Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 182 The old man can kill you!

Chapter 182 The old man can kill you!
These black-armored soldiers are all wearing black armor, with black iron helmets on their heads.

A suit of equipment can be described as gorgeous to the extreme!

You must know that even the most elite Guan Ning iron cavalry recognized by the entire Ming Dynasty at this moment can't make everyone wear armor, it's still iron armor!

And this troop actually did it!
Not only has it been done, but it has been assembled to the teeth, and even the face has an iron armor mask, only the two eyes and nostrils are used for breathing, and everything else is tightly protected!

Such an armored army quietly appeared outside his home, and everyone would panic!
But in the end, these are officials, and they usually show off their prestige too much. When facing other Qiu Ba, as civil servants, they have the advantage. Therefore, some officials calmed down quickly after being shocked, and pointed at the black armored army and shouted angrily. : "Where are you garrisoning? Don't you know that this is the official's residence? What do you want to do here, do you want to rebel?!"

But whatever he says?The gate of the Heijiajun remained motionless, and continued to surround his mansion without saying a word. When these officials wanted to go out, the Heijiajun would raise their weapons to stop them. This kind of scene made the officials who wanted to escape panic Can't help but retreat a little.

Sweeping the floor There are always some people who don't know the so-called existence in this world.

Some officials are honest, but some officials are still doing crazy things.

Not only were they shouting there, some even started to move their hands. They had a sense of self-confidence that they didn't know where they came from, thinking that the Black Armored Army would not dare to attack them.

It was too late when they got a response from the Black Armor Army after they started to fight!

A sharp Mo Dao slashed at these dead officials like cutting melons and vegetables!
next moment!

The sound of sharp knives piercing into the flesh sounded, followed by the sound of bones being severed. The next moment, the officials who were still standing proudly shouting something were directly divided into pieces by the swiped Mo Dao. Two halves!
All kinds of bloody internal organs and other things spilled all over the floor, staining the floor in front of the mansion red with blood.

And the official who was still chattering just now shut his mouth forever!


The other people around suddenly felt their feet go limp, and after they realized it, they all fled back in panic, staggering all the way back to the mansion, and closed the door tightly with a slam.

Regarding their escape, the Black Armored Army did not move. The order they received was to watch them and not let them escape.

Now as long as they don't stay out of the range of their guards, they are all safe for the time being!

Just as the living people were hiding tremblingly, the black-armored army gate that had surrounded these officials for a long time finally moved!

Circles centered on the homes of these officials, the Black Armored Army moved forward step by step.

One step, two steps, three steps...

When they approached the wall and the gate, they still didn't stop, they just waved their knives forward!


The originally tall courtyard wall and the tightly closed mahogany gate were instantly broken open, shattered into pieces and caught on the ground!
Under the stunned gaze of the people in the mansion, the Heijia Junmen walked into these mansions through the fragments of the wall gate, and then automatically divided into several groups, and rushed towards their target in silence. After struggling, he took out the hammer with the size of a human head behind him and looked at the other party with burning eyes.


The next moment, all the officials who were still struggling just now rolled their eyes and passed out with unusual proficiency.

Then they were dragged away by the black armor army like dead dogs.


This scene happened in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, and parts of Northern Zhili. All of these people participated in the forced grain requisition, which forced countless people to flee their homes.

And after they were taken away, it is reasonable to say that the prefectures and counties will have no one to take care of them. Just when everyone was worried, a group of strange scholars suddenly came, took over the local government affairs with imperial edicts, and quickly started Handling all government affairs in an orderly manner, which method looks like a veteran.

The various departments that were originally in chaos due to the arrest of the chief executive, quickly resumed normal operation under the means of these temporary prefects, and the normal operation of the various departments was not delayed.

The officials and accomplices who were arrested were escorted by the black armor army to the shantytowns where refugees piled up outside their respective city gates.

"Your Majesty!"

After escorting these officials to the shanty town, the Black Armored Army immediately found a place and pointed at the knees of these officials!

