Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 17 Emperor Twilight

Chapter 17 Emperor Twilight ([-])

Seeing the two coming back, Zhang Yan on the side immediately asked Zhu Youjian with his eyes.

Facing Zhang Yan's question, Zhu Youjian looked at her, lowered his head, sighed and shook his head.

In an instant, Zhang Yan's rosy face turned pale just now because of Tianqi's awakening.

She is not stupid, she guessed the reason why Zhu Youjian and Wei Zhongxian went out with an excuse just now, now that Zhu Youjian responded like this, obviously it would not be good news!

This also means that, Emperor Tianqi, his husband has not really recovered, and all this may only be temporary!
Thinking about it, Zhang Yan's tears burst out of her eyes uncontrollably, falling like broken pearls.

Tian Qi noticed it immediately, seeing his queen's happy appearance just now turned into this sad appearance, but Tian Qi just sighed helplessly, and only held Zhang Yan's hand a little tighter.

He looked at Zhu Youjian and Wei Zhongxian, who had serious expressions after entering, and said slowly, "You know everything?"

Both Zhu Youjian and Wei Zhongxian remained silent.

"Heh, I know my body better than anyone else, can you guys hide it from me?"

Tian Qi laughed at himself and looked at the two of them.

"My lord!!!"

Wei Zhongxian knelt down with a plop, knelt on the ground and sobbed.

Zhu Youjian's face was also extremely ugly, he lowered his head and was speechless for a while.

However, looking at this scene, Tian Qi smiled and said: "What are you doing! What are you doing?! I haven't died yet, isn't this all right? As for now, is it like this?
Besides, isn't it just death?What is there to be afraid of?

man!There is always death, but sooner or later.

Now it's just that my father misses me so much, that's why I want me to accompany him as soon as possible, there's nothing to be sad about. "

"His Majesty!"

"Brother Emperor!"

"My lord!"

The three of them cried bitterly at the same time, the tears kept falling, and the whole hall was filled with a sad atmosphere.

Tian Qi shook his head helplessly, with a little regret, a little unwillingness, and a little reluctance on his face, and finally all turned into relief.

He first turned his head to look at Queen Zhang Yan, held the queen's hand tightly in his hand, and then said slowly with an expression of reminiscence: "Queen, do you still remember the first time I saw you?"

Zhang Yan cried and nodded: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow..."

Tian Qi lovingly stretched out his hand to wipe the queen's face, then nodded with emotion and said: "Not only the queen remembers, but I also remember it clearly.

That year when I saw the empress for the first time, the empress looked back at me and smiled.

After one glance, I was thinking, how can there be such a beautiful woman in this world?

Every frown and smile of the queen turned into spring rain and fell into the depths of my heart, soaking every part of my heart.

That is, at that moment, I made up my mind to let the queen be my queen, hold her hand, and grow old with her.

For a lifetime, never separate! "

"His Majesty!"

The tears in Zhang Yan's eyes instantly poured out like a rushing Yellow River, and the entire beautiful face was covered with tears in the blink of an eye.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

Tian Qi tirelessly helped the queen wipe away her tears over and over again, always with a warm smile on her face.

"It's a pity, it seems that I can't do it. I can only accompany the queen to this place. For the rest of my life, I also ask the queen to treat me well and take care of myself, so that I can leave with peace of mind.

It's me, I'm sorry for the queen!I hope the queen can forgive me for leaving early. "

"His Majesty!"

Empress Zhang Yan cried and threw herself into Tian Qi's arms, crying while saying: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. Blessing, to be accompanied by His Majesty in this life is enough for a concubine!

The concubine is only afraid that His Majesty will not be here in the future, but when the concubine misses her, His Majesty is no longer around.

The concubine didn't know how to face that kind of suffering!woo woo woo woo……"

Tian Qi caressed the hair of the man in his arms lovingly, and comforted him: "Don't cry, don't cry, the queen of my minister is not such a fragile woman. In my heart, the queen is the kind of woman who will not give up to her. The queen Your strength is what I can rely on to leave with peace of mind, the Queen will definitely not let me leave with worry?"

The queen's cry suddenly became louder, but gradually became quieter, and finally the person in Tian Qi's arms nodded unobtrusively: "Wuuuuuuuuuuuu Your Majesty, don't worry, the concubine will live a good life , live well with your majesty, look at me for your majesty, and live every moment of your life for your majesty, just to let your majesty feel at ease. Woohoo..."

Tian Qi showed a gratified smile, and nodded slowly: "Okay, okay, okay, that's good, so I can rest assured, in the next life, I ask the queen to take which part of me to live well. "

After the words fell, Tian Qi gently lifted the queen from his arms, and after sitting firmly on the side, he turned to look at Zhu Youjian who was kneeling on the ground and waved.

"Youjian, come, come to Brother Huang."

Zhu Youjian got up slowly, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, came to Zhu Youjian's bed and squatted beside the bed, facing Tianqi.

At the beginning, Tian Qi didn't speak, but quietly looked at Zhu Youjian's face, and after a long time, he smiled and said: "Time flies, I didn't expect that such a small person back then would grow up in the blink of an eye." Now such a handsome young man!"

With that said, Tian Qi stretched out his hand and patted Zhu Youjian's shoulder heavily, then nodded slowly and said: "Yes! Yes, your body is very strong, and this set of shoulders is also very strong. It seems that you should be able to resist Let me shoulder the heavy burden of the Great Ming Jiangshan Sheji!"

"Brother Emperor!"

Zhu Youjian knelt down in fear.

Tian Qi shook his head: "Get up, what are you afraid of? You know my current situation. You and I are brothers and sisters. When I ascended the throne, I said that my brother and I should be Yao and Shun!"
Now, it is time for me to hand over the burden passed down by my ancestors to you, I am tired, very tired, very tired..."

Although he knew that this moment would come, it was just a record in the history textbook for him before, but now Tianqi has really cared about his younger brother for the past five years!
People are not cold-blooded animals, but the human heart is made of flesh and has feelings!
At this time, the sadness in Zhu Youjian's heart could not be restrained at all. He knew that this scene would come eventually, but when it really came, he still couldn't accept it.

"Brother Huang! How dare I have such thoughts? I just want Brother Huang to get better. This great country still needs Brother Huang to support it! Brother Huang! Woooo!"

However, Tian Qi's face gradually turned cold, and he looked at the crying Zhu Youjian with a serious face and shouted: "Don't cry! Stand up for me!

As the son of my Zhu family, how can I have such a cowardly attitude, I am already powerless to provoke this country, at this time, you, as a descendant of my Zhu family, should stand up and provoke my Ming country, so that you can go up Right up to the ancestors, next up to the hundreds of millions of Liming people in my Ming Dynasty!
Remember to me, from now on, you have lost the right to cry at will!
Your tears can only fall for the people of my Ming Dynasty!

And you yourself, no matter what you will encounter in the future, what kind of pain or blow you will suffer, I don't want you to shed even a single tear!

you!Did you hear me! "

Under Tian Qi's serious face, Zhu Youjian stopped his tears, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and nodded heavily: "Well! Brother Huang, don't worry! Today will be the last time that I will cry immediately. From now on, I will My brother's tears will only be shed for the people of Ming Dynasty!"

"That's it! That's good!"

Hearing this, Tian Qi's serious face softened, revealing a gratified smile.

 Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!

(End of this chapter)

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