Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 129 Blocking, Hope

Chapter 129 Blocking, Hope

"Hmph! These untouchables who don't know what to do!

Isn't it the military salary of five taels a month?Everyone actually wants to participate in the recruiting of the new army, so our brothers have to stay around the Beijing camp all day and work hard to intercept them. I haven't gone to the Cuihong Building to look for Xiaohong for half a month, and I don't know where Xiaohong is now. What are you doing, do you miss me! "

In a dark alley near the Jingying garrison, a few roe-headed and rat-eyed people were hiding here secretly. A pair of small, sneaky eyes scanned the pedestrians coming and going here. Among them, the chin standing on the outermost side had a big knock. The man with the mole complained in dissatisfaction.

"Hey! Xiaohong will miss you? Don't dream! I reckon that if Zhang San is not here, Xiaohong will be so happy with so many benefactors. How can I miss you, an ugly monster!"

Another taller man on the side laughed and then lashed out.

Hearing this, Zhang San, who was called Zhang San, suddenly became unhappy: "Li Si! Do you want to fight, my Xiaohong is not such a person! He is so independent, he doesn't want my money, and makes money by himself, what's the matter?" wrong?!"

Li Si pursed his lips and said in disdain: "Hmph, they think you are ugly, even if you give money, they won't let you be her benefactor! You should be a little bit self-aware!"

"Ah! Li Si, you are looking for death!"

Zhang San's eyes turned red in an instant, and he waved his fist to greet Li Si's face!
"That's enough! Someone is here again! Work quickly! You have to wait until the shift changer arrives before calling, otherwise you will delay the affairs of the adults, and you can decide the consequences yourself!"

Just when the two were about to wrestle together, with a loud shout, the middle-aged man standing at the end of the crowd, the youngest with two mouse whiskers, suddenly shouted loudly to stop the upcoming fight between the two.

As soon as they heard the word "consequences", Zhang San and Li Si, who were about to wrestle together, shuddered immediately, glared at each other in displeasure, and then unanimously let go of the hands that grabbed each other's clothes and backed away After half a step, he turned his gaze to the outside of the alley.

Sure enough, when they shifted their sights to the outside of the alley, they immediately found a tall man with a yellow and thin face carefully looking around, while carefully shrinking his body to pass through this road to the Beijing camp ahead. Sneak past the recruiting site!
As soon as he saw this yellow and thin man, Zhang San's eyes widened in an instant, and he couldn't help cursing: "Why is this guy again, who wants to sign up to be Qiu Ba once or twice, and I have blocked him several times Come back, why don’t you have a long memory? Just cause trouble for me!”

When Li Si heard the words, he couldn't help but mocked again: "Huh! What else can you do? People are not afraid of your threats. With your appearance, who would be afraid of you? It's really embarrassing for your appearance to ask you to do this. !"

Zhang San's anger that had just subsided suddenly flared up again, he grabbed Li Si's collar and cursed: "Li Si, you still have the nerve to talk about me, you don't even look at your honor, How are you better than me?
Do you think you are handsome?You are also ugly, why are you so ugly and confident!I really can't figure it out! "

Li Si was naturally not reconciled to being scolded, so he immediately pulled Zhang San's hand holding his collar, and cursed back: "Zhang San! I know I don't look good, but I just believe what you will do to me ?

This is the appearance given by my father and mother, can you insult it with words?Believe it or not, I will give you some pain if you fight back today and get punished by adults! "

"Hey! I don't believe it? You have the ability!"

"Come on!"

come on! "


"come on!"

"you first!"

"come on!"




Just when the two were talking, but no one dared to make a move, the middle-aged rat-bearded man who had just yelled loudly again, scaring the two of them so that they stopped immediately.

Looking at these two people, the middle-aged man with the mouse whiskers stroked his forehead helplessly, secretly regretting why he chose these two people together when he was selecting candidates. This is completely incompatible!

They pinch and make trouble every day, but the damn thing is, none of these two dare to do anything!

