Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 20 Advise to advance, agree.

Chapter 20 Advise to advance, agree.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Empress Zhang Yan issued a decree to the Ministry of Rites.

"Emperor Daxing Nai Subing was weak, and he was overworked with other things. He suffered from seasonal illnesses, and the medicine failed to heal. He died on August 22, the seventh year of Tianqi. In accordance with the funeral ceremony, the Ministry of Rites will discuss with the Imperial Academy. From the point of view of thickness instrument."

The general meaning of this decree is that Emperor Daxing (referring to the deceased Tianqi) had always been weak, and he was exhausted from official duties. He fell ill and could not be cured by medicine.Let the Ministry of Rites and the Hanlin Academy discuss all the etiquette specifications for his death to see how to deal with it?
As soon as this decree came out, the entire capital was shaken instantly!
Emperor Tianqi actually passed away yesterday!

What an astonishing news this is. Although everyone had long guessed that Emperor Tianqi would not live long, they never expected that he would pass away so soon. Everyone was stunned by this news!
When they regained their senses, these people had different attitudes, some were sad, some regretted, some feared, and others were overjoyed!
There are all kinds of living beings, not one and the same.

What is sad and pity is that the officials who really understand the apocalypse feel sorry for losing such a good monarch.

Those who are afraid are mostly eunuchs, because they know that the biggest backer behind their own party is the Emperor Tianqi, and now that His Majesty has passed away, it means that their backer has arrived, so whether they can still have the glory and wealth in front of them? has become an unknown.

Moreover, their wealth and life have already reached the edge of the cliff. If they are not careful, they may fall into the situation of family ruin. They themselves are very clear about how many people they have offended and how cruel their methods are. They all know it too!

And those who are happy and ecstatic are undoubtedly the other forces that were suppressed by the Eunuch Party in the Tianqi Dynasty. Now that the Eunuch Party’s biggest backer has arrived, doesn’t this mean that they are about to turn their backs? This is great news, and it’s no wonder they are like this happy.

If it weren't for the untimely situation, maybe they would have set off hundreds of thousands of firecrackers to celebrate.

And Zhu Youjian also issued the decree of the fifth brother of the emperor.

"The emperor's brother passed away, and today there are civil and military officials in Wenhua Hall to express their condolences."

(Everyone should understand this sentence, right? I won’t translate it.)
Regardless of the uproar caused by the imperial decree issued by the queen and the order of the fifth emperor's younger brother issued by Zhu Youjian aimed at the capital.

In the palace, after Zhang Yan issued the decree to the Ministry of Rites, she immediately passed on the edict non-stop, ordering the British Duke Zhang Weixian to enter the palace.

How dare Zhang Weixian, the contemporary British prince, be negligent?

Immediately hurried into the palace to meet the queen Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan also immediately promulgated the imperial edict left by Zhu Youxiao, Emperor Tianqi.

"If death and life are common sense, people cannot avoid it. But in succession to the successor, the family depends on the life and the people, and they all belong to the submissive. Why do I regret it? Brother and younger brother and the text, Pi Shaolun preface, that is, the emperor's throne."

This roughly means that life and death are unavoidable for everyone, so it's nothing.

But someone needs to inherit my position, so that the people of Daming and the ancestors can rely on it. All of this is confirmed, so I have no regrets.

Now I have a younger brother, he is very powerful, smart and filial, so I follow the ancestor's precepts, when my elder brother dies, my younger brother will take over and pass on my position to my younger brother.

That's what it means. In short, this edict is to let Zhu Youjian inherit the throne.

Regarding this matter, the ministers had long guessed that the first emperor had no sons, so the throne could only be passed on to other clans, and King Xin was the clan closest to His Majesty's blood, so the position almost belonged to him.

Ever since, Huang Liji, the chief assistant of the current cabinet, his assistant ministers Shi Fenglai, Zhang Ruitu, Li Guo, and the British Duke Zhang Weixian, a veteran and important minister, went to the Xinwang Mansion to "persuade him to enter" in accordance with the imperial edict of Daxing Emperor Zhu Youxiao and the Queen's order, and received the letter. Zhu Youjian entered the palace to inherit the Datong.

