with a smile: "I have long fallen in love with Jiang Bao..."

In just eight words, Lu Guo understood that this beautiful boss had already taken the initiative to regard herself as Jiang Bao's woman.

"Hi sister-in-law!" Lu Guo immediately shouted.

"Well, brother, your mouth is so sweet!" Fang Yanyun's pink face flushed again, but she wished that Lu Guo could scream more.

Then, he told Lu Guo: "You don't need to stare at 'Morse' every day. If you have time, go to your brother Bao's patrol room. Brothers, you can only get closer if you move around more!"

"Okay, sister-in-law, I will definitely go to Brother Bao's there often. If there is a chance, I would like to take him to our 'Morse' for coffee!"

"Little Lu knows my heart!" Fang Yanyun praised.


In Brother Chen's Chevrolet.

"Brother Chen, Jiang Bao has already become popular, let's not touch him anymore!" Master Tian Ji persuaded Brother Chen.

"However, when I saw the arrogant arrogance of this kid, I felt angry from the bottom of my heart. I really wanted to beat him up. In the end, I took off my clothes and spanked him!" Brother Chen said angrily.

"As you saw just now, his martial arts progressed so fast that even Toushan Kotaro was no match for him holding the famous Dongying knife. There is no one in our Ax Gang who can resist Jiang Bao for a round, unless we team up with others. You Look, how about joining forces with Dongying people?"

"Fart! Although my Ax Gang only does bad things and doesn't do good things, I will never collude with the Dongying people. If you mention this in the future, I will let you swallow the pipe!"

"Yes, yes, Brother Chen, I will never mention it again!"

"Give me a lot of money to contact the killer. I want the one who ranks high on the killer list. Remember, it's only this one time. If we don't succeed this time, we have to change our strategy and stop messing with him!"

"Brother Chen, I remember!"


Taiping Mountain, Li Ziyin.

This is the new villa of Li Zhao's family.The ancestors of the Li family have been in business for several generations, and they believe in Fengshui the most. As soon as they heard that Jiguanshan's Fengshui was not good, they immediately went to Taiping Mountain to build another villa, and named it "Li Ziyin".

After Li Jiacheng was kidnapped, Li Zhao also attributed his bad luck to the old house on Jiguan Mountain, and would rather sell that house for half the price.

"Jiacheng, go to the police station on Yixi Road tomorrow and invite your Uncle Jiang here!"

The Buick car of Li Zhao and his son had just entered the compound of "Li Ziyin", and he said to his son.

Li Jiacheng suggested: "Father, do you want to invite Uncle Leopard to come to your house for a small gathering? I think it is best to go to Kailihua by the sea. In addition to Chinese North and South dishes, there are also various Western, Indian and Siamese dishes. There is an old man's big ocean horse performing and dancing! Uncle Leopard is younger than me, he should like these more!"

"Niezi!" Li Zhaoqiang resisted the urge to slap his son, "I wanted to invite you Uncle Jiang to discuss important matters, but you wanted to enjoy it! If you didn't go to the bar to find a big horse that night, you wouldn't have been cut off. Down two fingers!"

The expectation on Li Jiacheng's face immediately collapsed: "Yes, yes, Dad, you taught me a lesson!"

"Go to your room, face the wall for me, no food is allowed tonight!"

In fact, Li Jiacheng's Xiangjiang branch of the Black Dragon Club has almost eaten.


Before Ma Rulong's Oldsmobile car returned to the New Territories Police Station, his assistant drove halfway to meet him on a three-wheeled motorcycle: "Director, the Chief Commissioner called just now. You are not here. I will replace you." Take it!"

Ma Rulong nodded: "What did the director-general say?"

The assistant relayed: "The Director-General said that since Jiang Bao defeated the Dongying people and won glory for the Governor's Mansion, he will immediately be promoted to a higher level!"

Ma Rulong said with a smile: "Okay then, let's go to the police station on Yixi Road now, and I will personally announce that Jiang Bao will be promoted to be the inspector!"

Jiang Bao was originally a first-level patrol, the highest rank in the patrol.As long as he is promoted, he is at least a inspector.

With Ma Rulong's order, the Oldsmobile car immediately turned around and headed for the police station on Yixi Road.

At this time, it was already dark, and anyone in the patrol room who was not on night shift also went home.

As soon as Ma Rulong arrived, he immediately ordered all the staff to be summoned, and inspector Zheng Guibao and several inspectors who had already arrived home also called back.

"Director, why are you here? Please come to my office and have a cup of coffee!" Zheng Guibao is an old man in the police force, obviously not from Ma Rulong's department, and seeing his immediate superior is as affectionate as meeting his father.

"You won't go to your office!" Ma Rulong waved his hand, "I'm here this time to execute an order from the director general and to announce something!"

Hearing what he said, everyone in the police station on Yixi Road stood upright.

"Accepting the order of the General Police Department, because Jiang Bao defeated the Dongying samurai Toushan Kotaro and won glory for the Governor's Mansion, he was specially promoted to a level and appointed as the inspector of the Yixi Road Police Station!"

Hearing that Jiang Bao defeated Toushan Kotaro, everyone applauded.Of course, some people's applause here is not willing.

Jiang Bao stood beside Ma Rulong, the only one who did not applaud.

He was ashamed to put powder on his face, and, at this moment, he could look at the people around him to see if anyone's smile was fake.

After looking around, he felt that Zheng Guibao was the most suspected.

"Everyone is not in harmony, why do you pretend to be like this?"

Before the competition, he suspected that someone in the patrol room had disclosed his whereabouts and living habits to the Black Dragon Society. Now, the biggest suspect was Zheng Guibao.

 Brother, you have to work harder to be a human being, don't be like the author of this book, who has no self-motivation, just eats and waits to die!If you can't even eat, you will ask readers for a reward with a stern face!

(End of this chapter)

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