Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 121 Arrest

Chapter 121 Arrest ([-])

"Brother Wei, I heard that the Fan family's shop has been sealed up by Jin Yiwei. Even Fan Sanba, the third son of the Fan family who came to the capital, was caught by Jin Yiwei at the city gate two days ago. What we two did, Is it really okay?

Fan Sanba wouldn't confess us, would he? "

On the second floor of Cuiyun Building, in a secluded corner by the window, Zhang Tiancheng, head of the household department, said worriedly to his friend Zhou Wentao, head of the military department.

Zhou Wentao's complexion was also a little heavy, he didn't expect that those Jin Yiwei would find out about the Fan family so soon, and even arrested the three young masters of the Fan family!
This incident caught him off guard, who was unprepared.

But after thinking about it, Zhou Wentao still slowly shook his head and said: "Probably not. Although Fan Sanba was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, since he was sent by the Patriarch of the Fan family to preside over the affairs of the capital, he must know the seriousness. Going to the Fan family, even if it is death, I am afraid that he will not be able to make a young master like him who has been raised by his family and who is devoted to the family to succumb.

So we should not have to worry, besides, I heard Master Li said that Tian Ergeng had been dismissed by His Majesty this morning. It is said that it was because of the military ration case. He was dismissed.

But when you think about it, although there are not many important people involved in this military ration case, the extent of the involvement is shocking enough. It is conceivable that even the ruthless Tian Ergeng would not dare to act casually. up.

Presumably even if it is found out in the end, given the scope of this matter, there will be no major actions.

After all, His Majesty has just ascended the throne, and his foundation is still not stable. I guess at most, we can just grab a few people to support the facade and it will be over. What we need to pay attention to now is to hide ourselves well, so as not to be pushed out as a pawn to calm down the anger The abandoned son is! "

After hearing Zhou Wentao's deduction, Zhang Tiancheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Thinking about it, even they themselves, if they hadn't accidentally learned about it, wouldn't believe that it was just a trivial matter of greed for the military rations of Mo Jingying, and the Fan family actually used this matter to connect so many people together , now that there are so many people on this ship, even His Majesty would be afraid.

Now as long as I and others can do it, I can't do anything else.

After figuring this out, the huge boulder that Zhang Tiancheng had been pressing on his body disappeared in an instant, and he smiled without the sad look on his face just now, raised a glass of wine to Zhou Wentao who was opposite him, and respected him.

"Brother Wei said it was polite, it was the platform that made me fuss, come! Brother Wei, drink this cup to the brim, thank you brother for taking away the burden in my heart! Please!"

Zhou Wentao also smiled and raised his wine glass to greet him, and at the same time said: "What did Brother Platform say, it's only a matter of time before you figure this out with Brother Platform's knowledge and experience, I just took the first step, that's all. I can't deserve Brother Platform's thank you!"

"Come on! Brother Platform! The two of us should drink this cup to the full!"



The two wine glasses collided in mid-air, and a little amber liquid was spilled due to the collision. The two of them didn't care, they smiled at each other and each raised their heads to drink up the contents of the glasses, and then pointed at the bottom of the empty glasses to each other. Qihaha burst out laughing.

However, as the old saying goes, when there is great joy, there will be sorrow!
Just when the two were drinking to their heart's content, there was a sudden noise downstairs, followed by panicked screams from the guests in the restaurant.

The two people who were on the top of their heads looked at each other, frowned, and were about to get up and go to the stairs to see what happened below and why they were so noisy all of a sudden. The window saw a large number of knights riding horses, wearing red uniforms and black cloaks at the bottom of the restaurant. All of them surrounded the restaurant with weapons in their hands. They had a fierce look on their faces. It was obvious that the visitors were not good!
And at the same moment, a loud shout from downstairs made both of them stunned on the spot!
"I'm doing business in the West Factory! To arrest the criminals, the idlers wait to get out of the way quickly, or you will bear the consequences!"

West Factory? !
What did they hear?
Someone actually called himself Xichang!

To be able to become officials in Beijing, both of them passed the imperial examination. Naturally, they are familiar with various classics. They have also heard about Xichang, which only appeared a few times in this dynasty. After all, this institution is related to Dongchang and Jinyiwei generally targets their civil service secret service agencies, and they still know a thing or two about this agency that has been pressured by their civil service clique to disappear!
But what did they hear just now, Xichang?

Could it be that this long-disappeared institution has reappeared?

Who reorganized it?Why, as officials of the six ministries, did they not even get any news?
Moreover, looking at them like this, it seems that they are here for the two of them!

This Cuiyun Building is not a famous big restaurant. It is just because it is located in a remote place and it is convenient to talk, so the two of them often get together here. The head of the department is barely enough to get to the side. This is not aimed at them, who else can it be aimed at?
Before the two of them figured it out, they heard a burst of orderly and powerful footsteps coming from the direction of the corridor, and then one by one, they showed their heads from the corridor, and within a short time, four or five fans had already gone upstairs. .

As soon as these words came up, which pair of eyes scanned the entire second floor like a falcon, and after seeing the two people who were stunned in place, Zhang Tiancheng and Zhou Wentao could clearly feel these words. The child's eyes became hot in an instant, as if... as if the wolf saw the prey and was about to hunt!
Both of them shivered together and wanted to run when they came back to their senses.

However, looking around, they suddenly found that there was no place to run, and the only way out was behind those fans. The two of them did not believe that these fans would kindly let their two "prey" out of their sight Get out of here!

These fans seemed to see the embarrassment of the two of them from their actions, and immediately laughed ferociously. The leader of the group even smiled grimly and slowly pulled out the long knife at his waist, looking directly at the two of them. He greeted loudly: "Brothers! If you find the prisoner, be careful, don't let these two bounties get away!"

The other fans also giggled and pulled out their weapons, and all echoed: "Hey, Brother Liu, don't worry, this cooked duck can't fly, how could the brothers let the credit go away!
brothers!superior!Take down these two prisoners, let's go back to receive the reward! "

"Receive the reward!"

"Receive the reward!"

The other fans also laughed and echoed loudly, and then all the fans rushed forward under the desperate gazes of Zhou Wentao and Zhang Tiancheng, screaming excitedly at the two who looked like stripped lambs rushed up!

"Ahhh! Bold! Do you know who we are?! How dare you do this to us!"

"Hey, it doesn't matter who you are, now you are the money and credit you can move, be honest with me, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

The two still wanted to struggle, and wanted to show their identities to frighten these fans, but unfortunately, these fans didn't care about this, and rushed forward and tied the two of them together.

Immediately afterwards, like a village carrying a pig to be killed during the Chinese New Year, a group of two tied the two of them to the pole one after the other like carrying a pig and carried them out!

The fans didn't care about the faces of these two court officials, and humiliated them to the utmost!
ps. Hey hey!Ask for collection!Ask for investment!Ask for a monthly pass!Thank you for your votes and subscriptions. Let me report to you the current subscription ratio. With 750 collections and an average of 38 subscriptions per chapter, the subscription ratio is 1:[-].

Hehe, I don't know what level it is, but Piaoxue is still very happy. The subscription rate is higher than that of the previous book. We don't want to be better, as long as it is better every time, thank you everyone!

Many thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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