Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 15 Sneak attack from behind! ! !

Chapter 15 Sneak attack from behind! ! !

Soon, Ke came to the private house of his younger brother Ke Guangxian.

Ke Guangxian, who was originally just an ordinary farmer, relied on the power of his sister, the Ke family, and now he has become a thousand households of Jinyiwei, which is also a right name for him.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any talent himself, and he relies entirely on his connections. So although he is a thousand households, no one in Jinyiwei thinks highly of him, but Ke Guangxian doesn't care. I have a good sister. How can you bear me? ?
Because of the relationship between the Jinyiwei and the Ke family, no one dared to embarrass him. Ke Guangxian lived a leisurely and wealthy life without doing anything. He bullied men and women on the streets of the capital all day, but he still No one dares to control!

Today, he was packing up the little lady he had just snatched from the street in his room.

"Hey! Little lady! You just follow me! You can't run away anymore. Wouldn't it be nice to follow me to eat and drink spicy food! Hahahaha!"

Opposite Ke Guangxian, a [-]-year-old woman in a blue sarong was crying and huddled in the corner, pointing at Ke Guangxian with a pair of scissors tremblingly in her hand, tears kept falling, no matter what Ke Guangxian said She also refused to put down the scissors in her hand.

"Huh! Don't toast and eat fine wine! Do you know who I am? My sister is Mrs. Fengsheng! I am also a thousand households of Jinyiwei. From the moment you enter my house, you are mine! No People will come to save you! No one dares to come to save you!

You'd better be honest and obedient to me to make the uncle happy, maybe you can let me out when I get tired of playing with the uncle!otherwise!hum!I'll sell you to the hook bar when I finish playing!

Which place is not a comfortable place, think about it for yourself! "

After finishing speaking, Ke Guangxian flung his sleeves and went out of the room. It's not that he can't use force, but that girl has scissors in her hand, what if she hurts herself?
He won't do it because of a woman's injury.

Besides, this kind of girl is very easy to deal with, don't look at the scissors now, but people always sleep, when she is tired, relax her vigilance, and then go up and use it by herself. Not happy!

hey-hey!He just likes the feeling of being forced by him when he obviously doesn't want to!Very exciting!No matter how many times he plays, he never gets tired of it.

Thinking of that scene, Ke Guang couldn't help showing a wretched smile.

Just as he was fantasizing, a servant ran over in a hurry.

"Master! Master!"

Fantasia Ke Guangxian was very upset when he was interrupted, he immediately frowned and said displeasedly, "Why are you making such a fuss! Are there any rules? You want to die!"

The servant was taken aback and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Master, spare your life, you are so reckless! Master, please forgive me! Master..."

"That's enough! That's enough! Cut the nonsense, what's going on? Be in a hurry, master, I'll tell you, if there's nothing serious, you can bother me and I'll kill you!" Ke Guangxian waved impatiently. asked after waving his hand.

Which family member didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly reported: "Yes, yes, yes! The master is here!"

"My lady? Which lady?"

Ke Guang was stunned for a while, then asked doubtfully.

"My lord! It's the lady in the palace, the holy lady!"

(Although Ke Shi is only a holy lady, not a concubine, she likes to be called her concubine.)
"What? My sister is here! Why didn't you say it earlier! It took me a long time to talk about the business here! You will be fined for a month! Hmph!"

Ke Guang first heard that it was his sister who came, and immediately walked towards the front hall after saying a few words.

This is the guarantee of my own prosperity and wealth, so I have to offer it to my sister!
After Ke Guang left first, the servant stayed where he was with a bitter face, complaining about being wronged, I wanted to say it earlier, didn't you stop me?Why are you blaming me now!
well!Forget it, it’s fine if you save your life, if you don’t have a month’s routine silver, you’ll be gone, it’s a big deal that you won’t go to Cuihonglou this month, woohoo!My little red...

The front hall of the guest house.

Keshi came here full of anger, just now Wei Liangqing was so angry with her, she simply didn't know how to flatter her!

snort!Without your Wei family, is it possible that I can't do anything?
As soon as Ke Guang first came in, he saw the angry elder sister, he quickly smiled and said: "Hey, sister! It was the gust of wind that brought you here today, why don't you say something before you come, brother, I'm ready Prepare!"

Seeing her useless younger brother, the anger in Ke Shi's heart finally eased a bit, and after giving him a blank look, he said: "Don't give me a hippie smile, I don't know you yet? I'm afraid you wish that my sister would stop disturbing your enjoyment !"

Ke Guang first hurriedly said: "Hey! How can this be! Sister! You are more important than anything else in my heart. I am the happiest when you come here!"

"It will be a mouthful!"

Under Ke Guangxian's gag, Ke's angry face finally subsided.

But Ke Guangxian immediately took the opportunity to ask his sister's purpose for coming here.

"Sister! Why did you come to me suddenly? Is something wrong?" Ke Guang asked first.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Ke Shi's anger surged uncontrollably again!

Peng's slammed the table down and stood up, and began to curse: "I'm so angry when I say it! The Wei family is just..."

After swearing like this for nearly two quarters of an hour, he sat down again out of breath. Ke Guang quickly handed him a cup of tea and comforted him: "Oh! Sis! Don't be angry, it's not worth it, drink your saliva slowly, which Wei family can have I don’t rely on your help today, since they don’t want to do things for you, let’s find someone else, some people are willing to help us!”

Although Ke Shi scolded her just now, she only said that Wei Liangqing and Wei Zhongxian, the uncles and nephews, refused to help her and didn't say anything, so Ke Guang comforted her first.

