Sisters want me to submit

Chapter 16 Proper evil fate!

Chapter 16 Proper evil fate!

Accidents are bound to happen, but when it comes to surprises, what a surprise!
Glancing outside the door, Wang Mingxi found that Yin Xuan came alone, but she didn't bring her boyfriend today.

It's okay, so as not to be slapped in the face by him, Wang Mingxi has to feel that Yin Xuan's boyfriend is really lucky, and the other party can't touch any embarrassing things.

Seeing the people around him cast their curious eyes on him and Yin Xuan, Wang Mingxi's head turned rapidly, and in just a split second, he thought of a perfect way to resolve the embarrassment.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." Standing up with a smile, Wang Mingxi walked towards Yin Xuan, stretched out his right hand that had been wiped several times with a napkin just now under the table, "How are you doing recently?"

"Thanks to you, I'm doing well." Looking at Wang Mingxi in front of her, Yin Xuan said something indifferent, making people unable to understand the meaning of her words.

The two shook hands, and then took their seats.

During the chat, several other people sitting in the box deliberately held Wang Mingxi while talking, and Yin Xuan also noticed them all.

After taking a sip of the beer on the table, Yin Xuan raised her head when the atmosphere in the room cooled down a bit.

"Is that car outside yours?" Yin Xuan asked Wang Mingxi, looking at him meaningfully.

"How should I say it?" Shaking the wine glass in his hand, staring at the orange juice in the glass, Wang Mingxi said unhurriedly, "If it's mine, it's mine, if it's not mine, it's not mine. If you say that the car is mine, just treat it as mine, if you think the car is not mine, I have nothing to say. "

"It's the same as not saying it." Yin Xuan said directly without saving Wang Mingxi's face.

She is not the kind of woman who deliberately flatters the other party when she sees him driving a luxury car.

Wang Mingxi also knew this, so he didn't argue with her.

"You guys knew each other before?" It was obvious that the two of them were not getting along, and Li Li was trying to liven up the atmosphere.

"En." Wang Mingxi nodded. He and Yin Xuan not only knew each other, but also had a relationship with each other for four years. It can be said that they even knew each other's little habits by heart. "It's quite familiar."

"It's a bad relationship." Yin Xuan also added, and her words made everyone present even more curious.

"What kind of evil fate?" A woman next to her couldn't help it, and asked Wang Mingxi.

It's hard for Wang Mingxi to give an answer. He can't say that Yin Xuan is his ex-girlfriend in front of everyone, right?
Yin Xuan didn't answer, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment.

After a while, seeing that everyone was silent, Yin Xuan couldn't continue to be tense, so she could only open the chatterbox first.

"Look at you, did you find a job?" Yin Xuan's question was naturally addressed to Wang Mingxi.

In fact, Yin Xuan just asked casually to ease the atmosphere of the scene.

But from the very beginning to the present, Xue Fei had already discovered that the relationship between her and Wang Mingxi was somewhat unclear.

When it came to work, Xue Fei's confidence suddenly rose. Before Wang Mingxi could speak, she took the words directly.

"Mr. Wang is now a man of the hour in our company. Anyone who sees Mr. Wang should say hello?" At this point, Xue Fei stretched out her hands and put her arms around Wang Mingxi's arm, as if talking to Yin Xuan Showing off is the same as declaring her ownership of Wang Mingxi, "If there is any work arrangement, Mr. Wang only needs to say a word, and everyone has to go to work obediently."

"Tsk tsk, that's really good." Glancing at Wang Mingxi, the meaning in Yin Xuan's eyes was self-evident, she was clearly asking when his eyes became so bad, "Is this your new girlfriend?"

"No, no, no, we're just colleagues." Once again, Wang Mingxi broke free from Xue Fei without a trace. Wang Mingxi really doesn't like this unusually proactive woman. coming."

In fact, it's not that Wang Mingxi doesn't like women who take the initiative, after all, he is a man, and no man would hate a woman who takes the initiative, it's just that he has no feelings for Xue Fei.

