Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 206 Jun Bing Agreement

Chapter 206 Jun Bing Agreement
Zhu Youjian dismounted with a solemn expression, and walked forward slowly surrounded by the crowd, and the sights of all the soldiers followed Zhu Youjian's figure, and the enthusiasm in their eyes followed Zhu Youjian's movement. Getting closer and getting hotter and hotter.

at last!

Zhu Youjian finally walked to the front of the begging army's formation. Two meters in front of him were Luo Tianyong and Ma Hengdong, the two captains and deputy captains of the begging army.

Zhu Youjian stopped in his tracks, and stared at the soldiers of the begging army in front of him. His gaze swept from left to right one by one, and finally stopped on Luo Tianyong and Ma Hengdong who were at the front.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and said: "I'm here! I see you! You have worked hard!"

The mood of all the soldiers was lifted up at once!
His Majesty, he actually told them that they had worked hard!Say hard! ! !
This is incredible!This is so exciting for them!

They want to repay His Majesty's concern, so there is no need to discuss and rehearse in advance, everyone responded loudly with a tacit understanding:
"Share your Majesty's worries!!!"

The voices of the soldiers were deafening, and the momentum was extraordinary, which made people want to get excited unconsciously.

Zhu Youjian is one of them!

Hearing this heartfelt response from the soldiers, Zhu Youjian's eyes became moist, what lovely people!
What a lovely soldier!
You only need to give them a little, even insignificant care, and they will repay you with all of themselves. For such soldiers, if you don’t treat them well, who else can you treat well!

Excited, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but shouted again: "Soldiers! Thank you for your hard work!"

All the soldiers were also unambiguous, and responded loudly with their voices open!
"Share your Majesty's worries!"

"The soldiers have worked hard!"

"Share your Majesty's worries!"

"Soldiers! You have worked hard!"

"Share your Majesty's worries!!!"

Three times, the voices of the two sides became louder each time. It was like a competition between the two sides. They were afraid that they would be overwhelmed by the other party. Of course, Zhu Youjian lost in the end. After all, he only had one person, and no matter how loud his voice was, he couldn't compare. This team of thousands of people is huge.

But, he was willing to lose, happy to lose!Willing to lose!

After calming down a little, and giving the soldiers a little time to buffer, Zhu Youjian officially said after a while: "Soldiers, I came here today, except for the well-known fact that I want to meet those few who were arrested by you for treason and glory. Apart from the profiteers who came here, the most important reason is to meet you all!"

The soldiers below were agitated, and their faces flushed instantly with excitement, but none of them made a sound, because they didn't want to disturb His Majesty's speech.

After looking around, Zhu Youjian continued: "And this meeting, I am very satisfied with the performance of the gentlemen. You are worthy of being the most elite troops under my command. No matter in terms of mental outlook or elite level, I can do it without any hesitation. It is not an exaggeration to say that our Qihuo army is the elite! The elite of the elite!
Your past record can prove all this!
Although we are far apart, one side is far away in Liaodong, and the other side is in the capital.

But I know everything you did in Liaodong!

Your establishment, the appearance of your embryonic form, your official formation of the army, your first mission, your first failure, your first victory, and even the victorious victories after that, I can receive news and support you Worried, happy for you, proud of your achievements, proud of you!

Because, you are my soldiers!You have not let me down!

You are proud of being my soldiers, but you don't know that I feel more proud and honored than you for having soldiers like you!

You guys are the best! ! !

Gentlemen!I am proud of you! "

After listening to Zhu Youjian's words, all the soldiers of the begging army had tears in their eyes, and their hearts were warm. There was only one thought left in their minds!

Such Your Majesty!Such a lord!I shall die for it!He is also worthy of my death for him!
Even on the battlefield, the soldiers of the Qihuo Army who didn't say a word even when they were stabbed in the stomach by the enemy with a knife, tears fell uncontrollably, and more and more finally turned into howls!

They were so touched!
woo woo woo woo……

Crying sounded in the arena, breaking the quiet atmosphere just now, but no one cared, everyone was crying, but they were all crying happily!
Seeing this scene, Wang Chengen beside Zhu Youjian couldn't help but secretly wiped away his tears, and thought to himself: "Your Majesty's words are really good! Great!
It turns out that His Majesty is such a person with rich emotions!To have such an emperor as king is not only a blessing for the people, but also a blessing for these officers and men, it is also a blessing for me!To be able to serve such a king, I don't know how many lifetimes of merit I have accumulated to have this kind of blessing! "

And Zhu Youjian nodded very satisfied when he saw that everyone was crying under his words.

good!good!The needle does not poke!
This is what I want!

I didn't sleep in the middle of the night last night to study today's speech, isn't it for this effect?

I believe that with today's performance, these officers and soldiers will be loyal to themselves wholeheartedly, and when they go back and tell all the begging troops, the entire begging army's military spirit will be in their hands!
Although the Qihuo Army was created by itself, but the distance is so far, and they don't often meet, it is inevitable that the army's morale is not so stable.

And with what I said today, this military spirit will be firmly in my hands immediately, as long as I don't do something that makes them feel sorry for them and completely chills them, they will never betray themselves.

After being moved for a while, all the soldiers gradually wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes, all of them looked at the direction of Zhu Youjian with appreciative expressions, and then spontaneously said loudly on one knee: "I will serve Your Majesty in this life! In return for His Majesty's love and love!
Please rest assured, Your Majesty, even if there is only one person left, the people in my begging living army will definitely die before Your Majesty!
I will become His Majesty's strongest and most powerful barrier!
Victory, Your Majesty!Great Ming wins! ! ! "

All the soldiers tried their best to express their inner voice, and swore their determination to Zhu Youjian!

Zhu Youjian's eye sockets are also moist!
After everyone stopped, they immediately raised their fingers to the sky and said loudly: "I already know the intentions of the gentlemen!

Today, as the Son of Heaven, I swear to the heavens that from now on, if you will live up to me, I will not be a king!
We are waiting for both parties, supporting each other and working together to rejuvenate Daming! ! ! "

"Rejuvenate Daming! Rejuvenate Daming! Rejuvenate Daming together with His Majesty!!!"

All the soldiers roared and shouted their promises together!

In the years to come, today's scene will be written in the annals of Ming Dynasty.

It is said in history, the agreement between the king and the soldiers!
A generation of emperor Chongzhen and his most elite troops, the Qihuo Army, will become the strongest army of the Ming Dynasty in the future!

【Dragon Tooth Guard】

Today, this far-reaching monarchy agreement was signed together.

In the years to come, the Dragon Tooth Guards became the most feared sword in the hands of Zhu Ming's royal family!

And always be loyal to Zhu Mingzi!
Never give up!

ps: The first update and the second update are the same as yesterday, as soon as possible after get off work at night.

(End of this chapter)

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