Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 222 Natural Disaster Response Plan

Chapter 222 Natural Disaster Response Plan (End)

"Ahem, what, Xu Aiqing doesn't need to be so excited, I haven't finished speaking yet.

can you stand back a little bit "

Zhu Youjian took half a step back and said.

At this time, Xu Guangqi also realized that he was too excited, and hurriedly took two steps back and cupped his hands: "The old minister was too excited and disturbed His Majesty, please forgive me!"

Zhu Youjian waved his hand: "It's nothing, Xu Aiqing is also so excited because of the high output of potatoes and sweet potatoes, and for the sake of the people of Ming Dynasty, I understand.

It's just that Xu Aiqing, please listen to me first, okay? "

"Your Majesty, please speak!"

Xu Guangqi bowed his head in shame and replied, and then acted as if he was listening.

Only then did Zhu Youjian continue: "I've heard about these two high-yielding crops for a long time, so when I was hiding in the mansion, I ordered people to find the seeds and start planting them.

You should also know that the Huangming Chamber of Commerce is the Chamber of Commerce in my hands, so in the past two years, I have used the convenience of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce to purchase land and plant them in places with branches all over the country.

As of this year, the two crops have reserved more than 30 stones. If these 30 stones are used as seeds for expanded planting, the output of millions of stones will be harvested next year. By then, I will promote it. Once you have enough seed reserves for promotion, once it is fully promoted, even if the natural disaster you speculated by Qin Tianjian is coming, I will not be afraid at all! "

After listening to Zhu Youjian's narration, Xu Guangqi's eyes immediately lit up like two light bulbs. He looked at Zhu Youjian with reverence and said, "As expected of your Majesty, you have already prepared for it. The minister's vision is as good as your Majesty's." It still can’t be compared, my Ming Dynasty has such a majesty who is planning for the rainy day, it is really the blessing of my Ming Dynasty’s hundreds of millions of people!"

Hearing Xu Guangqi's compliment, the corners of Zhu Youjian's mouth involuntarily twitched slightly. This was a compliment from Xu Guangqi, a celebrity in history books and a great scientist. Can it be compared with ordinary people's compliments?

This has more gold content, okay?

To be honest, Zhu Youjian was a little flustered.

Even though he was obviously very happy in his heart, on the surface Zhu Youjian still waved his hands modestly and said: "Hey! Xu Aiqing is overrated, and I just did what I should do. Since I am a big Tomorrow, it is natural to plan ahead for the hundreds of millions of people in Ming Dynasty.

There are thousands of miles of land in the Ming Dynasty, and all kinds of things are extremely complicated. If you don’t plan ahead, how can you do everything right? You need to know that every decision I make is related to the livelihood of hundreds of millions of people. How can I not do my best? What about doing things carefully? "

"It's great that Your Majesty has such an idea, and the people are blessed!" Xu Guangqi complimented with a smile.

Zhu Youjian also smiled.


Afterwards, the two discussed Xu Guangqi's suitability after entering the cabinet. In the end, the monarch and his ministers had a good time, and Zhu Youjian kept Xu Guangqi for lunch before letting him out of the palace.

The interior of Daming here is peaceful, while in the former Shenyang of Liaodong, it is now in the imperial palace of Shengjing City.

Chongzheng Hall

The obese Empress Dowager Ji sat at the top, while the bottom three Baylors and a group of high-level officials were arranged in two rows to discuss matters.

"Big Khan, when will the food in the pass arrive? If not, the warriors can only kill the Nikan who eats at home to save food, but our current Nikan cannot be supplemented. There will be no one to plant the land, and if things go on like this, there will be big problems!"

Jierhalang, who was leaning on a cane, rushed to Huang Taiji and said with a serious face.

During the Battle of Ningjin in May, Jierhalang was hit by a shell that flew from nowhere. Because Jurchen's medical treatment was backward, the injury was not healed after more than half a year of recuperation. Still need crutches to walk.

What Jierharang said is also the reason why other Baylors and high-level officials in the palace gathered here today. Since the beginning of spring this year, the weather in Liaodong has become extremely bad, and food production has also begun to decrease on a large scale. Otherwise, Huang Taiji would not have gathered here in May. When they raised a large army to attack the Ming Dynasty, what they actually wanted was to get supplies from the Ming Dynasty so that they could tide over the difficulties.

But what the entire Houjin didn't expect was that they were actually stopped this time, who had always been in an advantageous position facing the Ming army!

Being firmly blocked from the two cities of Ning and Jin did not take advantage of the slightest advantage, which also completely bankrupted the idea of ​​Hou Jin's intention to rob the Ming Dynasty to supplement supplies to tide over the difficulties.

Seeing that if the fight continues, the gain will not be worth the loss. In order to save losses, and the black armor army is desperately stealing the house behind, on the one hand, in order to stop the loss, and on the other hand, to appease the soldiers whose family members are in the rear, Huang Taiji had no choice but to lead the crowd back.

But things still need to be resolved. The shortage of food will not disappear because of their retreat, and they still have to face this difficulty.

At the critical moment, Daishan, who is the big Baylor, proposed a solution.

That is, since the grain cannot be robbed, then another method is to buy grain in Daming territory through the Fan family and other merchants who have connections with them. Come out to buy food to tide over this difficulty.

Anyway, they were all robbed from the Ming people, and they used the robbed Ming Dynasty silver to buy Ming Dynasty grain.

Just two words!

As soon as Daishan's strategy came out, all the Baylors applauded, even Huang Taiji quite agreed, so this strategy was implemented.

After they found Fan Yongdou and others, as expected, Fan Yongdou and others were very moved and quickly agreed.

After Huang Taiji and the others got the affirmative reply from Fan Yongdou and other businessmen, they immediately let go of their worries and relaxed.

For Fan Yongdou and others, they believed that since they agreed, they would do it no matter what, otherwise they wouldn't agree, and they didn't have the guts to lie to them!
So they relaxed and waited for the food in the pass to be delivered.

However, what they didn't expect was that on the day when the agreed delivery of grain came, they waited at the agreed place, and they didn't wait for any of the eight families to deliver the grain.

In this way, half a month passed. Not only did they not get any news about the food, but even the contacts who had originally contacted the eight families disappeared, and they completely lost the news of the eight families.

At this time, Hou Jin panicked, and the food was about to run out, but the agreed food was not delivered. This is really fatal!
Although it is said that as long as they kill all the Nikans, the remaining food will be enough for the Houjin clan to eat for a month or two, but if they really kill all the Nikans, as Jierhalang said just now, they will have to go out. Big problem, after all, these nikans are not as easy to replenish as before.

After years of their ravages, there are not many people in Liaodong, and the customs cannot enter, so what should I do?

Worried and irritable, early in the morning, the four major Baylors together with a group of high-level officials gathered together to ask Huang Taiji to see him, hoping that he could come up with a solution.

After Ji Erhalang finished speaking, Zhong Baylor immediately turned his attention to Huang Taiji sitting at the head, waiting for his decision.

And Huang Taiji suddenly felt a little numb...

(End of this chapter)

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