Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 217 Xu Guangqi Enters the Court

Chapter 217 Xu Guangqi Enters the Court

In the early morning, the sky was still gray, and there were no lights on the streets, but on the streets leading to the imperial city, there were all kinds of people in official uniforms carrying lanterns, riding sedan chairs, riding horses, or walking on the streets. On the road, they gathered towards the imperial city.

They are officials who go to court.

Today is not a diligent emperor, this is the consensus of all officials today.

And this problem seems to have become a tradition of the Zhu family, and Wanli, Tianqi, and even the Emperor Jiajing a long time ago also knew it well.

This day has also perfectly inherited the fine traditions of the elders, unless the court meeting was held every day when he was first enthroned, then it became every two days, every three days, and now, in non-emergency situations, the court meeting is held once a week !

The court meeting is held every week on Sunday, that is, the modern Monday. The average number of non-major events in a month has been fixed at four times. As for whether it will be extended again in the future, it depends on His Majesty.

Now, even though all the officials in the court disagree with this, they dare not shout loudly. After all, today is not a man of discipline. Since he ascended the throne, many literati and civil officials have died at his hands, and he has even ended up as an emperor who copied his family. "Good name"!
They don't want to test whether their necks are strong enough to resist this butcher's knife.

So no matter how dissatisfied you are in your heart, for the sake of your own life and the life of the whole family, everyone still cooperates (counsel) and acquiesces in this matter. He didn't dare to press loudly, for fear of being heard by the three major factory guards who were elusive.

Today is the day of the moon, the time for the weekly court meeting.

The officials who had been waiting for more than a week couldn't wait to leave the house early and headed towards the imperial city in the morning fog.

The officials on the street were advancing in groups of three and four. In a small courtyard beside the road, the courtyard door was slightly opened, and a small head was looking out through the crack of the open door. It was a little boy.

He looked out through the crack of the door at those high-ranking officials and lords who walked towards the imperial city in the morning fog.

After a while, the figures of the officials gradually thinned out until there were no more, and almost everyone had left by then.

There was a slight sound of closing the door, and the courtyard door that was slightly opened just now was tightly closed.

The little boy who was looking out with his head turned his head back, closed the door tightly, and trotted all the way towards his backyard.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Those officials are going up again! I saw it! There are so many people!"

In the backyard of the small courtyard, a hale and hearty old man with white hair was chopping firewood with an ax!

A piece of firewood was neatly divided into two halves by the axe. Xu Guangqi picked up the two pieces of firewood and piled them into the pile of firewood that had also been cut into two pieces in the corner.

Hearing his grandson's words, he turned his head with a smile, first grabbed his precious grandson and wiped his sweat from running all the way over, and then wiped himself. Then he smiled and said, "Today is Sunday , according to the court time set by His Majesty a few days ago, it is the day of court, which is not surprising.

Why do you go to see them go to court, what's so interesting about it? "

Xu Guangqi's grandson, that is, the little boy who sneaked through the crack of the door to watch the officials going up outside just now, lowered his head and said, "I was just thinking, Grandpa, when will you be able to go up like them?
Didn’t that angel come to our house to ask you to come to the capital to be an official?
Why have we been here for so long, and no one has come to ask us to ask Grandpa to be an official? "

Hearing this, Xu Guangqi burst out laughing, picked up his grandson, pinched his nose and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Why didn't Grandpa find out that my precious grandson is still an official fan? Grandpa is an official?"

The little boy shook his head and said, "I'm not an official fan, I'm just... just..."

However, even after a long time, the little boy didn't come out of nowhere.

Xu Guangqi smiled and asked, "What is it?"

The little boy showed yearning and said: "I just want to see grandpa be as majestic as those officials!
Grandpa, I saw it a few days ago. There was an official named Liu who seemed to be very imposing. When walking on the street, everyone else would bow down to him respectfully and say hello to him, saying hello Liu Yushi!
He walked on the road with his head held high.No one dared to speak loudly in front of him, but he was so majestic! "

Xu Guangqi's face darkened abruptly, and he suddenly put down his precious grandson in his arms, then squatted in front of his precious grandson, looked at him, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Linzi, do you think he is very majestic like that?"