If someone makes a move on them, I can severely punish them and make them be more honest, but these two people are just talking about joy, but in fact they are cowards who dare not do anything, really Make him feel helpless!
Usually it's fine, just let them make trouble, but now we have to complete the characters that the adults have given us, so we can't let them waste time like this.

"You two donkey shit bastards!

If the trouble continues, whoever will slip away, why don't you hurry up and work for me! "

Saying that, the middle-aged man with the mustache kicked out with both feet, and gave each of these two talkers a kick!
The two of them didn't dare to make a sound after being kicked, they muttered a few words in a low voice, and rushed out clutching their buttocks, rushing towards the yellow and emaciated man who was about to run out of their sight!

The sound of fast running startled the man. The man turned his head and recognized Zhang San, the guy who had caught him several times, at a glance. His expression changed immediately, and he didn't care about hiding anymore. He just let go of his feet and went straight to The Beijing camp station in front began to run.

Seeing that he was about to run away, Zhang San was in a hurry. The adults had said that no one should be allowed to sneak in under their noses to join the Beijing camp, otherwise they would have to look good!

Immediately, Zhang San couldn't care about anything else, and shouted: "Bastard! Stop for me!"

The man in front listened, instead of stopping, he accelerated his speed and rushed forward, seeing that he was about to reach the gate of the Beijing Camp after turning a corner.

At this time, a bright smile appeared on the man's face!

It's finally coming, as long as you can be selected, you will have five taels of military salary every month, even if the military salary is only half, it will be two and a half, and the most important thing is, as long as you enter, you will have ten taels of settling allowance. But the money bought with his life, presumably the emperor will not skimp on it.

With this money, Cuihua and Yaya Niang can live on!You don't have to follow yourself as a refugee anymore, you can't escape from Shaanxi to here, you can't escape anymore!

As long as they survive, it doesn't matter if they die on the battlefield.

I heard that the pension is a one-time military salary for five years. With this money, Cuihua and the others can buy a few acres of land, and they can survive no matter what!

Thinking of this, the yellow and thin man couldn't help showing fascination on his face, and his steps became much lighter, rushing towards his dream!
Soon!Soon!Just around the corner!When we get to the door, those guys shouldn't dare to chase after him anymore!

Holding this belief, even though the man's footsteps were sloppy due to hunger, he still rushed forward with unabated speed!
And behind him, seeing that he was about to be unable to catch up, Zhang San yelled angrily: "You donkey dung bastard! Run with a hammer! Stop me! Run again and catch me. Believe it or not, I will take your Your legs are broken!

Made!You ungrateful animal!Do you really think you can run? ! "

The man in front heard Zhang San's scolding behind him, but he didn't care about it.

I'm about to reach my destination, so I don't care how he scolds me, I don't care about my own business, just keep running!

The man's footsteps were a little faster, and he finally came to the corner. As long as he turned this bay, he could see a new life!

A strange laugh came from the front, and several tall guys in servant clothes suddenly jumped out laughing, blocking the corner at the intersection, blocking the man's front, and also blocking the man's hope!

"Hahahaha! Zhang San, you are really useless! In the end, our brothers should take action, and we will be punished by the adults when we go back. We will accept this credit!"

"Brothers, arrest this guy who doesn't know what to do, and come here again and again. Since he won't eat the toast, let him taste the fine wine and break his legs. The labor will see if he can do it." Can't run anymore!"

"it is good!"

A group of servants responded with a bang, and then they rushed forward, rushing towards the desperate man who was almost in front of him!

ps. Hey, so what... I fell asleep after coding, so I didn’t update it. I woke up suddenly at [-] o’clock in the morning, so I hurriedly continued, and then I updated it after [-] o’clock. Sorry, everyone.


Also, the subscription has been pretty good recently, almost breaking [-] per day. This is a result that Piaoxue has never achieved. Thank you for your support!Many thanks! (Sliding shovel kneels and kowtows!)
Okay, no more nonsense, continue to code, see if you can finish Chapter 2, I will send it immediately after coding, if you can’t finish coding, you can only code after get off work at noon, bye!

Also, thanks to book friend 20201111055223993 yesterday for tipping 100 starting coins!Thanks!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Ask for investment!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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