Chapter 159

"Yuhuatian, is what Guo Shangshu said true?"

Seeing His Majesty asking himself, Yu Huatian was wronged at first, and the emotions in his heart suddenly surged up, and he burst into tears. Youjian rushed over, trying to keep his thigh and howling.

The arrow pierced through the air and exploded in the air, making a frightening buzzing sound!

Yu Huatian, who was rushing towards Zhu Youjian's thigh, only felt his scalp tingling for a while, and subconsciously turned his body in the air forcibly, and retreated from his final landing point!


The moment Yuhuatian's figure just landed, an arrow appeared in front of him with a whiz, straightly piercing through the green brick floor in front of him and piercing into the ground less than an inch in front of Yuhuatian. inside!
When the arrow hit the ground, it went straight into the ground for three points. Even after landing, the arrow feathers on the tail of the arrow kept shaking rapidly and buzzing!

Cold sweat dripped down Yu Huatian's forehead in an instant. If he hadn't forced himself to take a step back just now, the arrow inserted into the ground would have pierced his head directly!
And judging from the performance of this arrow after it landed, even if I am an innate master, I can't block this arrow, even if I barely block it with my body protection, it will definitely be impacted by the impact carried by this arrow. Shift!
The archer is not only a marksman, but his cultivation level is probably much higher than his own!
At least he has the cultivation base of the innate fifth level!

Yuhuatian judged like this.

Because he himself is the innate second heaven!

Only with a cultivation level at least three times higher than his own can he feel this irresistible feeling!

After taking a few deep breaths, Yu Huatian's heart calmed down a little, and after calming down, Yu Huatian remembered that His Majesty was protected by hidden guards.

However, very few people knew who the hidden guards were, and the only one who knew a few of them was Tian Ergeng, who had already been dismissed from office.

But the only thing that is certain is that even if these hidden guards are placed in the whole world, they are definitely in the ranks of top masters, otherwise they are not qualified to be His Majesty's hidden guards, the royal family's worship!
And I actually wanted to get close to His Majesty's dragon body just now without His Majesty's permission, this is simply too long to live!
I should be thankful that I was not shot to death by an arrow as an attacker. It may be that the hidden guards knew that they were just impulsive so they kept their hands. Otherwise, I am afraid that I might not be able to escape so easily.

As long as he shoots another arrow right after the first arrow, he will never be able to escape!
After trying to understand these things, Hou Yuhuatian immediately knelt down on the ground and slammed his head at Zhu Youjian a few times and said loudly in fear: "Your Majesty! Your servant has overstepped, please forgive me!"

After Zhu Youjian snorted to express his dissatisfaction, he waved his hands impatiently and said, "Okay, don't waste time, and tell me the ins and outs of the matter quickly, why did Guo Shangshu say that he came to pay back the original The money that belongs to the household department, could it be that you copied the household department? I don’t believe you have the guts!”

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. The servants will come here one by one."

Yuhuatian kowtowed his head a few times before explaining the ins and outs of the matter, from the day he went to the Ministry of Accounts to arrest Li Zhengshan, to the time when Guo Yunhou blackmailed him to give 50 taels to the Ministry of Accounts. What I said, I didn't dare to add any water in the middle, and I told the truth.

After listening to Yuhuatian's story, Zhu Youjian's face immediately sank, he turned his head gloomyly, looked at Guo Yunhou and said: "Guo Shangshu, what Yuhuatian said is true. False place?"

Guo Yun twitched cheekily, but still hummed twice and then said in a muffled voice: "Return to Your Majesty, no, everything is true."

There was a sneer on the corner of Zhu Youjian's mouth

"Hehe, since every sentence is true, shouldn't Guo Shangshu give me an explanation?"

Guo Yunhou said cheekily: "Your Majesty is joking, the old minister really doesn't know where he needs to explain to His Majesty."

"I don't know?"

Zhu Youjian's face became colder, his face was so gloomy that water could drip out, looking at Guo Yunhou, he said without a trace of emotion in his words:

"Guo Yunhou! I tolerate you on weekdays because I know that you, Guo Yunhou, are dedicated to the country!
Even if on weekdays you are a little bit wordy, meddling a little bit, relying on the old and being a bit old, and a little stingy, oh no!It's not a bit stingy, it's very stingy, it's not an exaggeration to describe you as an iron cock, but I can bear all these, because I know that you are really doing Daming good!For the good of my Zhu family!

but!You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't rely on my tolerance for you to make progress!

You listen to me!My patience is limited, not unlimited!I can't tolerate your misbehavior!

Tell me now, why do you want to blackmail Yuhuatian and force him to give out 50 taels of silver? "

Guo Yunhou was silent, and after a while, he whispered: "That can't be called extortion, it was originally Li Zhengshan who embezzled in my household department, so it is reasonable for the old minister to take it back to the household department?"

Zhu Youjian was almost laughed out of anger, and before he could say anything, Yu Huatian jumped out impatiently, pointed at Guo Yunhou and complained hoarsely: "Master Guo, you must speak according to your conscience! Where is the house? Li Zhengshan's house has been dug three feet, but there is absolutely no 50 taels of silver confiscated, and you actually asked me for 50 taels of silver, where can I find it for you?"

Hearing Yu Huatian's hoarse accusation, Guo Yunhou blushed for the rare time today, and he replied in a low voice after a long while: "I... I... Old man, didn't I just ask for a little more? Why are you so excited?"

"A little more?!"

Yu Huatian's eyes widened and he said angrily, "Master Guo, it's more than 20 taels, nearly doubled, is that a little bit? It's 20 taels of snowflake silver!
They can be piled up to bury people alive! "

Guo Yunhou was speechless and didn't dare to raise his head again.

Seeing that the old man Guo finally softened, Zhu Youjian's face looked a lot better. It is not easy to see this stubborn old man softening on weekdays.

Fortunately, the money was not taken away by him, and Zhu Youjian's expression gradually eased, looking at Guo Yunhou who lowered his head, he asked, "Guo Shangshu, I understand you, although you are a little stingy..."

"Which...Your Majesty, can we not mention being stingy?"

Guo Yunhou suddenly asked weakly.

Zhu Youjian's face darkened, and he replied coldly: "No!"


Guo Yunhou continued to lower his head.

After Zhu Youjian rearranged his language, he spoke again: "Guo Aiqing, although you are a bit stingy on weekdays..."

Hearing the word stingy, Guo Yunhou's old face couldn't help but twitch, but after all he resisted not to speak out again.

"But I also understand you. You are not such a shameless person. You usually want to save face. Why do you suddenly want to blackmail Yuhuatian?"

On the side, Yu Huatian also looked at Guo Yunhou curiously, wondering why the old man would stare at him, and he had never heard of him doing such a thing before!

Guo Yunhou lowered his head and didn't speak for a while, but he didn't hold on for too long under the gaze of Zhu Youjian and Yu Huatian. Finally, after sighing, he asked Zhu Youjian a question that caught him off guard:

"Your Majesty, do you know the current situation of the treasury?"


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(End of this chapter)

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