Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 163 Star Power

Chapter 163 Star Power
Zhu Youjian, who was still in a coma just now, did not know when he woke up!
At this moment, Zhu Youjian is full of doubts, what's going on?

Why did I come here, and why did Wang Chengen and Wei Zhongxian come here? Didn't they all go out to do errands?
Also, why are there so many guards here? Who is this ugly group of old men with white beards?
Imperial Physician Zhang: "...that's very frustrating!"


It was Wang Chengen who came back to his senses first, threw himself into Zhu Youjian's arms, and burst into tears with his arms around Zhu Youjian: "Your Majesty! You scared the slaves to death! Why are you so good that Liu suddenly fainted?" Falling? Could it be that he met an assassin?

But this is impossible, what kind of enshrinements are there, and what a powerful assassin is required to stun Your Majesty without making any noise, what is going on here!

The slaves were all scared to death!woo woo woo woo……"

Disgusted, he pushed away Wang Chengen, who was crying with snot and tears, and took two steps back to get away from this guy. Only then did Zhu Youjian recall what happened before.

I seemed to be trying out the new function of the system, the star force cultivation module, when I pressed the red button with the Big Dipper pattern, a burst of white light suddenly lit up, making me unable to open my eyes.
Immediately afterwards, another burst of golden light shot down, making me feel hot and uncomfortable, but I couldn't cry out, and then another burst of cool blue light enveloped me, and merged with the golden light, and then I...

When the thoughts came back here, Zhu Youjian's handsome young man's face turned red!What happened to me just now?How could you make that kind of noise? What a shame!

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian suddenly turned his head and stared at the commander of the guard who was the first to rush into the imperial study just now, a few rays of light flickered in his eyes, and then he stared at the commander of the guard for a while.

It wasn't until the other party touched the back of his head with embarrassment and smiled at Zhu Youjian, that Zhu Youjian's mouth twitched and he looked away, and turned his eyes to other places.

Forget it, he rushed in because he was worried about him, and it wasn't intentional, so it's better not to kill him with the crime of being a left-footed advanced imperial study.

(The guard leader: "↖(^ω^)↗ escaped unharmed!")

After giving up the idea of ​​killing the guard commander and guards who saw his embarrassing appearance, Zhu Youjian hurriedly called the system in his heart to summon the system screen.

He wanted to know what happened just now, why there was such a sudden light, and what changes happened to him, what does this have to do with the new function of the system?
All these questions prompted Zhu Youjian to find answers quickly.

A familiar blue light appeared, and the system panel appeared in front of Zhu Youjian. If Wang Chengen's face with snot and tears was not there behind him, Zhu Youjian felt that he should be in a better mood.

Quickly ignoring Wang Chengen's face, Zhu Youjian focused on the changes in the system panel.

The star power training sub-module, which was still in the shape of a red button just now, has changed its appearance at this moment. Seven shining golden Big Dippers shine on the button, and as Zhu Youjian moved his gaze over, a white light shot out instantly and entered Zhu You Check the mind.

And Zhu Youjian immediately knew what this white light was?
This is the quantum information pillar that contains a lot of information.

The so-called quantum information pillar is to condense a large amount of information into a beam of light and send the information into the mind of the other party in a way similar to the Enlightenment of the Living Buddha in the snowy area, so that people can quickly understand all the information. In the future, it is usually used to teach students.

Because in the future, with the development of science and technology, people need to learn more and more knowledge, and although the life expectancy of human beings has been continuously improved with the advancement of genetic technology, it is limited after all, and it is not enough for people to learn all the knowledge that needs to be used. Therefore, with the appearance of this problem, the quantum information pillar is also randomly created.

With this technology, everyone will use this technology to instill the basic knowledge of measurement into their minds to save a lot of time for learning basic knowledge, and then everyone will choose the field of interest according to their own talents and interests and use this technology to quickly Get started, and then move on to in-depth research and learning.

Some people may ask, why not just pour all the information into it, so that you can directly become a master in this field without learning, is this not good?

The answer is of course no!
It’s not that no one has done this before, but the result is different from what he thought. Instead of becoming a master in this field, he was instilled with too much knowledge, and his brain couldn’t bear it for a while, so he had a nervous breakdown and became a person. Neuropathy.

Later, after he was cured, his IQ level was barely restored to that of a normal person, but he didn't know anything about the knowledge he received.

