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Chapter 88 Either you die or I die!

Chapter 88 Either you die or I die!
After layers of investigation, coupled with the DNA samples provided by Wang Mingxi, the police quickly identified the suspect.

What surprised Wang Mingxi was that this criminal suspect had nothing to do with the deceased who committed suicide by jumping off a building.

From the perspective of identity information, the two are neither relatives nor friends.

Wang Mingxi really couldn't understand why this lame man wanted to kill the victim, and why the victim's ex-boyfriend, that is, the young man who committed suicide by jumping off a building, wanted to take the blame for this lame man.

The lame man, whose real name is Yao Guang, has no proper job, is in his 40s, and lives in a dilapidated tube building.

According to information, Yao Guang escaped home this morning and has not come out since then.

Standing downstairs in this cracked tube, looking at a certain window on the second floor, Wang Mingxi silently took out his own gun.

The police had sealed off the tube building long ago. As long as Yao Guang stayed in the building before they completed the blockade, he would be unable to escape.

"Action." With Luo Yuqing's order, more than a dozen police officers rushed into the corridor.

Everyone's goal was very clear, and everyone went straight to the door of Yao Guang's house.

When they came to his door, the police knocked on the door as usual, but there was no response from behind the door, as if there was no one inside.

Seeing that it was useless to call the door, we prepared to break the door forcibly.

"I'll do it." Wang Mingxi stepped back two steps after asking the other police officers to stand on the left and right sides of the door.

Immediately, with all the strength in his body, he flew forward and kicked on the opposite door.

As if he wanted to vent all the anger he received on Yao Guang last night, Wang Mingxi's kick was really hard enough.

The dilapidated wooden door of Yao Guang's house opened in response, and the lock on the door was kicked out.

Seeing that the door was successfully broken, the policemen waiting on both sides of the door rushed in, raising their guns and aiming at every corner of the room.

"Don't move!"

"Raise your hand!"

"Give up resistance!"

The scolding of the police immediately spread throughout the house, and even the other residents on the same floor heard it clearly. From time to time, someone pushed the door out, wanting to see what happened here.

Wang Mingxi followed Luo Yuqing into the room when the voices of the policemen in the room became quieter.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yao Guang standing in the kitchen directly opposite the door, as if preparing something, Wang Mingxi's pupils shrank involuntarily.

"It's him." There were still a few clear scratches on Yao Guang's face, and Wang Mingxi recognized it at a glance. This man was the lame murderer who fought with him last night.

"Do it!" The identity of the criminal has been determined, Luo Yuqing no longer hesitated, and gave an order to the police around him on the spot, "If he dares to resist, shoot him immediately."

Hearing Luo Yuqing's words, the two policemen at the front rushed forward immediately.

"Wait." Yao Guang, who was standing in the kitchen, yelled, and grabbed the kitchen knife on the chopping board, pointing the knife point at the two policemen who were about to rush up.

Seeing the kitchen knife in Yao Guang's hand, the two policemen stopped.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Luo Yuqing was furious. The criminal had no hostages, so she didn't need to have any scruples. "If he dares to resist, he will be shot dead on the spot!"

Luo Yuqing said this not only to the two policemen, but also to Yao Guang.

What she meant was very clear, that is, if you have anything to say, wait until you go to the interrogation room of the police station. I don't want to listen to a criminal here.

Seeing the policemen who couldn't shout, Yao Guang didn't hesitate, he threw the kitchen knife at the two policemen closest to him, dragging them to dodge, he turned his back and climbed onto the kitchen window sill, and jumped along the window. And down.

This series of actions was particularly skillful, and it happened only in the blink of an eye, and the policemen in the room were caught off guard by Yao Guang.

The few policemen at the front were subconsciously going to the window to see how Yao Guang was doing after jumping off.

As soon as several people approached the kitchen door, a violent explosion occurred in the house.

Unexpectedly, long before the crowd came to arrest him, Yao Guang had made all the preparations, and when the time came, he turned his back on everyone.

"Damn it!" In desperation, Wang Mingxi only had time to protect Yin Xuan, and threw her down under him, "Don't get up."

A heat wave blew past, and Wang Mingxi even felt something flying over his head with the heat wave.

There was a crackling noise, shards of the kitchen glass door, and a whole lot of mess all over the place.

The few policemen who didn't react were unlucky, they were hit by these things, and fell to the ground in the next second and moaned.

"Nianniang Gan." Wang Mingxi also had a few pieces of glass shards on his body, and he grinned in pain.

While getting up from the ground, he ran towards the kitchen window. During this period, Wang Mingxi reached out and pulled out the shards of glass on his shoulder. When he came to the window to look, he saw Yao Guang running limping into the distance.

Just under the kitchen window of Yao Guang's house, there is a shed pulled up with a rain cloth.

Yao Guang jumped down just now, and happened to land on the shed, which also reduced the impact for him a lot.

"You still want to run?" Wang Mingxi's eyes were red with anxiety, and he was attacked twice by this guy. The last time he planned to attack Yin Xuan, but this time he changed his target to Luo Yuqing. No matter how good-tempered he is, Yao Guang had to stay today, "Today either you die or I die."

It doesn't matter whether he catches the living or not, Wang Mingxi just wants Yao Guang to disappear from his life now.

Following Yao Guang's example, he jumped down from the second floor, and Wang Mingxi also landed on the shed that was propped up with rain cloth.

The quality of this shed is really good. It was pressed on by two people one after another, but it has not collapsed yet.

Taking advantage of the trend, Wang Mingxi rolled over from the shed, and chased after Yao Guang.

There was severe pain in the left arm, and the blood soaked through the gauze and flowed down the arm.

Wang Mingxi raised his gun, aimed at Yao Guang who was running in front of him, and fired three times in a row. Unfortunately, he was wounded and was still running, so all three shots went wrong.

After chasing for 500 meters, Wang Mingxi also slowed down his pace when Yao Guang stopped in front of him and hid behind a wall panting heavily.

After making sure that there were no other obstructions around the wall, Yao Guang would never escape from his hands, Wang Mingxi sneered, and aimed his gun at Yao Guang who was hiding behind the wall.

"Come out." As long as Yao Guang dared to show his face, Wang Mingxi would definitely shoot this guy's head off.

Judging from last night and today's scenes, it is impossible to catch people alive.

Moreover, Yao Guang is extremely cunning and cruel, as long as he is given a chance, this kind of person will seize the opportunity to escape.

The best way to deal with this kind of person is not to push him too much, but to kill him directly.

Looking around, here is a ruin, there is no one else around.

After making up his mind, Wang Mingxi's eyes flashed a ruthless look.

(End of this chapter)

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