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Chapter 53 My house is still quite big!

Chapter 53 My house is still quite big!
Back in the city, Wang Mingxi's life returned to normal.

Because of the previous injury, Luo Xiyao insisted on letting him rest for a while, so Wang Mingxi stayed at home basically every day, and made up lessons for Luo Xiaoya and Hua Limo from time to time. What made him feel relieved was that the two girls The grades have improved significantly, and it is estimated that it will not be a problem to be in the top [-] of the whole grade in the final exam.

Seeing that the school will hold the final exam before the winter vacation in more than a month, but at this juncture, the number of times Hua Limo came to Wang Mingxi to make up lessons became less and less.

Either he was not feeling well, or something was going on at home. This change in attitude made Wang Mingxi somewhat uncomfortable. After all, this girl was very clingy to him before.

After thinking about it again and again, Wang Mingxi asked Hua Limo out.

After repeated inquiries, he finally learned the whole story from Hua Limo.

"You really are." Sighing, looking at the girl in front of him, Wang Mingxi didn't know what to say about her, "You are a student now, of course students should focus on their studies, let alone your grades are improving day by day, Now is the critical time, how can you get into trouble because of this kind of thing?"

The reason why Hua Limo didn't come to him to make up lessons was very simple. The reason was that her scumbag father came back again.

And Hua Limo's scumbag father came back this time with only one purpose, and that was to sell the house she was living in now.

Although during the divorce, Hua Limo's parents finally decided to leave the house to the girl after negotiation, but there is no doubt that the house was bought by her parents when they got married.

Now, there is nothing wrong with one of the parties wanting to get back their own part. Although it is unreasonable from a rational point of view, from a legal point of view, Wang Mingxi really can't fault Hua Limo, that scumbag father.

"Just study hard and leave this matter to me!" After thinking for a while, Wang Mingxi said to Hua Limo who was sitting opposite him.

"How can this be done? I have already caused so much trouble for my brother." Hearing Wang Mingxi's words, Hua Limo immediately stood up, "I can't let my brother worry about me anymore, I will definitely deal with this matter of."

"You are a high school student, how do you deal with this kind of thing?" Shaking his head, Wang Mingxi didn't think Hua Limo could handle this matter properly, "Come on, don't be polite to me."

Unauthorizedly making a decision on this matter, Wang Mingxi, who made the decision, asked Hua Limo to ask her scumbag father out for an appointment.

The three of them met in a teahouse. They were tall and thin, with prominent cheekbones. They didn't even bother to take care of their beards. They still had ragged beards, which gave people a very sloppy first impression. The middle-aged man, Wang Mingxi frowned.

How did such a guy have such a flowery daughter as Hua Limo? Could it be because of a genetic mutation?

In the bottom of his heart, he secretly slandered the man in front of him, if it wasn't for the fact that the guy Hua Limo called to make an appointment was indeed him, it would be really difficult for Wang Mingxi to associate the man in front of him with Hua Limo.

And when Hua Limo suddenly asked her out with a young man by her side, her scumbag father was also very puzzled.

Straight to the point, Wang Mingxi directly explained his reason for coming.

"I learned about this from Limo, so I want to talk to you." Instead of calling Hua Limo Xiaohua's classmate as usual, Wang Mingxi was too lazy to talk to her father, this man named Liu Fuquan. Nonsense, "Don't you think that Limo is still a high school student, and selling that house at this time is tantamount to making her lose her place to live. Isn't this a very excessive thing for her?"

It's ridiculous to say that Hua Limo's surname is Hua, but this man's surname is Liu.

After the two divorced, Hua Limo took her mother's surname.

No matter from a man's point of view or a father's point of view, Wang Mingxi felt that Liu Fuquan was not a success, and he could even be judged by failure.

"Who are you?" With a gloomy face, Liu Fuquan looked at Wang Mingxi.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what you plan to do." Looking at the man in front of him coldly, if this guy is not Hua Limo's father and has no blood relationship with her, Wang Mingxi will never be patient, Xiao He persuaded the other party with emotion and reason, "Regardless of whether your marriage with her mother is happy or not, Limo is innocent. You shouldn't drag a girl into adult disputes. Don't you even think about such things?" I don’t understand, do I still need to teach you?”

"Stop talking nonsense here, it's not up to you, an outsider, to point fingers at my family affairs!" Slapping the tea table in front of him, as if stimulated by Wang Mingxi's words, Liu Fuquan roared angrily, "I think It's up to me how to do it because it's my house."

"Okay, since you said that, then you can make a price." Seeing Liu Fuquan who didn't buy oil and salt, Wang Mingxi also became angry, "Go back and contact the owner of the other half of the house, and I will buy it together."

"You" looked at the young Wang Mingxi, Liu Fuquan really didn't expect the other party to be so confident that he would buy his house if he disagreed.

"Let me give you a suggestion, that is, don't ask for prices indiscriminately." Liu Fuquan's careful thinking was seen at a glance, and before he could open his mouth, Wang Mingxi interrupted him, "Just talking about the housing prices here, no one compares me It's clearer, after all, my family is engaged in real estate."

As soon as Wang Mingxi said this, no matter it was Hua Limo who was sitting next to him, or Liu Fuquan who was sitting opposite the two of them, they couldn't help but gasped.

Liu Fuquan didn't mention it, it was the first time for Hua Limo to hear Wang Mingxi talk about his family's situation.

No wonder Wang Mingxi gave her a different feeling from others. Even though his behavior was very down-to-earth, every time Wang Mingxi drove a car, the price was never less than a few million.

"This is what you said. Since it is selling a house, it must be sold at a higher price. They are all the same price. It is different who I sell it to. Why do I have to sell it to you?" Eyeballs rolled around , Liu Fuquan immediately made up his mind and deliberately told Wang Mingxi what he said.

"Well, if you want to sell it, sell it. I'm not going to buy it." Wang Mingxi is not an idiot either. Others said, "Limo, you can live in my house from now on. My house is quite big, and you can study with Xiao Ya. The relationship between you two is so good. Xiao Ya definitely welcomes you to live in."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mingxi pulled Hua Limo and was about to leave.

Watching the two people walk out of the gate of the teahouse and get into the luxury car parked under the teahouse, Liu Fuquan's expression was cloudy.

Licking his lips, Liu Fuquan thought that he had lived for more than 40 years anyway, so he couldn't believe that such a young man as Wang Mingxi could not be dealt with.

(End of this chapter)

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