Sisters want me to submit

Chapter 71 What bad thoughts can student Xiaohua have?

Chapter 71 What bad thoughts can student Xiaohua have?
The room was almost cleaned up, and the things that Liu Fuquan messed up were basically put back by Hua Limo.

After boiling a pot of boiling water and brewing two cups of strong tea, Hua Limo put one of the cups in front of Wang Mingxi.

It was dark outside the window, but inside the house was brightly lit.

After taking a sip of the tea that Hualimo brought to him, Wang Mingxi only felt a warmth in his stomach, and then he relaxed a lot.

"That." Hua Limo, who was sitting opposite Wang Mingxi, looked at him, hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter?" Putting down the teacup in his hand, Wang Mingxi had long since lost his sleepiness, "It doesn't look like you at all when you talk hesitantly. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

"Then I'll say it." Holding the handle of the teacup tightly, Hua Limo mustered up her courage and finally spoke, "I'm the one who caused trouble to my brother tonight."

"Look at what you said." Before Hua Limo could finish speaking, Wang Mingxi interrupted her, "It's not the first time you have caused me trouble, and who told you to be my younger sister, brother to help my younger sister solve the trouble, this Isn't that what it should be!"

"No, that's not what I meant." Seeing that Wang Mingxi had misunderstood her, Hua Limo quickly waved her hands to explain, "I can't say that I didn't mean that, after all, I am very sorry for causing trouble to my brother, but when I am in danger, The first person I thought of was my brother, so in a hurry, I called you without even thinking about it."

When saying these words, Hua Limo seemed a little embarrassed.

Gently shaking the teacup in her hand, she kept her eyes fixed on the liquid in the cup, as if the ripples on the surface of the water were the same as her current heart.

"How should I say it?" When the matter came to an end, Hua Limo hesitated again, but this hesitation did not last too long, after all, it was already at the point where he had no choice but to act, "Through this incident, I also noticed that own mind."

Putting down the teacup in her hand, Hua Limo stood up from the sofa.

Coming to Wang Mingxi's side, she held up one of his hands, and Hua Limo put that hand on her heart.

"It turns out that I have always liked my brother." Biting her lips, she looked at Wang Mingxi shyly, as if she had exhausted all her strength to say these words, Hua Limo's knees softened, and she sat on Wang Mingxi's lap, " From the first moment I saw my brother, I fell in love with him, and now I can't live without you."

"Ah, here." There was a soft touch on the leg, and hearing the girl's affectionate confession, Wang Mingxi didn't know what to do.

Wang Mingxi was more or less aware of Hua Limo's thoughts, but he didn't expect the girl to dare to confess to him face to face.

I thought that by pretending to be stupid, time would dilute everything, and in the end it was as if nothing had happened.

Looking at it now, Wang Mingxi's idea was too naive.

"Where's brother?" Seeing that Wang Mingxi didn't answer for a long time, Hua Limo couldn't hold back, and couldn't help asking, "What does brother think of me?"

"Of course I regard you as my younger sister." Even through a layer of clothes, Wang Mingxi could clearly feel that Hua Limo's heart was beating very fast, as if her little heart might be beating at any time. Come out the same.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Hua Limo stomped her feet anxiously, how could she let go of such an opportunity, if she didn't seize this opportunity, then she really would have no chance, "I mean in the eyes of my brother Here, what am I like?"

"If I have to say, I think you are a very good girl." Hua Limo has many advantages, and Wang Mingxi can list a lot without even thinking about it, "You have a beautiful appearance, a good figure, and a gentle personality. , and her academic performance is not bad, as long as she works a little harder, she will definitely become the perfect object in the eyes of many opposite sexes."

"The opposite sex that brother mentioned, does that include yourself?" Blinking her eyes, Hua Limo looked at Wang Mingxi expectantly.

"Hmm..." If you don't make a sound, you are already a blockbuster. Hua Limo's series of offensives really caught Wang Mingxi by surprise, "Stop making trouble, if you are about the same age as me, I will definitely agree without hesitation, but it's a pity You are still too young in my eyes, just be my sister honestly."

Withdrawing the hand that was held by Hua Limo, Wang Mingxi politely rejected her.

Hua Limo was not reconciled, since Wang Mingxi withdrew her hand, she simply put her arms around his neck, and hung her whole body on him.

"I'm not young anymore." Angrily kissed Wang Mingxi's lips, because she had no experience in this field before, the girl's kiss seemed so unfamiliar, until she was a little out of breath, Hua Limo let go of the other party, "In a few days, I will be an adult, and I can take responsibility for what I say and what I do."

The girl's lips are soft and sweet.

Seeing Hua Limo's extremely serious expression, Wang Mingxi knew that she was definitely not joking with him.

What Hua Limo said was right, if she really counted, she is not too young.

Being an adult means being able to be responsible for oneself. No matter what decision Hua Limo makes, others must respect her choice.

And even though she is still a student, in terms of figure, Hua Limo, who has a safe childbirth figure, will never lose to many women in society.

Hurrying to look away from Hua Limo, Wang Mingxi pushed her lightly a few times, wanting her to get off his lap, but what disappointed him was that Hua Limo hugged her so tightly that she didn't give her a hug at all. Wang Mingxi's chance to escape.

"Okay." Not wanting to hurt the girl's heart, facing the stubborn Hua Limo, Wang Mingxi finally compromised, "If you can stick to this wish until you graduate from college, by that time, you won't find a more suitable partner , I have not married a wife, then I promise you."

"Really?" Although this was not the result she wanted, for Hua Limo, Wang Mingxi's answer was not the worst.

"En." Nodding his head, Wang Mingxi said solemnly, "Really."

"Hey hey" with a sweet smile, Hua Limo buried her face in Wang Mingxi's chest, "Then it's settled, brother is not allowed to sneak away first, he must wait for me to grow up, and when I graduate from university, brother will take me with me." Let me go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate."

Hua Limo's tone was very firm, because she believed that she could persevere in this relationship.

It's the first time I have someone I like, so what's the point of spending a few years for this relationship?
"Why do I feel that you are smiling so schemingly?" Wang Mingxi complained, and incidentally patted her on the butt.

Hearing the coquettish screams in his ears, Wang Mingxi could swear to God, if Hua Limo wasn't a student, he would definitely be unable to control himself now, and would eat up this girl on the spot.

"I don't have any bad intentions." Sticking out her tongue, Hua Limo finally confessed, "It's not all reasonable to use a little bit of tricks when facing the person you like!"

Closing her eyes and snuggling into Wang Mingxi's arms, Hua Limo didn't care how much pressure she would bring to him.

Or something happened, that's what Hua Limo wanted most.

Looking at Hua Limo, who is obviously not stupid, but always gets a little silly from time to time, Wang Mingxi really has nothing to do with her.

Leaning back on the sofa in her house, Wang Mingxi had no choice but to act like a baby to him along with Hua Limo.

(End of this chapter)

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