These people only felt that their entire bones were broken, and they knelt down towards the shantytown straight up. The moment they touched the ground, the pain was even more painful and they screamed!


A thick wooden board directly hit the mouths of these officials, making their hysterical wailing disappear in an instant, and they shut their mouths firmly in the blink of an eye, not daring to make any more sound.

The movement here finally attracted the attention of the shanty town on the opposite side.

The sallow and emaciated people curiously walked out of the shanty and surrounded them.

In a short time, three circles inside and three circles outside surrounded the place layer by layer.

Soon, some people endured the identities of these officials suppressed by the Black Armored Army.

"Folks! Look! Isn't that the official Chen Gou in the county?

How could he be here, and still be controlled by these big soldiers in black armor? "

"Hey! It's really this dog official! This dog official has caused us misery! This year's grain harvest was poor, and he sent someone to say why the imperial court wanted to collect grain from the whole country, and every household had to pay ten shi Food, we can give it there, if they can't give it, they will rush in and grab all the food in my house, otherwise I will become a refugee!
Although I don't know how he provoked those black armored soldiers, but it looks like he is miserable!Unexpectedly!This dog official also has today! "

"That's right! It's him! Our family has accumulated more than ten acres of land accumulated by three generations of talents! All of it was taken away by this dog official who said that the grain was not enough to make up for it!

Shit!I have already inquired about it, since the new emperor came to the throne, our Ming Dynasty has not fought a war, so how can we ask for food for war?

These bullshit reasons are all lies told by this dog official in order to rob our food and family property, and robbed all the land that my family has accumulated for three generations!
This makes me how to face my father and my grandfather after I go down!
I am sorry for my ancestors!I'm sorry ancestor! ! ! "

"It's not just the land, the old man's little daughter was seen by the dog officer because of her beauty, and she said that the food was not enough and could be supplemented by people, so she forcibly snatched it away, and now the poor little daughter of the old man I don’t even know if I’m dead or alive! My poor daughter! Father didn’t protect you well! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...”

An old man said in tears.

As everyone narrated, everyone gradually discovered that the source of your suffering was actually caused by the officials controlled by the black armored soldiers.

Gradually, everyone's words converged into a voice!
"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"And that bullshit master, they belong to the same group, he came up with so many rotten ideas, he will die too!"

That's right, no master can let it go!

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

The voices of all the people kept becoming more and more uniform, louder and louder each time, sending out the same request, kill these dog officials who have ruined their families and left their homes!
Naturally, the Black Armored Army couldn't listen to them. They were like sculptures, standing quietly in place, controlling the captured officials and preventing them from moving, but their eyes were always watching In the same direction, they seem to be waiting for some order.

at the same time.

Baoding Mansion, outside the city, in a shanty town.

Song Liwei, the prefect of Baoding, and his master Fu Yunchang, like officials from the other three provinces, were kneeled opposite the shanty town by a group of black-armored soldiers.

Still, he was more indomitable than some of his peers.

Even if he is controlled, even if he has been slapped several times with a thick wooden plank, his lips are swollen like a pig's intestines, he is still screaming!

"Where is your local army, why should you arrest me! This official is a high-ranking court official under the imperial court. Why should you arrest me? If you want to rebel, you will fail!"


It was slapped again, and under the slap of the wooden board, Song Liwei looked like a pig's large intestine, but his lips suddenly became more swollen, and they were twice as big as a pig's large intestine.

"To shut up!"

