Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 203 Act Steadily

Chapter 203 Act Steadily
That's right!What Fan Yongdou used was the long-rumored martial arts technique "Transferring Shape and Changing Shadow"!
Speaking of this skill, he got it by accident. When he was discussing business in the south of the Yangtze River, he suddenly heard that an auction was being held in a garden, and he went there with the business partner when he was interested. at this auction.

In the end, the finale was actually this long-lost book of movements. At that time, everyone was shocked, and I don't know how many people coveted this movement.

The auction is confidential, and each participant watches the auction alone in a box.

In the end, he took it into his hands with his strong financial resources, but others didn't know that he had bought this skill, but the business partner knew it, so in order to keep it secret, Fan Yongdou didn't even earn any money, and directly let his first-class Dead man, the business partner was assassinated, and then he himself went to comfort his family as a friend, and after comforting him, the business target's property became his!
This is even recognized by the local government. As for how he got the approval of the local government, only he himself knows what prank deal he made with the local magistrate.

In this way, Fan Yongdou not only made a lot of money, but also secretly obtained this technique.

It wasn't until today that it was shown for the first time in front of everyone, and at the same time, it also let everyone see how powerful this long-lost movement technique is!

Slowly withdrew his hand and wiped the blood off the dagger with the sleeve of the white prison uniform. Fan Yongdou looked around coldly but didn't say a word.

He really didn't know what to say, although he had such long-lost physical skills and supernatural powers, he faced the begging army who had surrounded him from all directions with muskets and was still pressing on and shrinking the encirclement. Soldiers, even if his agility is strong, he is not confident that he can escape a round of musket fire.

It was a musket after all!

It's not the three-eyed or Lumi system that has slow loading and insufficient power that I've seen before.

It was a new type of musket that he had never seen before, with a longer range and stronger power. He had seen with his own eyes how the first-class dead soldier under his command died under the volley of these fire systems.

Although he is very strong in shape-shifting, he is only in the second-rate realm after all. Even if his ability to dodge is better than his first-rate slayer by virtue of the shape-shifting ability, it is still limited.

So he doesn't want to try whether his Apparatus can help him rush out, that's simply courting death!

But it is impossible for Fan Yongdou to be captured without a fight like this. Now that his own martial arts has been exposed, he will be detained according to the methods of a warrior. Once he is captured without a fight, he really can only wait for the little emperor. After coming over to see myself, I ordered myself to be killed!
He doesn't want to die yet!
Therefore, Fan Yongdou was entangled and froze in place, not knowing what to do next.

He froze, but Ma Hengdong and his begging soldiers would not hesitate.

After seeing Fan Yongdou unexpectedly killed the person who came to silence him, although Ma Hengdong and others were shocked, they were more surprised. In this way, Fan Yongdou survived, and he and others would not be held accountable.

As for Fan Yongdou's knowledge of martial arts...

Hehe... No matter how good your martial arts skills are, can you stop a musket?
As long as it can't be stopped, it's nothing to worry about, it's just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Ma Hengdong waved his hand, and the soldiers of the begging army narrowed the encirclement again with a tacit understanding, and all the muskets in their hands were vigilantly aimed at Fan Yongdou in the center, ready to shoot at any time.

And Ma Hengdong took a big speaker from his subordinates and turned it on.

"Old phone! Old computer! Old air conditioner!..."

After a while of incomprehensible music, Ma Hengdong told Fan Yongdou that the horn had been adjusted, and said to Fan Yongdou with the horn: "Fan Yongdou, you know the power of the muskets in our hands, after all, you have seen it with your own eyes. The soldiers were all killed by random gunshots, don't you think that you can break out of our encirclement with your second-rate status?
So, I am here to advise you!Get caught now!Otherwise, all the consequences are at your own risk!The captain is afraid that you will not be able to bear the consequences! "

Fan Yongdou's eyes narrowed immediately after hearing his words, and the air around him became cold as if the temperature had dropped instantly.

Seeing the sharp light in his eyes, Ma Hengdong raised his hand subconsciously, and the soldiers of the begging army immediately raised their muskets again, and slowly put their index fingers on the trigger, waiting for Ma Hengdong to beat Fan Yongdou to death with a wave of his hand. sieve!

The atmosphere in the arena suddenly froze!

next moment!
There was a loud bang!
Fan Yongdou made a move!

He moved!He moved!
Ma Hengdong's pupils dilated suddenly, and his raised hand was ready to swing down immediately, and the soldiers all tightened their index fingers and were about to pull the trigger!
Then everyone saw Fan Yongdou with a cold expression on his face!

He... he knelt down!
He knelt heavily on the ground, his knee collided with the ground and made a loud noise!
He raised his hands high and knelt there motionless with his head down.

Ma Hengdong was stunned, Li Hong was stunned, Liu Tianhu was stunned, and Luo Tianyong, who was standing far behind everyone watching all this, was also stunned!
What about resistance?

we agreed!Desperate?
You have accumulated so much momentum, and this is the end?

That's it?

This is not in line with the general process!

You have to resist!

How can you kneel and surrender!

Everyone was confused by Fan Yongdou's unexpected behavior, and they couldn't recover for a while.

But they don't know, Fan Yongdou doesn't want to resist, but the problem is useless!
As a "junjie" who has been knowledgeable about current affairs all his life!
How could he be desperate when he knew that resistance was useless?

Anyway, it is useless to resist, and it is very likely to die early, so it is better to surrender, at least a few more days to live!
As for the previous stalemate, it was just reconciliation, but if you are not reconciled, you have to bow your head for reality!
He, Fan Yongdou, is the person who knows the reality the most, so naturally he would not do such unwise things.

So... he knelt down!

Kneeling is unusually crisp!
Without any resistance, his straightforward behavior directly confused Ma Hengdong and others.

But soon Ma Hengdong came back to his senses, and did not relax his vigilance because of his surrender, but ordered: "Gradually shrink the encirclement, everyone is on high alert, and beware of the enemy's false surrender!"

That's right, Ma Hengdong suspected that Fan Yongdou's feigned surrender was too straightforward, and Ma Hengdong had to think so.

For Ma Hengdong's thoughts, Luo Tianyong gave him a thumbs up. As a general who likes to completely crush the enemy with dignified (steady) imperial (jian) general (general) momentum (dao), he appreciates the judgment of his deputy.

He also thought so, Fan Yongdou knelt too fast!Very doubtful!
Therefore, Fan Yongdou, who surrendered neatly, could only watch the beggars cautiously approaching him step by step with a wry smile on his face. He wanted to explain, but he knew that his explanation would only make them more suspicious, so he simply Do not explain.

He lowered his head obediently, waiting for this group of steady guys to approach step by step...

ps.Chapter 2 update!
Remember to vote!Thank you bosses!Hahahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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