Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 210 Li Kuilong panicked!

Chapter 210 Li Kuilong panicked!
In the study room, Shi Fenglai picked up a book and read it. The title of the book was "The Doctrine of the Mean".

Open the first page, and look at the opening chapter that is not familiar anymore: "The destiny is called nature, the will is called Tao, and the cultivation of Tao is called teaching.

The Dao is one that cannot be separated from it even for a moment, but it is not the Dao.

That's why a gentleman is cautious about what he doesn't see, and afraid of what he doesn't hear.

Nothing can be seen or hidden, nothing can be seen or seen, so a gentleman should be careful about his independence.

When joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are not released, they are called neutrality; when they are released, they are all neutralized, which is called harmony; those who are neutral are the foundation of the world;

To neutralize, the heaven and the earth are in harmony, and all things are nurtured. "

This means that what heaven bestows on people is nature, following nature is Tao, and following Tao to cultivate oneself is teaching.

The Tao cannot be separated for a moment, but it is not the Tao that leaves.

Therefore, a gentleman should also be cautious where no one can see, and fear and awe where no one can hear.

When you hide, you will be discovered, and the subtleties will be obvious, so a gentleman should be cautious when he is alone.

The emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy are not expressed, which is called neutrality.

Expressed but in line with the law, this is called peace.

Modesty is the most fundamental thing in the world, and harmony is the law that the world follows.

When neutrality is achieved, the heavens and the earth will return to their respective positions, and all things will grow and develop.

Shi Fenglai has always believed in the gentleman's way of dealing with the world as mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, and he always does it in the same way.

That's why he has been able to get to where he is today, relying on the fact that he has never been a leader, but he can still make achievements, and he has always been cautious in his conduct.

Therefore, in the whole book "The Doctrine of the Mean", Shi Fenglai's favorite is this opening chapter. He reads it carefully several times every day, and recalls in his heart whether the decisions and actions he made that day violated the Doctrine of the Mean. way?
Just as Shi Fenglai was studying it carefully, the door of the study opened!
With the sound of the wooden door opening, the two doors of the study room were opened from the outside to the inside.

A handsome middle-aged man with a dignified body, a pair of staring eyes, and two eyebrows like lacquer came in.

The person who came here was Li Kuilong, the official secretary of the Ministry of Officials, Li Kuilong!
The officialdoms of all dynasties are all extremely beautiful men, it is said that being an official requires the dignity of being an official.

That is to say, you have to have a good-looking appearance, which can represent the face of the court without being too ugly, so there are not many ugly officials who are officials. Of course, there are exceptions to this, but very few are enough.

And Li Kuilong is undoubtedly a handsome man, even if he is middle-aged, he is still a handsome middle-aged guy.

But no matter how handsome a person is, it doesn't prevent him from being a well-dressed beast!
"Why did you come to see me suddenly today?"

Seeing Li Kuilong coming in, Shi Fenglai put "The Doctrine of the Mean" back on the shelf, then turned to look at him and asked.

Although Li Kuilong's face seemed to be calm, it could be seen from the dense beads of sweat on his forehead that his inner emotions at this moment were probably completely opposite to his current calm appearance!

That's exactly what happened.

Just today, Li Kuilong, who waited for the whole night without any news from the dead soldiers he sent out, immediately understood that there might be something wrong with the dead soldiers he sent out. Either the mission encountered insurmountable obstacles or all of them failed. up!

If they encountered obstacles, they would have sent back the news long ago, but in fact they have not sent back any news, which means that they may have something wrong!

And I haven't heard the news of last night's attack on the Beijing camp all day today, which is obviously abnormal.

He is very clear about his own people, they will not do nothing, there is only one possibility for this to happen, that is, they have all been arrested, but the news has been concealed!

Li Kuilong wasn't worried if they were caught, these dead men had all undergone the dirtiest training, even if they were dead, they wouldn't be able to betray themselves, but what worried Li Kuilong was that Fan Yongdou might betray him!

After all, he is very clear about the order he gave. If you can save it, you will save it. If you can't save it, you will kill it. .

If it succeeds, good luck, everything will be fine!

If it fails, it will make Fan Yongdou completely turn against him, and he is very likely to betray himself!No!It's not very possible, a businessman like this who has no honest relationship and only acts for his own interests, he will definitely betray himself!
And I can't stand the investigation at all. Once I am investigated, my connection with the Jurchens will be exposed immediately. Once I learn about this, I have no doubt that I will have no way out!

At such a critical moment, Li Kuilong panicked, he immediately thought of his current backer!

The cabinet will assist Shi Fenglai for the second time!
With my current network of connections, only this official has the highest position. If I choose someone who can save me from all my connections, there is no doubt that it can only be him!
So... Li Kuilong is here!

He came to see Shi Feng for help!

Hearing Shi Fenglai's inquiry, Li Kuilong was very secretive at first, and he didn't speak clearly, he just said that he was in big trouble and hoped that Mr. Shi Ge could save him, but he was vague about why he was in big trouble .

Shi Fenglai was in a daze when he listened, and he didn't understand what he said in the end. Seeing that the time had passed for a moment, he immediately waved his hands impatiently and said: "Li Jigeng! I don't care what you are here for today, old man!" Find the old man, but if you continue to be so hesitant and vague, then don't blame the old man for not helping you!
You don't even want to tell me the truth about why you got into trouble, how can I help you? "

Li Kuilong's face froze, after hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet!

He didn't bother to hide it, so he revealed everything!

"Master Ge, do you still remember the 20 taels of carbon fire silver that I honored you last month?"

Shi Fenglai's face changed in an instant, and his originally peaceful expression immediately became extremely gloomy. Looking at Li Kuilong with a cold expression, he said, "What carbon, fire and silver? Li Jigeng, don't talk nonsense, when will the boss accept you?" You are just talking nonsense, you are such a Miao sister, don’t you know the truth that disaster comes from your mouth?!”

Naturally, Shi Fenglai took the charcoal, fire and silver. Everyone understands whether such a thing can be done or not. After all, everyone still wants to be an official.

But today, Li Kuilong actually mentioned the 20 taels in front of his face again. Shi Fenglai directly thought that he was going to blackmail him with this, so his expression turned cold instantly.

Li Kuilong also understood that his words were too straightforward, so he could only explain with a wry smile: "My lord, it's not that I want to threaten you with this, it's just that the 20 taels that I caused this trouble today are related to, so I must take The origin of the 20 taels must be explained clearly to Mr. Ge."

Shi Fenglai's expression gradually eased after listening to it, but then he tensed again, remembering the meaning of Li Kuilong's words, and asked: "What do you mean by that? Could there be something hidden about the 20 taels? Make it clear to the elder of the pavilion, if the old man is involved, believe it or not, the elder of the pavilion will want your Li family tonight, and the family will be ruined!!!
The old man can say it, he can do it! "

Shi Fenglai threatened with a serious expression.

After listening to his words, Li Kuilong's face immediately turned pale, without a trace of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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