Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 11 Speculation

Chapter 11 Speculation
While the leader of the guards was in a daze, Queen Zhang Yan, Eunuch Li, Wang Chengen and others walked past him one by one.

Zhang Yan and Eunuch Li completely ignored the leader of the guards who was already a little frightened, but Wang Chengen was different.

When our classmate Xiao Wang walked up to the leader of the guards, he first glanced at him with disdain, then reached into his arms, took out a sour plum, and threw the sour plum into his mouth under the watchful eyes of the leader of the guards.

Swish, swish, and ate the sour plum meat cleanly, and then only heard a puff!
Just like that, a sour plum was spit on the face of the head of the guards!
"Hmph! How dare you stop our lord, you are so courageous! Next time, I won't let you go so easily!"

After all, Wang Chengen held his head up like a big rooster after winning a cockfight, and walked past the head of the guards arrogantly!

After a while, the figures of Zhu Youjian and others disappeared in front of the guards, and immediately a guard stepped forward to help the leader of the guard who was stunned in place.

"Head, are you okay?"

A guard asked concerned.

The leader of the guards didn't reply, he stared blankly at the sour plum that he had just taken off his face for a while, and then suddenly jumped into a rage!
"Damn you! You fucking eunuch is so arrogant! If it weren't for King Xin to back you up, believe it or not, I would have made you lose both legs! I'll see you next time! I'll just..."

"Head! How about you?"

A guard thought he was very discerning and asked.

The originally furious expression of the head of the guards suddenly fell silent, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said, "My old man, then I should stay away and avoid contact with him! Hmph!"

The guards: "???"

Seeing the expressions of the brothers under him, the leader of the guards smiled helplessly. He also wanted to be tougher, but he couldn't be tougher. Then who is Wang Chengen following?Which is the king of faith!
Maybe he will become the emperor in a few days, the eunuch beside him, how can he be next to the level of Eunuch Wei? , what else can I do?
These bastards, can I call this cowardly?This is called from the heart!This is called a person who knows current affairs is a hero!

After entering the palace, Zhu Youjian was not taken to Qianqing Palace immediately, but was taken to her Kunning Palace by Queen Zhang Yan.

In Kunning Palace.

After rewarding Eunuch Li Hao who went to report the letter, Zhang Yan sent out all the servants, leaving only herself and Zhu Youjian in place.

Zhu Youjian knew that it was the queen who wanted to talk to him about something, and there was no other action, so he waited quietly.

Not long after, Zhang Yan breathed a sigh of relief after everyone else left, and she didn't care about maintaining the queen's posture. After sitting down on the stool and getting herself a full cup of tea, she waved to Zhu Youjian and said: "Xin Wang, don't stand still, find a place to sit by yourself."

Zhu Youjian took advantage of the situation and sat opposite her.

After the two of them finished their cup of tea, Zhang Yan slowly turned the teacup in her hand and said, "Prince Xin, you must know the purpose of calling you into the palace, sister-in-law, so I won't go around in circles with you. "

There are no outsiders here, so Zhang Yan did not continue to use the self-proclaimed Ben Gong, but changed to a more intimate self-proclaimed.

The same is true for Zhu Youjian.

"My brother already understands the general situation. What I want to ask my sister-in-law is, is there really no other way, brother?" Zhu Youjian asked after putting down his teacup.

Zhang Yan shook her head slowly, tears began to flash in her eyes: "It's useless, if there is still a way, I wouldn't be so anxious to call you into the palace. He is at the end of his rope, at most one to two days away. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Having said that, Zhang Yan began to cover her face and sob.

Zhu Youjian also sighed lightly, and then asked again: "Could it be this Zhang Tai doctor? After all, there is no precedent for Liu Wentai in the Chenghua and Hongzhi dynasties."

