Sisters want me to submit

Chapter 96 Miss 3, it's time for you to sleep in your room!

Chapter 96 Third Sister, You Should Go Back to Your Room and Sleep!
I had dinner with Luo Shihan in the hotel restaurant where the crew and actors stayed.

Although the director said that he was in charge of arranging rooms for Wang Mingxi, Luo Shihan still politely declined the other party's offer.

In the end, she opened a room for Wang Mingxi at her own expense, and when choosing a room, Luo Shihan booked Wang Mingxi's room next door to hers.

After eating and discussing tomorrow's work, everyone went back to their respective rooms. Before Wang Mingxi could rest in bed for a while, someone knocked on the door of his room.

"Who is it?" asked habitually, Wang Mingxi got up and walked towards the door.

"It's me." The knock on the door stopped abruptly, and Luo Shihan's voice came from outside the door.

Thinking about it, besides Luo Shihan, Wang Mingxi really couldn't think of anyone else who would come to him at such a time.

Opening the door, she saw Luo Shihan wearing a nightgown appearing at her door.

Frowning, Wang Mingxi turned sideways and let Luo Shihan walk into the room.

"Hey, I'm here to find you, why aren't you happy?" Luo Shihan asked as soon as she entered the door.

"It's nothing, of course I'm happy that you came to me." Having said that, Wang Mingxi pointed at Luo Shihan's clothes, "But the question is how did you come here dressed like this?"

"What's wrong?" Spreading her hands, Luo Shihan looked at the nightgown she was wearing, with a puzzled expression on her face, "Doesn't it look good when I'm dressed like this?"

"It's pretty, it's really pretty." What can Wang Mingxi say, as if he praised Luo Xiyao, Luo Shihan, as the third daughter of the Luo family sisters, can't be ugly if she puts on a cotton padded jacket, "It's because it's too It looks good, so there is a problem, if you come to me dressed like this, if someone sees it, let alone the paparazzi, even other crew members will inevitably spread gossip."

"Hey." Luo Shihan didn't care about Wang Mingxi's worries, "If you don't spread your love, so what if it spreads?"

"Your heart is too big." Seeing Luo Shihan sitting down on her bed, Wang Mingxi had no choice but to pull a chair casually, and leaned over to sit on the chair, "Aren't you afraid of affecting your reputation?"

"There's no other way. I'm a big sister. I broke the law when I came to my brother's room?" Luo Shihan said with a look of reason, and deliberately increased the volume when she said these words, just like the door of this room. , as if lying alone at the moment, "If you have to chew your tongue, let them pass it on. Anyway, my brother said that even if he doesn't want to be a star someday, he can support me."

"Oh, my good sister, I really can't do anything about you." At this moment, Wang Mingxi finally found out that in front of the Luo family sisters, he could only be taught a lesson.

Leaving aside the four elder sisters who are older than him, he was never given a chance to preach.

The only Luo Xiaoya who was younger than him, facing Wang Mingxi's lesson, there were seven who refused to accept it, eight who were not angry, and even a good-for-nothing old man.

Although in the recent period, he has not been as arrogant as before, and he has not called him a good-for-nothing old brother anymore, but this does not mean that Wang Mingxi has regained his dignity as an elder brother.

Luo Xiaoya should not neglect him, she still would not listen to Wang Mingxi.

Luo Shihan came to look for Wang Mingxi, in fact, she had nothing else to do, just chatting with him about the family while taking advantage of the rest of the night.

During the day, with so many people around, it was really hard for Luo Shihan to speak.

Hearing that she asked about other sisters, Wang Mingxi said that it was hard to explain.

"Xiaoya's academic performance has improved, but she is still in the stage of rebellion. She fights against me all day long, and what she says to me, she has one ear in and the other out." Then she talked about Luo Xiyao , Wang Mingxi sighed for a long time, "Second sister, she asked me to go to work in our company some time ago. During the time I was there, her work was much lighter. As soon as I left, she would follow me when she was fine. I complained, saying that there are more jobs in the company, and it’s annoying to be busy alone.”

"Where's your fourth sister?" Not forgetting Luo Yuqing, Luo Shihan asked about her recent situation.

"It's still the same, just like the second sister, a busy person." When it comes to Luo Yuqing, Wang Mingxi is obviously full of complaints, "Third sister, don't mention the fourth sister, since she coaxed and tricked me into it." Criminal police team, you, the fourth younger sister, have started to be lazy, and you have thrown all difficult cases to me. If I hadn’t been injured during the mission, I would still be squatting in the criminal police team, fighting wits and courage with the prisoners all day long!”

"Then I have to talk about the rain and sunshine. Even if those who can work harder, they can't exhaust our family Mingxi. If this makes the body collapse, what will we do in the future?" Speaking of this, Luo Shi Han thought of another person, "By the way, I heard that the elder sister went back some time ago?"

"Yes." Speaking of Luo Yafu, Wang Mingxi was deeply impressed by her going home that time, especially when she stepped on her foot in the hospital. It’s so domineering, and in the hospital, when you’re wearing a military uniform, you beat someone up until you can’t get up, and the people around you are dumbfounded, you’re like a real-life soldier king.”

"Haha, don't tell me, after you describe it, I have a picture in my mind." Luo Shihan laughed, Luo Yafu was among the five sisters, and she was notoriously violent.

It's usually fine, but it really pissed her off. This woman dared to hit someone recklessly.

When she went out to play when she was young, if Luo Yafu took the lead, Luo Yuqing would be her little follower.

Luo Xiyao was in charge of adding oil and vinegar, while Luo Shihan didn't care about anything, just stood aside and watched the show.

As for Wang Mingxi and Luo Xiaoya, what they did the most was to hide behind Luo Shihan, tremblingly watching Luo Yafu and Luo Yuqing show off their prestige.

It would be too much to describe it as ten miles and eight villages, but if the children of the surrounding families dare to make troubles and provoke them, which one will not be severely punished by Luo Yafu?

It's been a long time since I had such a happy chat with my family, and Luo Shihan didn't pay attention to the time, and it was past eleven o'clock in the evening.

After a day of filming, she was a little tired, and dozed off while leaning against Wang Mingxi's bed.

"Sister San, it's time for you to go back to your room and sleep." Staring at Luo Shihan whose head was sinking, Wang Mingxi reminded her, but did not wait for the other party's answer.

Taking a closer look, Luo Shihan had already fallen asleep.

Glancing at the door, he thought that if he carried her back to the room and was seen going out, the misunderstanding would be even bigger, Wang Mingxi immediately gave up this idea.

Helplessly supporting Luo Shihan, let her lie on the bed in an orderly manner, and Wang Mingxi covered her with the quilt again.

Looking at Luo Shihan lying on the bed breathing evenly, like a sleeping beauty, Wang Mingxi just wanted to say that she really didn't lose the nightgown she was wearing.

(End of this chapter)

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