Chapter 143

"My lord! What is the origin of this man, he can fight you evenly?! It's unbelievable that he is not affected by your murderous aura at all!"

On the side, Zhang Yingjie stared in horror at the direction in which the man in black was going away, and lost his voice.

Shaking his head slowly, Bai Polu replied in a deep voice: "I don't know where it came from, but it should be someone from His Majesty. Don't you think this is the one who sent us the list?"

After speaking, Bai Polu waved the book in his hand as a signal, and then said with emotion: "It's just that I didn't expect that there is such a young master beside His Majesty!"


Zhang Yingjie wondered: "Sir, how do you know that the masked man is young and has such high martial arts, even if he is not an old man who has practiced for many years, he should be a middle-aged man with profound martial arts?"

Bai Polu smiled lightly and explained: "He is by no means a middle-aged man, a person's appearance can be concealed, but his temperament cannot.

Although it's only been a short time since I met you, this person has almost the same impetuousness as you, which can't be concealed at all!
Otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed to our side so rashly as soon as he arrived, causing such a misunderstanding! "

"Oh! That's what it is!"

Zhang Yingjie suddenly realized, but then he widened his eyes and said: "But, in this way, this person has reached the innate realm at such an age, this is too monstrous!"

"Hehe, this is the capital city, the center of the entire Ming Dynasty!

There are all kinds of people and young heroes!
It is nothing surprising to have such a young master, but what surprised me is that besides our beggar army, there is actually such a power with such a master in the hands of His Majesty who has just ascended the throne. His Majesty is really deep enough to hide yes!

We also don't know how many backhands His Majesty has, which we don't know. This is really shocking! " Bai Polu said with emotion.

"After all, that is Your Majesty, different from us, isn't it?" Zhang Yingjie said with some uncertainty after thinking about it.

"Hehe, it should be!"

Bai Polu smiled, did not refute, but then raised the pamphlet in his hand and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go back and see who was messing with us and wasting our time. More time, today we will have a good time! No one will be left behind!

Say hello to them!Happy hello! "

"Hahahaha, that's right! Be sure to greet them happily! It's best not to forget them for the rest of your life!

oh!No!wrong!Their life should also be over! Zhang Yingjie narrowed his eyes as he looked at the booklet and smiled.


"This time! This is the first time I have to act! Your Majesty has placed high hopes on this!

Once you fail, not only will you lose your own people, but you will also lose face to grandma's house, even your majesty's people!

Others will say, look at this!This is the new army, His Majesty has spent so much resources and so much money to train the new army, so it is at this level!

I do not allow such remarks!
So, you'd better give me, your Majesty, a satisfactory answer!

Otherwise, I'll let you know, what?Call it real hell!
Do you understand? "

"I understand!"

"Speak up! I can't hear you! Do you understand!"

"I understand!!"

"Speak louder! I still can't hear you! Do you understand!"

"Listen! Clear! Clear! It is!!!"

In the school grounds, after telling the recruits about this mission, Bai Polu started the pre-battle training, and the recruits shouted loudly with excitement shining in their eyes!

Under Bai Polu's dissatisfied howls, he let out louder and louder ones, and in the end, he had exhausted all his strength, which finally satisfied Bai Polu.

Seeing that he had achieved the effect he wanted, Bai Polu yelled again: "Distribute weapons! Stand at attention!"


There was a sound of stomping, and everyone straightened up.

"Take a break!"

Kaka, Qiqi stretched out a foot!

"stand at attention!"



Under the watchful eyes of the straight recruits, more than a dozen Jinyi guards were divided into several groups and pushed several carts full of spears to the recruits, and handed them out to them one by one.

Many people may ask why you only give them spears instead of some powerful weapons, but the problem is that if you give them, they won't use them after training for a short time!

Moreover, this training is mainly to train their blood. Is there anything more likely to fully stimulate a person's potential and blood than a real attack with a real sword?

After all, no one wants to die in such an environment where a single carelessness may kill one's life!

And if you don't want to die, you can only fight the enemy desperately!At this time, it is to see who is more ruthless!
The narrow road meets the brave to win!

This is not just talking about it!That takes a lot of courage!
And Bai Polu's purpose is also very simple, to use the great terror between life and death to make these guys see blood, let's start!
Don't say that he is ruthless. When he was in Liaodong, the recruits used the blood of Jianlu to see the blood. Compared with them, these recruits from the Beijing camp had to face only some servants and nurses. It's more than a grade down!
If they can't pass this, there is no need for training anywhere!

"Everyone has it!"


Seeing that everyone had their weapons ready, Bai Polu rode a horse and stood outside the school grounds and shouted loudly, and everyone immediately raised their spears neatly.

Thousands of spears are pointing directly at the sky, reflecting silvery white cold light in the sun. If there is a patient with intensive phobia who looks down from the top at this moment, he will probably faint from the fright of this scene on the spot. The spears are like forests. Why not!
"The whole group consists of a hundred people, divided into fifty groups, led by a hundred households in each group, and according to the previously divided areas, pay off the rebels one by one!
Here, there is only one thing that the battalion commander can warn you again!
remember!We are not playing house now, you must always keep in mind that everyone standing in front of us is an enemy, no matter he is a man!It's female!is old!It's young!

You all must be vigilant against them at all times, otherwise I may be at your funeral when I see you again!

I don't want to see this kind of scene happen, but if it does happen, don't think that I will shed a tear for you, because you don't deserve it!You have thrown all the things I taught you into the dog's belly!
Remember, on the battlefield, there is only one absolute law!
Respect the strong, survive the fittest!
You and the enemy have only two endings, either die or surrender. This time, I allow you to accept the surrender, but you must be vigilant against those who surrender, and don't relax for a moment!
But if you go to the battlefield in the future, I hope that there will not be a living enemy under your sword, and you will hack him to death before he surrenders!
Do you understand? "


"Say it again!"


Say it again!

"Okay! Let's go!"

Tread, step, step!

Bai Polu took the lead and rode out of the school grounds, but behind him Member Wu and Zhang Yingjie, who usually followed him by his side, disappeared.

And the recruits also began to leave the school grounds in an orderly manner under the leadership of hundreds of households in each group, and began to march towards their respective divided street areas!
Not long after, groups of soldiers walking in neat steps gradually appeared on the streets of the capital and caused waves of commotion...

ps. Hey, I updated it! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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