Although the little boy Xu Erlin (fabricated) didn't understand how his grandfather's face suddenly became so ugly, he didn't think much about it when he was still young, and nodded honestly and said: "Well, it's very majestic! Everyone agrees. That Liu Yushi is respectful!"

Xu Guangqi nodded, and then asked again: "Then do you think people's respect for Liu Yushi comes from the heart?"

Xu Erlin thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Probably not!"

Xu Guangqi smiled: "Of course not, what they showed when they faced that Liu Yushi was definitely not respect from the heart, but fear! Everyone was afraid of his official position, so they were afraid of him!

Xiao Linzi, do you know?There are three types of officials in this world!
One is a good official and the other is a bad official!

What the people really respect are those good officials. They will plead for the people, do things for the people, and do their best to make the people live better.

This kind of official may not be as good as a bad official, but he has a clear conscience, and people's respect for him is from the heart. Even if he loses his official position in the future, everyone's respect for him will not decrease in the slightest, because he made him What people respect is not his official position, but his character and his charisma!
This kind of person will be remembered by the common people. Even if he dies, he will live in people's hearts in another way. This is a good official with a long history!For example, Hai Rui Hai Gangfeng, whom grandpa once told you, is such a good official!
The other kind of officials are bad officials. All their prestige and strength come from the official position they are in. They usually extort money from the people, and use their power to oppress the good and seek benefits, so that the people dare to treat them. Angry but afraid to speak, this kind of people will respect them, but this kind of respect is not from the heart, but because of fear and fear of what they show, this kind of official has the power to be nothing when injured However, once they lose the power in their hands, their previous majestic image in front of the people will collapse like rootless duckweed!

No one will respect him anymore, everyone will only hate and ostracize him, and even those who have been bullied by him will hate him to the bone, and the historian will write his life in the history books, leaving him infamous forever !
The second half of this kind of bad official's life is very miserable, after all, not many people are able to survive until the end.

Grandpa will tell you a word. This is what grandpa heard from a place before. He thinks it makes sense. I will tell you today, and you must remember it! "

Xu Guangqi suddenly said to his precious grandson with a serious face.

Xu Erlin hurriedly nodded and said, I know grandpa!
Only then did Xu Guangqi nod his head, and said with a serious face: "Come out to mess around! You have to pay it back!
Xiao Linzi, you have to remember this sentence, this world is a river and lake, but ordinary people have their own rivers and lakes, martial arts people have their own rivers and lakes, officialdom also has officialdom’s rivers and lakes, and even countries have their own rivers and lakes. Belonging to the country's rivers and lakes!
But a rule is eternal in these rivers and lakes!

That is to come out to play, always have to pay back!
Everything you do, whether it is good or bad, you will pay the due price for him. You may not be able to see it for a while, but life is very long, and one day you will pay back with interest. To fate!

Therefore, as a human being, you must be responsible for everything you do, at least you must have a clear conscience!
That way you won't regret it later!

Do you understand? "

Although Xu Erlin was very smart, he was still young, and he was still a little confused when he heard Xu Guangqi's words. He shook his head and replied, "Grandpa, I don't quite understand."

Then he hurriedly said: "But I remember everything!"

Xu Guangqi laughed, got up and touched his grandson's little head and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you still laugh.

As long as you remember it, you will understand later. There is only one thing you need to understand now, that is, we cannot be an official for the sake of prestige. Such a person must not be a good official.

We want to become an official for the benefit of hundreds of millions of people. A person with this belief must be a good official no matter what his means are. "

This time, Xiao Linzi suddenly shouted: "Grandpa, I understand. You said that people who have such beliefs but have bad methods are the third type of officials you didn't mention just now?"

Xu Guangqi narrowed his eyes and nodded with a smile, "That's right! They are the third type of officials. This kind of officials look like bad guys, but everything they do is for the common people, but their methods are not that good. It's just good-looking, but they are often the ones who can do a lot of things for the people.

They are not as good on the bright side as good officials, and many times they even collude with bad officials and are regarded as bad officials.

But this kind of officials are not bound by various morals like good officials. They do not take into account and do whatever they want, and only they can do many things that good officials cannot do.

So we need good officials, but we also need this kind of officials who are neither bad nor bad. Let's call them officials with conviction! "

Xu Erlin nodded understandingly, then raised his head and asked Xu Guangqi: "Grandpa, what is Jiang Hu?"