Once again being broken free by Wang Mingxi, Xue Fei was going to die of anger.

The expression was still smiling, but the way she looked at Yin Xuan was indeed not as friendly as the previous two meetings.

After all, they are not very close, Yin Xuan was introduced to her by Li Li.

When we met before, I thought this woman had a good temperament, but after today's incident, Xue Fei's impression of Yin Xuan plummeted, and the previous good impression also disappeared.

"By the way, Xuanxuan, you said you broke up with your boyfriend. It's been more than half a year, and why haven't you found a partner?" Li Li cleverly changed the subject, of course, this cleverness was only her own opinion. of.

"Huh?" Wang Mingxi was stunned for a moment. He remembered that at the last class reunion, Yin Xuan brought a man and said that it was her new boyfriend. The other party also said that he would introduce him to a job, "What's going on?"

"Lizi, you have a big mouth." Yin Xuan held her forehead with a headache, Wang Mingxi is not a fool, Li Li's question is good, and she sold her directly, "Don't worry about my affairs."

"Hey, I don't care about you!" Li Li scratched her head, as if realizing that she had asked the wrong question, she clamored to punish herself, picked up the beer on the table and drank a big glass.

"Instead of caring about me, it's better to care about the person opposite." Yin Xuan cast her eyes on Wang Mingxi again, and said meaningfully, "If you go out to the party with the female colleagues of the company, you won't be afraid that a certain lady won't are you happy?"

Yin Xuan was hinting to Wang Mingxi to restrain himself and pay attention to his style of life.

Wang Mingxi wanted to say that he was already paying attention, but when he thought about it carefully, he didn't need to explain too much to Yin Xuan, so he simply put on an indifferent attitude and let her guess what she wanted.

"You are really interesting, why are you so lenient?" Xue Fei, who was sitting next to Wang Mingxi, was not happy, and this time she said it directly to Yin Xuan, "A certain lady is not happy, I think it's you Are you happy?"

"Me?" Startled by Xue Fei's words, Yin Xuan didn't answer for a while.

Ask yourself, she seems really a little unhappy.

But Yin Xuan would not admit it, and raised her finger to herself, but she forgot to put it down.

"I said, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Wang? Why do you judge Mr. Wang's affairs?" Bad people do good deeds, just like killing their parents. From the appearance of Yin Xuan to the present, every word has hinted at Wang Mingxi, causing her a lot of trouble. No matter how good-tempered Xue Fei is, she really can't sit still now, not to mention she has never been a good-tempered person.

"I have nothing to do with him, it's just an ex-boyfriend." Shrugging her shoulders, Yin Xuan didn't bother to hide it anymore, and simply revealed the shitty thing between her and Wang Mingxi.

This news was tantamount to a blockbuster. Everyone present in Lei's room stared blankly, speechless.

Good guy, these two people can meet here, it's just like what Yin Xuan said, it's a perfect relationship!

Wang Mingxi was thinking of saying something when the phone in his pocket rang.

I took it out and saw that it was Luo Xiaoya calling.

Clicking his tongue, motioning for everyone to be quiet, Wang Mingxi connected the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Luo Xiaoya's voice came from the opposite side.

After a brief chat, and knowing what Luo Xiaoya intended to call him, Wang Mingxi hung up the phone and put the phone back into his pocket.

"That's right, I'm sorry for your concern. I have my own discretion about which is more important." Standing up from the sofa, Wang Mingxi tidied up his clothes, "I'll take my leave first, everyone, drink slowly, there's something wrong at home. I will stay shortly, please send Miss Xue Fei to me, thank you here."

After saying this, Wang Mingxi turned around and left.

Originally, he came to accompany Xue Fei today just for the sake of his colleagues.

Meeting Yin Xuan here was already an accident.

Now that Luo Xiaoya called and asked him to pick it up, if Wang Mingxi didn't take this opportunity to sneak away, when would he wait?

(End of this chapter)

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