Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 113 Problems in the world?

Chapter 113 Problems in the world?
I just returned to the palace through the secret passage, and I haven't had time to drink.

When Zhu Youjian saw Wei Zhongxian, he ran over in a hurry and told Tian Ergeng that he had urgently requested to be summoned. It should be that there was news about the military ration case.

As soon as there was news about the military ration case, Zhu Youjian didn't care about his thirst, and immediately asked Wei Zhongxian to send Tian Ergeng to come.

In the bright warm pavilion, the tempting aroma of the food permeated the whole room, and Zhu Youjian ate the food calmly and gracefully.

After returning from the outside, it was already dark, and it was not until now that he finally had a stutter. Zhu Youjian was already hungry, so don’t look at the food that quickly disappeared on the table even though Zhu Youjian’s movements are elegant now It can be proved that his speed is not slow at all.

There was a knock on the door, and the eunuch's voice came in.

"Your Majesty, Commander Tian Ergengtian is asking to see you."


Zhu Youjian swallowed the food in his mouth, elegantly picked up the yellow handkerchief beside him and wiped his mouth, then said lightly.


The eunuch outside the door should be, and then Zhu Youjian heard the eunuch's announcement from outside the door.

"Your Majesty's word!"


"Commander of Jin Yiwei, Tian Ergeng comes in to see you!!!!"

The voice of the last word of the eunuch outside the door is very long, and there is also some special charm in it, obviously it is a specially trained singing and drinking voice.


The two doors were slowly opened, and Tian Ergeng in the flying fish suit walked in quickly with a respectful expression and a little joy.

He came to Zhu Youjian's dining table in three or four steps, then knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists and said, "Chen, Commander of Jin Yiwei, Tian Ergeng, see Your Majesty! Your Majesty, Sheng Gong?"


Zhu Youjian nodded calmly and talked.

Then he said again: "Get up and talk."

Tian Ergeng immediately thanked him: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Then he stood up, his body straightened, but his head was lowered, not daring to look directly at Shengyan.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Youjian asked aloud: "I heard from Wei Banban, is there any news about the military ration case?"

Tian Ergeng nodded and said: "Return to Your Majesty, it is true, I have found out the person behind the military ration case, and I have a windfall!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Youjian can clearly tell from Tian Ergeng's slightly raised tone that he is in a very good mood now, presumably this unexpected harvest should surprise him.

"Tell me!"

Zhu Youjian adjusted his sitting posture without moving his expression, trying to make himself more comfortable. He was actually a little sleepy after eating a full meal.

Tian Ergeng began to slowly tell what happened one by one.

From arresting Huang Dongsheng to learning about the existence of the Fan family from Huang Dongsheng's mouth, of course, the method of interrogating Huang Dongsheng was concealed by Tian Ergeng. His majesty's dragon ear.

When Tian Ergeng said that Jin Yiwei had caught Fan Sanba who wanted to escape, Zhu Youjian suddenly asked, "Wait! You mean, one person and one sword stopped the carriage that was rushing forward?"

Tian Ergeng was still wondering why His Majesty interrupted him suddenly. After hearing this, he nodded and admitted with a smile, "Return to Your Majesty! It is true that one person and one sword stopped the forward carriage!"

"Who is this person?"

Zhu Youjian became interested. Is there such an awesome person in Jinyiwei?Why don't you know?
This combat power is too strong. It is a carriage in the process of charging. I am afraid that it has less impact than a car driving at high speed in the previous life. Be awesome!

The corners of Tian Ergeng's mouth rose slightly.

Sure enough, His Majesty is interested!
This proves that my judgment is correct. Judging from His Majesty's actions since he took the throne, this Majesty is very likely to be an emperor who likes martial arts as much as Emperor Wuzong. How could he not be interested in meeting such a master?
Immediately without hiding anything, Tian Ergeng told the situation of Xie Xiaofeng's family, and the process of Xie Xiaofeng inheriting his brother's position and entering Jinyiwei.

"Xie Xiaofeng? Why do you always feel a little familiar? I seem to have heard this name somewhere?" After listening to it, Zhu Youjian couldn't help muttering to himself with some doubts. He always felt that this name seemed to have been heard somewhere, but together After a while, I couldn't remember it.

Tian Ergeng, with sharp ears, heard Zhu Youjian's murmur, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this Xie family has been a member of Jinyiwei since the time of Taizu, and its ancestor was originally from Yuanshi Shenjian Villa. The current owner of the villa, later when the great grandfather rebelled against the yuan, the owner directly gave up all his family property and joined the team of the great grandfather to fight against the yuan together.

During the period, he used to be the close bodyguard of the Taizu, and blocked many assassinations by masters from the Yuan court for the Taizu. It is an official to the post of deputy commander of my Jinyiwei.

It's just that the descendants didn't live up to it, and there were not a few powerful figures, and then they gradually declined. In Xie Xiaofeng's father's generation, there was only Xiaoqi's hereditary position left.

Your Majesty has heard of the Xie family, maybe he has heard about the deeds of the ancestor of the Xie family, so he has a little impression of the Xie family. "

To be honest, after inviting Xie Xiaofeng to join Jinyiwei, because he wanted to reuse him, Tian Ergeng deliberately checked out the eighteen generations of the Xie family's ancestors, and only then did he know that the Xie family still had such a glorious past. Even he was startled, but then a burst of ecstasy welled up in his heart.

The Xie family's stealing the sky and changing the day to seize the sword has not been practiced since the ancestors of the Xie family, which led to the gradual decline of the Xie family, but according to those who saw Xie Xiaofeng kill the barbarian, Xie Xiaofeng shouted It is clearly the sword grabbing style of stealing the sky and changing the sun, doesn't this mean that Xie Xiaofeng has already practiced the almost lost peerless sword move of the Xie family!

I have recruited such a person into the Jinyiwei, which has strengthened the strength of the Jinyiwei. If His Majesty knows it, he will be happy. As long as he can make His Majesty happy, his position will be secure!
After hearing Tian Ergeng's words, Zhu Youjian was taken aback for a moment, and then the already somewhat vague memories of his previous life began to gradually emerge in his mind.

Excalibur Villa!Thank you!
The Xie family's unique family tradition, stealing the sky for the day and stealing the sword style!The third young master of the Xie family, Xie Xiaofeng!
Isn't this the background of the protagonist Xie Xiaofeng in The Sword of the Third Young Master?

The only difference is that now there is no Excalibur Villa, Xie Xiaofeng is not the third young master, but the name of martial arts is exactly the same!

what is happening?
Isn't it a novel?

Is there really such a person as Xie Xiaofeng in history?

Where the hell is going wrong?

Is this world really the Ming Dynasty in the history of my world?

"Ding! The system found an unknown error! The system found an unknown error! The system found an unknown error!"

"The space-time coordinates are wrong! The space-time coordinates are wrong! The space-time coordinates are wrong!"

"Start the anomaly detection program now!"

"The program is starting...starting...starting is complete!"

"Scanning scope, current planet!"

"Check the time, the current timing method is one hour!"

"Exploration begins! Full scan is on!"

hum! ! ! ! !
ps. Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Ask for investment!Ask for a reward!Ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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