Xu Guangqi raised his head and looked in the direction of the imperial city. At this time, the court bell had already sounded in the imperial city, and the court meeting was about to begin!

After a while, Xu Guangqi looked in the direction of the imperial city and answered his grandson's question: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!"



"Xu Guangqi joins the cabinet!"

Baiguan, who had been waiting for more than a week, was just about to present the "heartfelt words" he had accumulated this week, but they were all shocked by this proposal of today's day!
What's the situation?
There was no sign at all, why did Xu Guangqi suddenly want to join the cabinet?
Everyone is stunned!

Who is Xu Guangqi?

Xu Guangqi, named Zixian, nicknamed Mr. Xuanhu.

Jinshi in the 32nd year of Wanli, good at astronomy, calendar calculation, and firearms.

He became a Catholic and studied knowledge with the Italian Matteo Ricci.

For 40 years, he worked as an almanac editor, and together with the missionary Xiong Sanba, he co-made observatories such as heaven and earth.

He was criticized the following year, saying that he was sick and resigned, and he farmed in Tianjin.

In 47 years, the Ming army was defeated by Sarhu, and he asked himself to do his best, promoted Henan Dao Yushi, and trained troops in Tongzhou.

However, due to difficulties in the supply of military pay and equipment, the training plan did not go well.

In March of the first year of Tianqi, Xu Guangqi returned to Tianjin to recover from his illness. In June, when Liaoyang fell, he was called back to Beijing and urged to use Hongyi cannons to help defend the city. However, he resigned in December because of disagreements with the Minister of War.

In the third year of Apocalypse, Xu Guangqi was promoted to be the right servant of the Ministry of Rites and a bachelor of the Ministry of Rites. In the fourth year of Tianqi, he compiled and completed the first draft of "Nongzheng Quanshu".

But since Tianqi returned to his hometown three years ago, there has been no news about him in the officialdom. Everyone thought that he would never have a chance to come back. Unexpectedly, he heard such explosive news as soon as he went to court today!
His Majesty actually wants to recall Xu Guangqi and let him join the cabinet!
How can this be!

How can this work? !
There is only one reason why all the officials object, it does not conform to the procedure!
That's right, it just doesn't conform to the program!

According to the unspoken rules all along, if you want to join the cabinet, you first need to be a scholar of the Imperial Academy, and Xu Guangqi meets the conditions.

But the second is to be a minister or assistant minister of the capital or Nanjing Six Departments first!
Xu Guangqi did not meet the requirements at all. Wei Zhongxian was originally given time and a position in the Ministry of Rites when Tianqi left in three years, but Xu Guangqi refused to submit, and was finally impeached and left.

Therefore, Xu Guangqi does not meet the conditions for joining the cabinet at all!

Not to mention, His Majesty still directly said that Xu Guangqi would be admitted to the cabinet, and even lazily did the normal step of letting the officials nominate candidates, and directly wanted him to join the cabinet, how could they agree!

Not to mention that Xu Guangqi is not qualified now, even if he is qualified, they can't agree. After all, an official who doesn't want to join the cabinet is not a good official. Who doesn't want to go further?
Why do you, Xu Guangqi, have such a big face that you can jump over the crowd and join the cabinet directly?
We are not satisfied!

It's a pity that it's useless if they refuse to accept it. Since Zhu Youjian raised it, he is not asking for their opinions, but just telling them.

He, Zhu Youjian, has always had this arbitrary character, and it is not the first time that the officials have known about it.

Therefore, after the strong protests were ignored, after a nominal court push, under the acquiescence of the four cabinet elders who did not resist, the officials of the bureaucracy could only reluctantly pass the proposal of letting Xu Guangqi join the cabinet. .

After achieving his goal, Zhu Youjianye lost his mind and continued to go to the court. After a few words, he blocked what everyone wanted to say and went back to announce his withdrawal from the court.

Regardless of the complaints from the officials after they retired from the court, the eunuch who went to find Xu Guangqi to declare the decree for him to join the cabinet has already set off non-stop!

And Xu Guangqi, who was still eating breakfast at home, didn't know that he had joined the cabinet, and was still living his little life leisurely, but in the dark, the hard-working 996 life had already happened without his knowledge. Come to him at full speed...

ps. The [-]-word chapter is updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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