Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 147 Bloodthirsty

Chapter 147 Bloodthirsty
Looking at the completely different subordinates who had turned into two looks, Ye Laosan suddenly understood why he was waiting for this action.

Soldiers who have killed people and soldiers who have not killed people are really not the same concept!
Just like the old saying that people are cheap, if you talk to him nicely and treat him politely, he doesn't take you seriously at all.

But if you let him know how powerful you are, and let him know or see with his own eyes the end of offending you, then this guy who was arrogant and domineering just now will be honest from the heart.

And as a soldier, as a soldier who is about to go to the battlefield, they can't only have human hearts, they must have a killing heart!
After all, it's a place to eat people!
If your heart softens, then you must be the one who dies in the end!There is no room for such a thing as kindness!
And the new army His Majesty wants is undoubtedly an army that can be unreserved, resolute and thorough, will carry out his orders regardless, and will not be soft on any enemy!
This army must be decisive!

Therefore, this army is also destined to be composed of a group of ruthless people!
As the saying goes, non-toxic and non-husband!

After thinking about this, looking at the Zhao family who were frightened by the new soldiers on the left and calmed down like quails, and seeing them calm down, the recruits all showed a relieved expression, and their eyes gradually showed firmness .

I write it for your own good!do not blame me!I don't want you to die because of soft hearts!

Immediately, Ye Laosan stood in front of everyone and shouted loudly: "Everyone has it!"

Brush brush!
After these days of training, the recruits have gradually formed a conditioned reflex to these orders. The recruits who had different expressions subconsciously turned solemn after Ye Laosan yelled, and then straightened their bodies, as if Standing in place like a straight spear, Ye Laosan, who was at the front, remained motionless!
Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted, Ye Laosan nodded slightly at the crowd first, and then said loudly, "Everyone did a good job in this operation!"

The recruits showed joy on their faces, but Ye Laosan continued to say, "But there are still some flaws!"

Everyone's expressions suddenly became serious again, but they were thinking in their hearts what went wrong?
They didn't let them think for too long, Ye Laosan spoke again: "Are you still wondering where is the flaw? Didn't we all catch the Zhao family? What's the problem?"

Everyone agrees in their hearts, but they dare not say it out. Ye Laosan didn't hold back and continued directly: "You have completed the task, and we have also completed the task of taking down the Zhao family brilliantly, but look at you!"

Speaking of this, Ye Laosan directly pointed at the recruits standing on the right, and shouted with an angry expression on his face: "Do you know who you are representing now?
You are representing the Holy One now!These people are all rebels. What is the purpose of our order to arrest them? It is to let these rebels know the consequences of being right with His Majesty, but what?
Look at the people you took down, even though they were taken down by you, they are still arrogant and don't pay attention to you at all, but you just let them do this, don't you feel useless?ah!
I tell you now!
It is not our purpose to take them down. Our real purpose here is to warn others with the tragic end of these people. Against His Majesty, there is absolutely no good end. Therefore, I am not satisfied with their current state, nor are the instructors. Will be satisfied, presumably the Holy One will not be satisfied!
I want you guys to teach these people to fear!Learn to be afraid!
Just like your colleagues, let them feel the consequences of doing something wrong! "

After listening to Ye Laosan's words, the recruits on the left have already understood what's going on. After experiencing the murder, they can probably guess Ye Laosan's thoughts at the moment with a playful expression Looking at his colleagues, the recruits on the right who hadn't killed anyone still didn't understand what Ye Laosan wanted them to do?
But at the same time, Zhao Donglai, who was tied up and thrown not far from Ye Laosan's feet, suddenly changed his face after hearing his words!
He is old and mature, how could he not understand Ye Laosan's meaning, he wants the Zhao family members on the right to become the same as the clan members on the left who have never dared to speak out since they came out!
And why those tribesmen dare not speak out, it is because all those who spoke out were killed!
This Ye Baihu wants those new soldiers on the right, Qiuba who obviously haven't seen blood, to use the lives of his Zhao family members to complete the process of seeing blood!Even if one person kills one, it means that at least fifty clansmen will die!
How dare the youngest Ye!How dare you do that!

Being so bloodthirsty, isn't he afraid of the verbal criticism of the civil servants and the scolding of the people all over the world?

"Epifu! What do you want to do! How dare you do that! You are disregarding human life! Disregarding human life! If you give this order, you will not end well! There will be no good end!! !"

Thinking of the scene that the clansmen were about to face, Zhao Donglai couldn't bear it any longer, and roared crazily, trying to make Ye Laosan give up this idea.

However, Ye Laosan was completely unmoved by this. In his heart, this old guy was already dead, and he didn't need to talk to him at all!

No matter how Zhao Donglai yelled behind his back, Ye Laosan gave the order with a cold face!

"All of them, those who have never killed anyone, take the weapons in your hands and execute all the Zhao family members who were quarreling just now! Immediately! Execute immediately!"

"Ah! This..."

The recruits hesitated. They had instinctive fear in the face of murder, something that they had never dared to think about before, but Ye Laosan would not give them time to hesitate.

Seeing their hesitant gestures, the firmness in their eyes became more solid, and they shouted again: "You are all soldiers! Remember the first day of entering the camp! What is the first military rule that the instructor taught us! "

"What is the duty of a soldier! Answer me!!!"

The recruits subconsciously shouted together: "Soldier! It is our duty to obey orders!"

Ye Laosan nodded in satisfaction, and then shouted again: "Then now! Obey my orders!
kill! "

Ye Laosan mentioned the military regulations, and the recruits couldn't continue to hesitate. They all firmly remembered what the instructor said at the beginning, soldiers who disobeyed orders have only one end in the Beijing camp!Which is death!

As the saying goes, a dead fellow Daoist never dies a poor daoist!
It is better for you to die than to die yourself!

So, be ruthless and grit your teeth!
Under the screams and dodges of the Zhao family members who were quarreling just now, the recruits slowly picked up the spears in their hands, or closed their eyes, turned their heads, or excitedly finally took the spears in their hands without hesitation. The spear tip stabbed fiercely at the target's body!

The sound of weapons plunging into flesh kept ringing out, and the Zhao family, who had been shouting non-stop, gradually quieted down, forever.

And those who were not stabbed to the vitals were even more miserable. Except for the recruits who did it for the first time, they could only endure the trembling of their hands and stab the target again.

And if they can be killed the second time, it is also a kind of luck. At least, they are much luckier than one of the Zhao family's fat people who weighs more than 200 catties.

Good guy!This guy was stabbed seven times by the recruits opposite him before he finally stabbed his heart. During this period, every stabbing was a kind of torture for him, and he fully experienced the big difference between life and death seven times. Horror, by the fifth time, the whole person has been hurt stupidly!
It's all because of his body fat, which blocked six fatal attacks for him!
(End of this chapter)

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