Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 135 We Are Not Wimps!

Chapter 135 We Are Not Wimps! (one)

Silence, like being alone in a cemetery in the middle of the night, is so quiet and chilling!

After member Wu's yelling and questioning, which can be said to be humiliating, even the softest person can't help but get angry, right?

And the recruits were undoubtedly thoroughly irritated!

The silence in front of me was like the silence before the storm. Although the scene was silent and no one made a sound, an uncomfortable low pressure had begun to spread to the audience!

"Wu Gouxiong! Who the hell are you calling a softie! She's a fake mother!"

Finally, one of the recruits could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, broke the strange silence first, rushed out, glared at Member Wu and questioned him!

His fists were clenched tightly, his bones creaked as they rubbed against each other, and the blue veins were exposed in purple due to the force, on the back of his hand, it looked like a century-old tree with intertwined roots!
Member Wu saw that someone finally rushed out, instead of being angry, he laughed.

Immediately, he changed into a mocking expression, but looked at the man with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said disdainfully, "Yo! Can't take it anymore?
Can't even listen to such an ugly word?

If you don't want to hear it, don't let me have a chance to say it. Look at you and say that you are softies, wimps, and fake mothers!

Is labor and management wrong? "

"we are not!"

The man retorted with a snarl.

After that, a group of recruits also glared at member Wu, and said in unison: "We are not!"

Member Wu hehe sneered and shrugged his shoulders: "No? Heh! If you don't, just prove it to me. Just say it, who wouldn't! But what's the use!

If you want to prove that you are not, then prove it to me with your actions! "

Member Wu just finished speaking.

In an instant, nine people stood up from the crowd, and then they all walked to the side of the person who rushed out first, looked at members Wu and clapped their hands in unison, and said, "Please enlighten me, Battalion Commander Wu!"

The voices of the recruits were uniform, as if they had been trained in advance, and even the emotions in them were surprisingly consistent.

On the surface, they are asking for advice, but in fact, there is anger in every word, and they are clearly here to vent the anger in their hearts!

They didn't hide their emotions at all, members Wu could see it naturally, but they didn't care about it, so what if the weak chicken had more anger?

It's the same thing that can be dropped in one move, at most it will take more effort!

This time, member Wu didn't even put on a fighting posture, and waved at the ten people with a contemptuous expression, his attitude was full of arrogance and arrogance!
The ten people were not careless. They knew that since the battalion commander in front of him dared to be so arrogant, it didn't mean that he was extremely confident in himself and thought he had the right to be so arrogant!

Comparing the strength of the ten of them with the strength that Wu Gouxiong showed just now, it is impossible for them to be his opponents!
but!As Wu Gouxiong said, since they joined the new army and chose to enter the barracks, then they can only become strong, become the strong needed by the Holy One, only in this way can they be qualified to stay here and eat that kind of food. Meat for the strong!
In any case, never lose the courage to try!Even if the final result is unsatisfactory, at least they have worked hard and tried, instead of giving up from the beginning!

There is only one way for them to prove themselves, and that is to fight!

Only those who dare to fight have the qualifications to prove themselves, and others will care about what you say!

I don't know who shouted, and the ten people waved their fists and rushed towards Member Wu!
boom! boom! boom!
boom!boom!boom! ...

Undoubtedly, they flew back upside down in less than ten breaths, and there was not even one who took a punch from member Wu!
Ten people were knocked down, and severe pain swept over their bodies. They wanted to get up, but they couldn't get up after gritting their teeth several times. It's like cutting meat piece by piece!
pain!Unbearable pain!

However, they are not reconciled!
They were not reconciled to the ten of them being defeated like this, they were still trying, and they had to stand up.

However, Member Wu was getting impatient and was about to wave for someone to drag them away.

At this moment, ten people appeared again from the silent crowd of recruits!
They didn't speak, their faces were serious, their fists were clenched, and only member Wu was in their eyes!

"Ask Battalion Commander Wu to enlighten me!"

The movements, words, and expressions of the ten people were exactly the same as those of the previous ten people, as if the scene just now had reappeared!
"Oh, it's interesting."

Member Wu was stunned for a moment, and then showed an intriguing smile, no longer caring about the ten people on the ground, it was still the extremely arrogant waving gesture just now.

The next moment!
The new ten hit again!

boom!boom!boom! ...

Without any suspense, these ten people also fell.

I remember the same thing, but I can't get up the same way.

However this is not the end.

Brush brush!
Ten people stood up again!

"Ask Battalion Commander Wu to enlighten me!"


boom!boom!boom! ...

"Ask Battalion Commander Wu to enlighten me!"


boom!boom!boom! ...

"Ask Battalion Commander Wu to enlighten me!"


Again and again, cycle and cycle!
Half an hour later, the floor of the Beijing Camp campus was full of people lying on the floor. They all looked pained, but they all kept silent, enduring the pain and trying to get up.


Knocking Ye Laosan to the ground with one punch, member Wu finally heaved a sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his whole body, hands and feet were limp.

In just half an hour, God knows how many people he defeated, and the people lying on the ground are his proof!

Whenever he knocked down a group of people, the next group of people followed closely behind, batch after batch!
Take turns to go up, take turns to go up, don't give members Wu a little time to rest.

Until just now, Ye Laosan, the last recruit who was standing, was finally knocked down by him, and he finally succeeded in beating everyone!
However, at this time, he himself was already tired and weak, but he still managed to look at the crowd with a mocking smile on his face and said, "Oh... how is it?... is there any more?! Come again!! Come on !!!”

After ridiculing, Member Wu was about to leave, when a loud shout that suppressed the pain sounded.

"Wait! It's... not over yet!
We can come again! "

After the words fell, the first batch of ten people who were knocked down by member Wu finally stood up one by one. They all stood up with resolute faces, resisting the pain in their bodies, and Qiqi cupped their hands to member Wu and said, "please!" ! Battalion Commander Wu enlighten me!"

Member Wu's face darkened, but he didn't make a sound, and nodded without saying a word.Immediately ten people rushed up, bang bang bang!
Fly out!

"Please enlighten me, Battalion Commander Wu!" Another ten people climbed up and attacked again!

Bang bang bang!
Same end, even the movement of flying upside down is exactly the same, the only difference is that the person flying out is getting closer.

Member Wu, who endured the battles of many people again and again, was no longer as relaxed as before, and his face was covered with sweat, dripping continuously on the ground.

The sound of gasping and breathing continued, and member Wu's physical strength was also under the wheels of the crowd, reaching the limit!
(End of this chapter)

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