The black-armored soldier guarding him said these two words coldly. The slap just now was his hand, and the wooden plank he used was still in his hand. He stared at Song Liwei with burning eyes, waiting for him to dare to say another word. Immediately draw it again!
Song Liwei was stunned for a moment, but then his face became crazy, and he roared angrily: "You dare to hit me! You are finished! You bastard! You dare to hit a scholar! You are committing the following crime! You are against the whole Shilin is an enemy! Do you know that you are an enemy of the whole world!
Your Nine Clans!All dead!Dead!I said!I, Song Liwei, said it!You remember it for me! "

However, under Song Liwei's madness, the black-armored soldier remained calm all the time. Only when Song Liwei said that his nine clans were all dead, he suddenly lifted his black steel mask, revealing which part of his face was under the helmet. Zhang still has an immature boyish face!
The young man looked at Song Liwei sarcastically, and said coldly in a crisp but emotionless voice: "Hehe, destroy my Nine Clans? Do you know that I don't know my parents since I was a child, let alone the Nine Clans?

If you can really find my Nine Clans, remember to tell me, I thank you for the eighteenth generation of your ancestors!

However, it is up to you to survive today.

Enjoy this last time in the world, chances are running out, hurry up and take two more breaths, so as not to waste it! "

As he said that, the young man ignored Song Liwei's astonished gaze, put down the black iron mask again with a clang, and turned into a black-armored soldier who looked like a statue.

After being stunned for a long time, Song Liwei finally recovered from his stupefaction. He really did not expect that there would be such an immature boy among these cold black armored soldiers. What shocked and panicked him even more was that the last boy What exactly do these words mean?
What does it mean to enjoy this last time in the world, and what does it mean to run out of opportunities?Hurry up and take a few more sips, so as not to waste?
I am from the fourth rank!
Even if it is only from the fourth rank, but it is also from the fourth rank. According to the regulations of the court, unless he rebels on the spot, no one has the right to execute himself here, unless His Majesty or the imperial decree comes in person!
Otherwise, you can only press yourself into the capital and wait for His Majesty to deal with it!
What did the words of the black-armored boy mean?
Is it true that someone dared to risk the idea of ​​violating the court rules and execute himself on the spot here?
Thinking of this, Song Liwei, who was still somewhat domineering, immediately panicked!
Busy and terrified, he asked the black-armored soldier: "What did you mean by that just now? I am from the fourth rank! From the fourth rank! Do you know what is called from the fourth rank!

This is the level of a high official. Even if I make a mistake, I must be escorted to Beijing for trial. In the end, I can only be executed with the personal approval of the emperor's imperial pen. Do you understand?
No one can execute me on the spot, this is the rule, it is the rule of the imperial court, no one can violate it! "

And at this moment, an old, vigorous voice rang in his ears, and at the same time, his heart sank to the bottom!

"You are wrong. There is another situation where you can be executed on the spot without escorting you from the fourth rank to Beijing!"

The next moment, an old man who looked like Qi Wei with his beard spread like a halberd appeared in front of him wearing a governor's robe. He stood up straight and looked down at Song Liwei who was kneeling on the ground from top to bottom.

This person is exactly Sun Kaiyang, who was just resurrected and appointed as the governor of the four places, so is Sun Chengzong!

Before the tongue-tied Song Liwei could say anything, Sun Chengzong continued: "That's when the old man has the Shangfang sword bestowed by His Majesty!"

As he spoke, Sun Chengzong stretched out his hand to the side and shouted, "Come here! Take the sword!"


Immediately someone responded, and not long after, a Shangfang sword was held in Sun Chengzong's hands respectfully.

Looking at Song Liwei, Sun Chengzong made a hey move, and drew out Shangfang's sword in a sudden!

A flash of snow-white sword light blinded other people's eyes under the reflection of the sun. After gradually getting used to it, they finally saw it clearly. The Shang Fang sword that was pulled out was actually silvery white. I don't know what material it was made of. Just looking at the cold light Linlin, the sword's light can be seen on people's appearance, so you know it's a rare magic weapon!


Song Liwei couldn't help but gasped, and Fu Yunchang on the side lowered his head even more decadently.

It's over!

It turned out to be Shang Fang's sword!
How can this be broken, wait online, very urgent!Slow down and I will die!Please help!

ps. Well, it's late, but it's still updated, a [-]-word chapter, please check it.

The body is still a little uncomfortable, sleep, good night...

(End of this chapter)

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