Zhang Yan shook her head with tears and said: "It's late, I felt something was wrong when His Majesty was seriously ill, and it took a lot of effort to finally let Doctor Zhang diagnose His Majesty, and the former doctor who treated His Majesty came here before Doctor Zhang He hanged himself that night, and the whole family hanged himself!"

"Hehe, this Wei Zhongxian is really a good trick! Woooooo..."

As Zhang Yan spoke, she couldn't help crying again.

However, Zhu Youjian frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said, "Wei Zhongxian shouldn't have done it."

"Who else can it be if it's not him? In this palace, he can cover the sky with one hand!" Zhang Yan raised her head in surprise when she heard this, but then said affirmatively.

Zhu Youjian continued to shake his head and analyzed: "Sister-in-law, Wei Zhongxian is not a fool to be able to get to his current position. Even though the power has fascinated him for a while, he is very clear that his power comes from where?
He is a eunuch, and all his rights come from the emperor's brother. Without the support of the emperor's brother, even though he is in the sky and powerful now, he is like a rootless duckweed, and he will be broken easily!

Therefore, I conclude that he will not do such self-defeating things, and if he really wants to harm the emperor, he will definitely not let the doctor Zhang you found to treat the emperor.

With his ability, I'm not surprised that you couldn't get close to Brother Huang until Brother Huang left. "

"But... who else but him?"

"Hehe, who is there? There are too many."

Zhu Youjian sneered at first, then said, "Sister-in-law Huang, do you remember Wu Zong?"

Zhang Yan was taken aback for a moment, then recalled and replied: "Was King Xin talking about Emperor Wuzong?"

Zhu Youjian nodded, and then said: "Sister-in-law, do you still remember why Wu Zong died?"

Zhang Yan asked suspiciously, "Didn't he die of illness because of falling into the water and contracting the wind and cold?"

Zhu Youjian nodded, and then said with emotion: "Yes, since Taizu and Chengzu, I am the only Emperor Wu who can carry a knife to the battlefield. It's really ridiculous that he caught wind and cold because of just falling into the water, and died of illness. !
I don't know if the place where it fell into the water is a thousand-year cold pool. Even Wu Zong and other people's bodies can't bear it, and they died when they fell into the water.

Even the emperor's brother is the same, I really don't know where there is such a powerful ten thousand year cold pool in our palace! "

Zhang Yan didn't react at first, she was wondering why Zhu Youjian suddenly mentioned Wu Zong, but if she couldn't understand after hearing this, she would be really stupid!
Yes!Wu Zong fell into the water and died, and his husband also fell into the water and fell ill!
This is too coincidental!
Although Tianqi doesn't like exercising on weekdays, he likes to do woodworking!And all of them are done by hand. Doing this kind of job usually puts your body to the test, so although Zhu Youxiao's body is not as strong as a cow, it will never become so sick after falling into the water!
This is too weird!
Zhang Yan's pupils gradually dilated, her jade hands lightly covered her cherry lips, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Xin Wang!" Are you saying that the people who harmed Wu Zong and His Majesty are the same group of people? Zhang Yan said in shock and fear.

A few black lines appeared on Zhu Youjian's forehead. Is this woman stupid?

How many years has it been since Wu Zong?How could it be the same group of people?

Zhu Youjian had no choice but to explain: "Sister-in-law Huang, they can be said to be the same group of people, but they are not the same group of people!"

Zhang Yan was confused, what does Xin Wang mean?What is the same batch and not the same batch? Is this the same batch?

Zhu Youjian continued to explain: "It is impossible to say that they are not the same group of people. Sister-in-law, think about it, how many years have passed since the Wu Zong Dynasty, how could it be the same group of people? Long, but now I'm afraid I can only lie on the bed and wait for someone to feed me.

But why do I say they are the same group of people?
Because, these people who are doing it now have a common name with the last batch of people who did it!

Civilian group! "

"Ah! How is it possible!"

As soon as Zhu Youjian's conclusion came out, Zhang Yan immediately exclaimed that it was impossible!

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(End of this chapter)

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