Later, after research, I found out that this technology has a flaw, that is, knowledge is just knowledge, which is different from actual operation. In addition, the human brain has to bear the upper line. When the brain has not been fully developed to a certain extent Forcing the brain to record a large amount of knowledge is simply unbearable for the human brain.

And this kind of knowledge that can be achieved overnight will never be a scientist, but a theoretical master who knows all the principles and data, but becomes blind when it comes to actual operation!
So after research, everyone divided the safe scope of knowledge instillation according to the amount of knowledge in all disciplines. Each subject and each age group can only be instilled to what extent, and then the parties must follow the instilled knowledge step by step. Once the next stage is reached and the brain is re-developed, it can receive knowledge infusion again.

On weekdays, this quantum information pillar is also used as a means for people to be lazy when they do not want to prepare a large number of documents during daily communication and office work. Directly instill the information and materials required by the other party into the quantum information pillar for the other party, and the other party can quickly Got all the info.

After receiving all the information, Zhu Youjian immediately knew what happened to him just now.

It turned out that the old man who gave himself a system and brought himself to this world in the future world suddenly discovered that this kind of personal cultivation is popular in the universe after encountering aliens with the advancement of human technology. Method, this method is called the star force cultivation method, tempering oneself with the light of hundreds of millions of stars, so that one's own life is continuously advanced, and the individual cultivation method of personal combat power is continuously improved, which is somewhat similar to the martial arts cultivation of ancient Daxia, except that A little more awesome.

At first, human beings didn't care about this cultivation method. From their point of view, how strong can an individual be?
Under the giant starship of human beings and various high-tech weapons, no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape the attack of high-tech weapons!

Only the Daxia side, due to cultural reasons, was very interested in these methods that can improve personal combat power and had preliminary contact.

Until... the appearance of the three-eyed people!

war!here we go!

In the early stage of this war, human beings can be said to be retreating steadily!

The opponent's technology tree is many generations higher than that of humans, and humans are not their opponents at all. The galaxy giant ship that humans are already proud of is bigger and more powerful than the opponent!Under the faster alien warship, it is as helpless as a child who has been beaten violently!
Turning point, appeared in a battle.

A transport ship of Daxia was targeted by the opponent. The warship of the three-eyed human race broke through the defensive force field of the transport ship. A team of three-eyed human warriors entered the transport ship and prepared to kill all the people on the transport ship of Daxia's side. Materials on the battleship.

However, an accident happened. It stands to reason that with the weapons of the three-eyed warriors, the soldiers on the Daxia transport ship should be wiped out without any resistance. Unexpected things happened after the star power fighters exploded!

All the three-eyed soldiers who entered the transport ship were wiped out, and even their weapons were robbed!
The soldiers on the transport ship counterattacked into the opponent's warship with the weapons they had snatched, and obtained the opponent's warship, which was much more technologically advanced than their own, and fled towards the ancestral star.

Since then, the technology of the Great Xia Kingdom has advanced by leaps and bounds because of this stolen warship...

And in the ensuing battle, the soldiers fought with the three-eyed human race in the same way when they snatched the first battleship, playing an ancestral art skill that the Great Xia Kingdom has never used for a long time!
No guns, no cannons, the enemy made it for us!
At that time, the reason why the soldiers on the transport ship were able to counterattack the three-eyed warship was because of the soldier who cultivated the star power explosion!
No matter how good a weapon is, it needs to be controlled by someone. After the explosion of this soldier who cultivated star power, his combat power has risen in a straight line. The weapon of the three-eyed warrior couldn't hit him at all. Instead, he took advantage of the geographical advantage to fight back one by one. After obtaining the opponent's weapon, it became even more powerful, and quickly joined forces with several other companions in the transport fleet who had cultivated star power to form a sharp knife counterattack and entered the enemy warship.

In this battle, the difference in weaponry has become a joke, and personal combat power has been highlighted. If weapons are added, the increase in combat power is simply shocking!
Daxia Fang, who has also officially benefited, realized the importance of personal combat power that cannot be ignored even in interstellar battles. He began to build star seed reception platforms on a large scale, and quickly popularized the star power cultivation method in the entire army and even the whole country. Let the whole army enter the golden age when personal combat power and weapon combat power go hand in hand!

It became the first country on the ancestral star to be in line with the current development mode of the universe master.

ps. Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!Ask for a monthly pass!

Oh, what, have I been in the water for a long time, should these things not appear?But I really want to get it out, how to do?Would you like to take a look?
Otherwise, I... If I know it by myself, I feel a little uncomfortable that I can't share it with you.

Sorry ha.

(End of this chapter)

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