Sisters want me to submit

Chapter 203 Strength does not allow it!

Chapter 203 Strength does not allow it!

The car drove a few kilometers away from the abandoned factory, and Wang Mingxi and others got out of the car.

Bringing all the existing weapons and equipment in their hands, everyone decided to approach this abandoned factory on foot.

When he came to a hillside and looked down at the factory, Wang Mingxi took out the factory map that Braque had given him, compared it carefully, and after confirming that the buildings marked on the map were all right, he took the simple map Put it in your pocket.

"How to fight this battle?"

Although he is the captain of this mercenary team, Yi Xiu still consulted Wang Mingxi before taking action.

"Act in two teams. You take Claire, Willer and Aslanda, and Yoshihara Takumi and Lynn to attack the factory. Don't worry about the ammunition. You want to give them the illusion that I am in the team. And I was very eager to break through this abandoned factory and rescue Freya who was caught by them. The real situation is that I took other people around to the side of the factory, using flying claws and other tools to climb over the wall and search for the people who are going to be involved in our operation. rescue target."

It is already a very common method in modern army tactics to feign an attack while acting secretly.

If his strength allowed, Wang Mingxi would also like to be Captain Li, there is no such thing as a feint, the whole fucking main attack.

But the actual situation at the moment is that he has people he can use, let alone a reinforced regiment of nearly [-] people, not even a standard infantry squad of the Shenzhou Army.

So under such extremely limited conditions, Wang Mingxi could only divide people into two teams to act.

"Don't worry about ammunition?"

Blinking his eyes, after hearing Wang Mingxi's words, Machine Gunner Willer's face, which was a little rosy because of drinking alcohol, turned even redder at this moment.

"Hey, even if you don't need to worry about the ammunition, don't let go of the gun and shoot randomly at the sky. By the time the enemy is still alive, your bullets will be used up first."

Aslanda on the side reminded Willer that he was really afraid that this guy would forget everything when he got excited.

"Don't worry, as a machine gunner, it's my job to suppress the enemy with firepower and provide cover for teammates."

Lifting the flagon in his hand, Willer breathed out the alcohol and gave Aslanda a reassurance.

"Why did you ask Frederica to act with you?"

After understanding Wang Mingxi's arrangement, Claire asked a little dissatisfied.

"First, the two of us made an agreement before we set off that you must absolutely obey my orders. Second, do you think I and Chaban are enough? While sneaking into the factory to perform tasks, search for the The hostages were taken, and at the same time, Li Tong and Su Ya had to be protected, so it was only natural for me to let Frederica act together!"

Wang Mingxi was not polite, and directly responded to Claire.

"Acting with you, this kind of thing doesn't necessarily have to be done by Frederica, I can do it too."

Looking at the others again, Claire wanted to say that they were not bad either.

"Yixiu wants to stay and direct the attack. Weller is the machine gunner. Whether you can hold the enemy will depend on the fire support provided by Weller. As the medical soldier of your team, Aslanda will carry out missions with you all year round. , If someone on your side is injured, you have to count on him. Yoshihara Takumi and Lynn are snipers, helping you remove the other side's main firepower. Tell me, besides Frederica, I can control who you want to leave? "

Wang Mingxi was also angry. He knew that Claire was interested in Frederica and wanted to pursue her.

But this is not an excuse for Claire to question him repeatedly during the mission.

"By the way, as long as you bring this matter up to me, I won't be able to let you replace Frederica, so you don't need to say anything, just do your job well, or don't blame me for turning my back on you." recognize people."

Realizing that Claire wanted to say something, Wang Mingxi didn't give him a chance to speak, so he interrupted him directly.

At the beginning of the operation, just like Wang Mingxi's previous plan, Yixiu and others launched a fierce attack on the abandoned factory.

As soon as the two sides exchanged fire, two shells fell on the watchtower behind the factory gate.

Before the people standing on the watchtower could react, the shells fired by Yixiu were sent back to their hometown in the next second.

And those local people with long guns and extremely simple equipment wanted to rush out of the factory and shoot at Yixiu and the others at close range, but they were called out one by one by Yoshihara Takumi and Lynn.

All of a sudden, there was loud gunshots at the gate of the abandoned factory, causing the guys in the factory to rush there.


Seeing that the timing was almost up, Wang Mingxi and Chaban each threw a flying claw, and it landed on the outer wall of the factory without any mistakes.

Wang Mingxi and Chaban climbed up first, followed by Li Tong and Su Ya.

Su Ya is okay, after all, she also received some training in the police force, and climbing walls is not a problem, although the speed is not as fast as Wang Mingxi and Chaban, but fortunately, someone helped her from above.

Li Tong was struggling a bit, and when she climbed to the top of the wall, Frederica, who was in charge of security below, rushed up.

Wang Mingxi pulled Li Tong and Frederica up one by one.

A group of five people jumped off the wall with flying claws again. After putting away the flying claws, everyone quickly searched for Luo Yafu's location in the abandoned factory.

"It's not easy to find someone in such a big factory."

Looking at the huge factory in front of her, Su Ya frowned with some headaches.

"It's easy to handle."

Telling everyone to hide, Wang Mingxi carefully observed everyone who passed in front of them.

Back and forth, after those people walked a few times, Wang Mingxi finally discovered the pattern.

Taking out the simple map provided by Braque, Wang Mingxi studied it, and quickly locked on a place.

"Let's go to this place first."

Pointing to a place marked on the map, Wang Mingxi felt that Luo Yafu was probably locked up there.

With such a large factory, even if the Thai-Burman Tigers colluded with local forces, they would not be able to arrange manpower in every place. They must concentrate their manpower in useful places.

Now that the main entrance of the factory has been attacked, the vast majority of people should have rushed there.

Then the remaining people must concentrate on the places they think are more important.

With this in mind, Wang Mingxi led people to sneak into a building of the factory.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard footsteps coming from inside. Without thinking too much, Wang Mingxi raised the gun in his hand, and the moment the man walked out of the building, he smashed the butt of the gun on the man's head.

Seeing this, Chaban on the side quickly took out his dagger and went up to stab the man.

To get rid of this person, Wang Mingxi and his party of five did not dare to delay, and rushed into the building without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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