According to the usual practice, the "persuade to advance" must be submitted three times, and the "persuade to enter" must also be submitted three times to show the sincerity of the persuader and the humility of the persuaded.

This time is no exception.

The ministers first submitted the first "advice letter" to Zhu Youjian. (No specific information was found.)
Zhu Youjian's reply to this persuasive note is as follows.

"Looking at the papers that have been entered, I can see that Qing and others are concerned about the country. Gu Yu is deeply saddened. I can't bear to hear about the succession of the reunification! Please don't allow it."

After reading your letter of persuasion, I can see that everyone is worried about the country, but I feel uncomfortable now, how can I bear to hear the news of the succession to the throne, so I do not agree to your request.

So next, the group of ministers submitted a second letter of advice to Prince Xin's Mansion.In this regard, Zhu Youjian naturally refused.

This time, Zhu Youjian responded in this way: "Qing and others are sincere for the ancestors, and the words are more earnest, and the more sad they are, the more sad they are, how can they bear to be the big one! Please do not allow."

"Although what you said is sincere and good, but after reading it, I felt even more sad and couldn't bear to inherit the throne, so I still disagree!"

At this point, the two pretense procedures are considered to be over.

The ministers submitted the third letter of persuasion.

It was not until the third letter of persuasion was submitted that Zhu Youjian in Xinwang's mansion agreed with a long sigh of relief, and replied: "Qing and other co-words have repeatedly expressed their feelings, and they have already learned their sincerity. Heaven is the most important thing, sincerity Difficult for a long time, the last will be bowed, dare not be inferior, and reluctantly obey the request."

It means that what you said is sincere and you persuaded me three times. I already know your sincerity. Just reluctantly inherit which throne, I won't make it difficult for you.

(Listen! You listen! Is this a human language? You’re still trying to do it, you’re not sure how happy you are, but you still say you’re doing it, shameless! Ah! tui!)
Although this is a bit shameless, the ancients just liked this tune, Zhu Youjian said that he is also very helpless!No wonder it's me!

(Author: "Hehe→_→, do you think I believe it or not?")
In this way, Zhu Youjian went to the palace surrounded by his ministers with a sad face.

When they arrived at the gate of the palace, Wei Zhongxian came out to greet him in person. Seeing this scene, all the officials wondered if the dead eunuch was trying to do something wrong by being so attentive all of a sudden.So they reminded Zhu Youjian to be careful!

Regarding this, Zhu Youjian nodded with a serious face, but he didn't care about it in his heart.

It's not that Zhu Youjian has no brains, thinking that Wei Zhongxian really dare not do anything, Zhu Youjian thinks this way simply because he has self-confidence!

It’s just Wei Zhongxian. In the past, he had no status and was not easy to do. Now that he is the heir to the throne, he will soon become the emperor. With his current power, Wei Zhongxian wants to be unfavorable to him. My brother has a deep understanding!
Safehouse 6.

In a dark and dark room, there is only one window. At the place closest to the roof, the light coming in through this window can barely be seen in one part of the room, and the other places are completely dark. It can be said that you can't see your fingers.

In the room, a weak shout sounded from time to time.

Following the sound carefully, one could see two weak people lying there in the only place in the room where the sun shines.

Which of the women has already passed out, and the man mentioned where his last strength was and shouted. These two are the missing Ke Shi and his younger brother Ke Guangxian!
"Come here~ Is there anyone~ Come here~ Can you give me some food...If I don't have food, give me some water...It's been three days...I'm going...I'm going to die of thirst and starvation ...Is there anyone...Is there anyone...Is it because you have forgotten us?...Come make a sound...If you don't come, you can say something..."


In the dark place of the house, a slap in the face, a mouse brother with a humanitarian spirit kindly fulfilled Ke Guangxian's humble request.


ps. The previous plot is almost done, and the pace will be accelerated at the end of this volume. Everyone is prepared, of course, some plots will slow down.

 Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!

(End of this chapter)

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