Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 156 Master Guo!Go to money!

Chapter 156 Master Guo!Go to money!
Just after lunch at noon today, Guo Yunhou heard other colleagues talking about something, he pricked up his ears out of curiosity, and his eyes lit up immediately!
"Master Zhang, have you heard? Butcher Bai from the new barracks has brought a convoy into the palace.

In any battle, it is said that the captain of the car is enough to block a street!

Now the convoy has entered the palace and is headed towards the palace! "

"How could this old man not have heard of it? It has been rumored a long time ago. It seems that this butcher Bai sent all the family property of the Shilin family who were innocently slaughtered by them these days into the palace!

It's really abominable, why is this kind of butcher who kills indiscriminately able to be reused by His Majesty, and I don't see His Majesty's praise for my hard work every day, but this kind of killer who can only wield a knife makes His Majesty hide directly in the harem in order to protect him Here, he didn't even go to court, and he didn't let the ministers have the chance to impeach the butcher!
It's really unreasonable! "

"Hey! Who's to say it's not? In the final analysis, it's not because of the money. Look at how much money he got for the Holy One this time. The Holy Grace must be endless!
its me!It has already been seen that our Majesty is a money fanatic, whoever can get him money, he will reuse him!
Look at Wei Zhongxian, how many bad things did the late emperor do when he was here?
What now?
I'm afraid it's because this guy can make money that His Majesty has kept him, otherwise this kind of eunuch, who has ruined the country and the people, would have been hacked to pieces long ago! "

"What can be done about this? I can only bear with this one. After all, it is orthodox. Who made the late emperor have no heirs!"

"Oh...forget it, forget it!

Let’s not talk about this, you have heard that there is no such thing, just now the Yuxie from the Xichang branch also brought a convoy into the palace, and the battle was no smaller than that of the butcher Bai, presumably the property confiscated by the military ration case also came back Yes, I don't know how much money was copied, it makes people drool just thinking about it... eh!No!It's outrage!I don't know how many innocent scholars were persecuted by this eunuch!
The world is sinister!The eunuch is in power! "

Hearing this, Guo Yunhou has no interest in listening to it anymore, he can ignore other things, but he remembers very clearly that the money confiscated by Yuhuatian contains money from his household department!

How could it be a full 50 taels!
Now that the money has arrived, Yuhuatian, a dead eunuch with no descendants, can't prevent him from playing tricks and giving the money that belongs to his household department into the internal funds, so he must rush to the internal funds warehouse immediately!

Otherwise, the silver may be gone!

Deng Deng Deng Deng!

On the palace road leading to the inner treasury, Guo Yunhou galloped at a speed that was not much worse than that of young people, attracting the curious gazes of the passing palace ladies and eunuchs, but they saw that even the Holy Majesty The elders who had a headache all lowered their heads wisely, pretending not to see.


In front of the internal funds warehouse, the subordinates can be busy, while Yuhuatian and Wang Chengen are talking and laughing. After talking for a while, Yuhuatian suddenly found that since he came here just now, Bai Polu beside him has not made a sound , so out of curiosity, and he was already curious about the head coach of the Beijing camp who had recently become famous in the capital, but seemed to appear in the capital suddenly, so he took the initiative to ask: "This must be Bai Destroy Lord Bai!

Yuhuatian, our Xichang, is so polite! "Yuhuatian cupped his hands.

"Eunuch Yu is being polite."

Bai Polu replied in a neutral tone.

Yu Huatian didn't care, smiled and then asked: "Speaking of which, today is the first time our family has met Mr. Bai. Our family has never seen Mr. Bai before in this capital. I don't know where Mr. Bai was in the past. Is it high?"

This is inquiring about the origin of Bai Polu.

To this, Bai Polu only responded with two words: "Liaodong."


Yu Huatian first repeated these two words in doubt, and then asked: "Master Bai used to serve in the Liaodong Army. From our family's perspective, Master Bai's temperament should have been a member of the army in the past."

To his doubts, this time Bai Polu just replied coldly: "No comment!"


Yuhuatian was choked, it's all a secret, are you lying to ghosts?

Yu Huatian only thought that Bai Polu didn't want to talk about it, and changed the subject after getting bored, "I don't know that Mr. Bai already has a family? If not, our Xichang has a lot of family affairs. According to the information from the Minister's family, it may happen that the ladies of that family are just in line with Mr. Bai's wishes, and our family might as well be a matchmaker for Mr. Bai, how about having a good time?"

This is Yu Huatian's desire to build a relationship. In his opinion, since Bai Polu can be appointed as the chief instructor of the new army who is most valued by the Holy Spirit, although he has changed his name to an instructor.

How can it be said that Bai Polu is a capable person, and he is also highly valued by His Majesty. If I have a good relationship with such a person, there are only advantages and no disadvantages!

As for Yuhuatian's means of building relationships, Bai Polu still replied coldly: "I already have a family. Although the family has been ruined, but Bai has no intention of remarrying, so please take care of Eunuch Yu."

"Ah! Oh! So..."

Everyone said that, Yu Huatian didn't know what to say anymore, so he could only laugh dryly and perfunctory.

Wang Chengen listened to the conversation between the two with a smile on the side, but he couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart when he saw Yuhuatian was deflated.

Now this Bai Polu only wants to take revenge, but you want to help others matchmaking, how can he have such thoughts, if there is, with Bai Polu's current status, it is not that the lady of that family can beckon to him , still need you Yuhuatian as a matchmaker?
Don't look at the current civil servants in Beijing who call Bai Polu a butcher and try their best to discredit him, but believe it or not, as long as Bai Polu goes out and says he wants to marry a wife, unless he is a real Taoist or a senior man who has reached a certain level Officials, other officials are sure to flock to it!

After all, this is the latest popular fried chicken. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the celebrity in front of His Majesty will surely become a celebrity in the future. If he becomes in-laws with this promising white butcher at this time, when he soars into the sky, Wouldn't it also rise with the tide!
Scolding is scolding, but everyone's bodies and actions are still very honest!

Who doesn't want to go to heaven with chickens and dogs?

If some cars rub against each other, they will definitely rub against each other desperately, rub against each other desperately!

If you don't rub it, others will naturally rub it. In this case, why not rub it yourself!
Just secretly laughing in the prince.When the atmosphere between Bai Polu and Yu Huatian was at a stalemate, the three of them came back to their senses with an old shout full of anger, and Yu Huatian's complexion became extremely ugly in an instant. But there is also a feeling of dumbfounding.

"Stop it all, sir! You are not allowed to move it! There is 50 taels of silver from my household department in it. You shameless Yuhuatian, you dare to send in the silver from my household department. This official will definitely Refer to your book!
Stop everything, old man!Save the silver! ! ! !

Save the silver! ! ! ! "

The Hubu Shangshu, Guo Yunhou, and Mr. Guo, who rushed over in a hurry, finally arrived!

ps. Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for collection!

Hehe, I've been too busy lately, so I can't update it in the early morning. The future update time will be noon and evening. As for the time of night, it depends on when I get off work. Please forgive me!
Thank you for your support!Thank you all for your recent subscriptions and upvotes!monthly pass!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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