Wen Yan Keshi gave him a blank look, and after taking a sip of tea to calm down, he said: "You think I don't want to, but you really can't ask outsiders for this matter! You can only do it by yourself, otherwise, would I have to find them?"

Although Ke Shi was angry, she also knew that what she was going to do should not be publicized.

This aroused Ke Guangxian's curiosity, what exactly is his sister going to do?

Still making it so mysterious that you can only do it by yourself?

So he asked, "Sister, what exactly do you want them to do? Logically speaking, the general Wei family wouldn't dare to refuse your request!"

Keshi didn't speak, just glanced at the servants around.

Ke Guang first understood immediately, knowing what happened to my sister, I am afraid that outsiders should not know, so he waved his hand and said to the servants: "Retire, and inform the people in the mansion, no matter what, you can't come near the front without my consent." Within a hundred meters of the hall!"

"Yes! Sir!"

All the servants came out in a single file, and after a while, only Ke Shi and his younger brother Ke Guangxian were left in the entire front hall, and soon everyone within a hundred meters of the entire front hall was also cleared.

It wasn't until this time that Hakka finally opened his mouth and revealed his plan with Wei Zhongxian.

"What! Take my son in exchange for the palace to be the prince!"

Ke Guang was startled when he heard it first, he couldn't help but exclaimed, but immediately lowered his voice and asked, "Sister, is what you said true?"

Ke Shi rolled his eyes at him: "Can I still lie to you?"

Now Ke Guang couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up and paced back and forth in the front hall, and began to think.

Ke Guangxian is different from Wei Liangqing. Although he is also from a peasant background, Ke Guangxian has been doted on by his parents and sister since he was a child. He has developed a lawless character since he was a child, and he is very courageous!
Otherwise, they couldn't do such a thing as robbing women in the street as soon as they were developed.

After hearing his sister's plan at this moment, he, who was originally bold, uncontrollably exploded with ambition in his heart.

Now I am just a thousand households, and I live such a life. If my son becomes the emperor, then I will become the Supreme Emperor. What kind of life should I be?Just think about it!
Give it a go!The donkey cart has changed into a horse-drawn carriage, and it is still a top-level carriage inlaid with gold and silver!
It's done!

After making up his mind, Ke Guangxian immediately turned his head to look at his sister, and said excitedly: "Sister! Let's do it! It just so happened that a woman I snatched back gave birth to a son for me a few days ago. him!"

But Ke frowned and said slowly: "But without the help of Lao Wei, we can't do this at all."

Although Ke Shi was angry that Wei Liangqing rejected her and said she wanted to do it herself, she also knew how difficult it was.

Without Wei Zhongxian's help to cover, it would be really difficult!
But Ke Guangxian said with a sinister smile: "Sister, don't worry, let's do it first and then play. When we finish the matter, the Wei family can only board our boat. After all, they are already tied to us." .

At that time, even if they don't want to, they can only help us cover, they have no choice!Now all you have to do is bring my son into the palace first! "

After listening to his younger brother's explanation, Ke's originally frowning brows finally relaxed, and he smiled: "It's easy to handle. I'll just take him in when I get back. Who dares to search my car?"

Ke Guangxian also showed a smile: "That's good, let's do it like this! I'll go and bring my son here, when the time comes, the servants in my mansion will have to change, whether they see it or not, today's Things can't be known!
And sister, all the people around you have to change again! "

Ke Shi nodded: "I know that, you don't need to tell me, you can go quickly."

Ke Guangxian also nodded, and said: "Okay, sister, you sit down first, I'll go and bring my son here first."

As he said that, Ke Guangxian called out: "Come here! Where is the young master now?"

However, what puzzled Ke Guang first was that he called out many times but no servant came over.

Could it be that he retreated too far and didn't hear it?

After guessing like this first, Ke Guang walked out of the front hall and came to the front yard.

Standing in the front yard, you can directly see the scene of the gate more than 100 meters away, but Ke Guangxian didn't see anyone.

He tried calling out a few more times, but no one came out.

"Where did these damn servants go? Why is no one missing?"

Ke Guang first stood in the yard, burning with anger, and he just told them to retreat 100 meters, why is there no one there now?

Just as his anger was rushing into his head, thinking that he would give them a good look after he found someone, suddenly his sister's scream came from the front hall!

Ke Guang was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed drastically!

"No! Could something have happened! My sister is the guarantee of my prosperity and wealth, so nothing will happen!"

Immediately, before he had time to think about it, Ke Guang quickly ran back to the front hall.

Just entering the front hall, before he had time to see what was going on, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head, and his eyes went dark, Ke Guangxian passed out like this.

Before he fell into a coma, he tried to turn his head around, but in the end he only saw a young man in black with a knife standing behind him. There was a strange pattern embroidered with yellow silk thread on the chest of the black clothes on the young man's body. sword?

Where the hilt of the sword should have been a sword ear seems to have been replaced by a bunch of golden rice ears?

In the front hall of the guest house, there was a conversation.

"It's all resolved?"

"It's solved. Everyone has been knocked unconscious, and they won't be able to wake up for a while."

"That's good, transport them all to safe house No. 6, and focus on guarding these two."


"The rest, let the boss deal with it after the matter is over."

"Well. By the way, what do you think the boss will do with them?"

"Heh, if they dare to do such a thing, there will definitely be no good end. As for how to deal with it, it's the owner's business, we shouldn't know."


"Get out!"

"Well! Withdraw! Move slowly."


ps. Dear book lovers!Happy New Year!

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(End of this chapter)

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