Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 193 Arriving in Beijing

Chapter 193 Arriving in Beijing
Perhaps the black-armored knights of the begging army who hadn't been attracted by the conditions he offered were a little bit moved. Huang Yunfa finally gave up struggling, and his whole body became sluggish. Fan Yongdou, who was thinking about something in front of him, said in a dejected tone, "Brother Fan, did I really fall this time?"

Fan Yongdou recovered from his daze, nodded his head with a gloomy face after hearing his words, and said, "It's gone, it's going to die!
This time it is the new emperor who ordered us to be arrested, and according to the information I have obtained in the past few months, this new emperor is ruthless and unscrupulous in his actions, and he does not care about the royal face like the previous emperors.

He has no moral bottom line at all, and if he falls into his hands, the old man really can't see any hope of getting out. "

Huang Yunfa's expression became even more dejected, and at his sixtieth year, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

"Brother Fan, what will the new king do to us?"

Fan Yongdou laughed at himself and said, "Then who would know? For what we have done, you and I know in our hearts that ransacking the family and destroying the entire family is not enough to atone for sins. Maybe... we will be tortured!"

Upon hearing Ling Chi, Huang Yunfa's face turned pale with fright, and he said tremblingly, "Brother Fan! You...don't...just...joke!

How come... to... here! "

As long as Huang Yunfa thinks of being caught in a net and being cut off by some executioner in front of thousands of people, he can't control the fear, his body is trembling and he can't stop !

Fan Yongdou smiled helplessly and said: "Brother Huang! Do you think Fan is still in the mood to joke with you now?
For the things we have done, the most likely thing is to be executed by Ling Chi, otherwise we will not be able to appease the public anger, and the government will not use our fate as a warning to those who come after us.

Only by using the most cruel means to deal with us, so that there will be no one, or in other words, the group of people who may do the same thing as us will be greatly frightened, so that they will not dare to follow us. "

"So Ling Chi's execution is the most likely! Fan has already prepared for it. Ling Chi will be Ling Chi. After 18 years, Fan is still a man!"

Fan Yongdou accepted this reality, but Huang Yunfa couldn't help crying!

Ling Chi!How could it be Ling Chi!A person who has already stepped into the coffin with half of his foot, yet he still suffers from this lingering pain, God is not fair!
However, Huang Yunfa thought that his punishment was unfair, but he didn't think about where the people who were killed by his Huang family should go to appeal for their grievances?
Seeing the howling Huang Yunfa, Fan Yongdou smiled disdainfully. Only he knew that what he said about Ling Chi just now was his own. , acts cruelly, means cruelly!

Guessing that he and others are not just a mere Ling Chi who can satisfy this person.

There is a great possibility that several criminal laws of the Hongwu Dynasty may reappear!

For example - peeling real grass!
Now, a mere Ling Chi scares Huang Yunfa like this.

If Huang Yunfa knew that he might still be skinned, he wouldn't know what kind of embarrassment he would be in!
I don't know how his fragile psychological quality has brought the Huang family to the same level as his Fan family. It's simply too embarrassing for him to wait for the Eight Great Masters of Shanxi!
Fan Yongdou, who felt dull on his face, shook his head, looked forward again and recalled the past, while Huang Yunfa on the prison car behind was crying non-stop, until half an hour later the tears were all dry, and then stopped Standing down, he choked up and said: "I knew... I knew that my Huang family shouldn't go this way, so... old man, I don't have to suffer this kind of crime at my age! Wuwuwuwu..."

"Huh? I knew earlier? Shouldn't I go?" Fan Yongdou in front couldn't help but turned his head and sneered, looked at Huang Yunfa and said disdainfully: "Brother Huang, there is nothing in this world that you knew earlier, and even if you knew that you would end up like this, but Can you bear it when those white flowers and golden silver and gold are placed in front of you?
Besides, if it weren't for the relationship with the Tartars, do you think you and my eight families can have the current scale?

So, now that we have come a step, let's accept all of this calmly, and don't show such a young daughter's attitude, just let the world look down on me, the Eight Great Merchants of Shanxi! "

"Woooooooo...but the old man doesn't want to die! Wooooo..."

Fan Yongdou saw that he had said this, Huang Yunfa was still crying, so he didn't bother to care about him, he turned his head and continued to look at the front in a daze. The high spirits of taking over the family, looking back, now everything is nothing but nothing.

"Heh...who wants to die...but...I have no choice..."

The sound of the wind drowned Fan Yongdou's whispers in the wind, making it impossible for anyone to know.


An hour later.

The majestic and majestic city wall of the capital appeared in front of the black-armored knight gate, causing all the knights who came to the capital for the first time to stop and stare at the wall in front of them. The width of the foundation is about 24 meters, and the height of the wall is eight meters. majestic building.

After a while, the leader Luo Tianyong was the first to come back to his senses, with a little emotion and a little memory in his eyes.

I used to imagine countless times that I went to Beijing to rush for the exam, and finally got the title of the gold list and walked across the street, experiencing the feeling and sight of the horseshoe disease written in the ancient poems, and seeing all the flowers in Chang'an in one day, but in the end Unexpectedly, when I really came to this dream city, I had already put down the pen in my hand and became a stalwart warrior that even I looked down upon in the past.

Really, time is fate!
The impermanence of fate is really unpredictable, and one can only feel its unpredictable.

At the same time, the eight patriarchs in the prison car did not feel Luo Tianyong's emotion after seeing the majestic appearance of the Beijing city wall. What they had in their hearts was only endless fear. After walking for many days, their days are finally Is it over?

The dry tears of several patriarchs who were poor in their hearts unexpectedly flooded again for some reason, and wept crazily.

But different from them, Fan Yongdou was exactly the opposite of them, looking at the Beijing city wall, there was only endless silence.And a look similar to relief, making it hard for people to see what he was thinking.

Luo Tianyong didn't have the heart to understand what these prisoners were thinking, and after a little emotion, he immediately waved his horsewhip and pointed at the city gate at the end of his line of sight, shouting: "Speed ​​up, enter the city!
Your Majesty is waiting for us! "



(End of this chapter)

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