Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 230 Put it to death and survive, "Surveillance"?

Chapter 230 Put it to death and survive, "Surveillance"?
"There is no need for the Khan to be embarrassed. The slave knows that he has made a mistake. If he can't make it so difficult for the Khan, the slave will commit suicide, so that the Khan will have no worries!"

Just when Huang Taiji was hesitating, Liu Shibao suddenly raised his head and said sincerely and decisively.

As he said that, he got up and wanted to hit the pillar on the side hall!

Seeing this, Zhong Baylor's originally fierce expression changed and became milder.

Looking at Liu Shibao, who was hitting the pillar, he showed a satisfied expression. This is really a good slave!

It's a pity that he heard something he shouldn't have heard, no matter how good he was, he couldn't let him live today!He must die!
"Stop for Ben Khan!"

Just when Liu Shibao was less than a fist away from the pillar, Huang Taiji's angry voice suddenly reverberated throughout the hall, stopping Liu Shibao's hitting steps all at once, and everyone turned their gazes to the previous one. The angry Huang Taiji.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Huang Taiji's face was abnormally gloomy. He looked at Liu Shibao who had stopped and said angrily: "You are Ben Khan's slave, and your life belongs to Ben Khan before he speaks! Where are you?" The right to come dares to end it privately!"

Liu Shibao lowered his head in shame, and replied: "The servant made Da Khan difficult!"

Huang Taiji's face became even more angry: "Fart! Who do you think you are? You are just a slave, and you want to embarrass Ben Khan, are you worthy?
Now you stand there for Ben Khan, you are not allowed to die without Ben Khan's order, do you hear me! "

Although Liu Shibao looked embarrassed, he still nodded seriously and stood there with his hands tied.

After seeing this, Huang Taiji snorted coldly, he was satisfied with his behavior.

Then Huang Taiji looked at the group of Baylors who looked at him with doubts, and said with a gloomy face: "What? That is Ben Khan's slave, and Ben Khan can't die if he doesn't let him die!

What's your opinion? "

The others were silent, but Mang Gurtai, the reckless man, stood up at this moment, and said directly without giving Huang Taiji any face: "Khan, I have a problem, this slave must not leave here alive today, if Da Khan, if you can’t bear to do it, then I can do it for you, in short, Ta must not leave here alive!”


Huang Taiji suddenly became furious, picked up an object at the side and threw it at Mang Gurtai, Mang Gurtai dodged and looked at Huang Taiji with a puzzled expression.

The anger on Huang Taiji's face was even worse, he stood up straight, pointed at Mang Gurtai and said angrily: "Mang Gurtai! Are you a profuse sweat or am I a profuse sweat! Could it be that what I said no longer works? ?!"

At this time, everyone else has seen that the matter is no longer about killing a mere servant, but about Huang Taiji's prestige as a great Khan, so everyone is silent, but rather reckless. Gurtai, a reckless man, didn't understand it at all.

After listening to Huang Taiji's words, he still stiffened his neck and retorted: "If what Da Khan said is right, then I will naturally listen to what Da Khan said, but if what Da Khan said is wrong, is it possible that I will make mistakes?"

The furious Huang Taiji suddenly calmed down, looked at the eloquent Mang Gurtai with cold eyes, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "In this case, why don't I just give up Da Khan's position to you?" gone?"

"Uh, if the Great Khan is willing, then I'm fine..." Mangurtai subconsciously replied without thinking about it, but he suddenly realized that he was halfway through the sentence, and immediately stopped talking.

But the words were already half spoken, and it was already too late to shut up, Huang Taiji's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, looking at Mang Gurtai, although his expression was calm, the fear and murderous intent in his eyes was almost uncontrollable gushing out.

Sure enough, these big Baylors are still thinking about Ben Khan's position, and they haven't given up yet. As long as the top four Baylors and the three big Baylors are together for one day, they will always miss Ben Khan's position, and this can't go on like this!

If Ben Khan wants to fully grasp the power, the other three Baylors must be eliminated!No one can stay!
Keeping them is a threat to Ben Khan!

Just this time, just take advantage of this entry and let them die in the pass!

The big Baylor who died on the battlefield is the good Baylor!

No one else will have an opinion either!

When the time comes, be the first to kill Mangurtai!
Be the first to kill him!

Although Mang Gurtai didn't know that he was on the must-kill list in Huang Taiji's heart, he also knew that he seemed to have said something wrong, so it's better to shut up and be honest at this time.

It's a pity that it was too late for him to wake up, even if he kept his mouth shut now, the killing intent towards him had already formed in Huang Taiji's heart, once he had the opportunity, he would kill him without hesitation, without the slightest hesitation.

The Baylors also saw this, and all bowed their heads in silence, hiding themselves carefully, for fear of being missed by the furious Huang Taiji.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Huang Taiji's expression gradually calmed down. He looked at everyone and said, "Xiao Baozi is Ben Khan's close friend. Don't say he may have heard something, but he really did. Khan also believed that he would not talk nonsense.

Of course, you may not believe this, and Ben Khan himself can hardly feel at ease.

So although Ben Khan will not kill Xiao Baozi today, before the army goes out, Ben Khan will let people watch him, so that even if he really wants to spread the news, he will not have a chance, so you can always rest assured Bar? "

All the Baylors also knew that Huang Taiji was angry now, and they were unwilling to provoke him too much.

Moreover, according to the method Huang Taiji said is indeed a method, as long as the final news is not spread? They all nodded, but Huang Taiji didn't even look at him.

Seeing everyone nodding and agreeing to come, Huang Taiji turned his eyes to Liu Shibao and said, "Little Baozi, you heard what Ben Khan said just now. During the time before the army goes out, you should just stay there."

Liu Shibao immediately knelt down on the ground when he heard the words, and kowtowed heavily: "My servant, thank you for your love and love! This servant will definitely stay in the palace honestly and never go out, and won't make things difficult for the sweat!"

"Huang Taiji nodded in satisfaction: "Yes!so good! "

Afterwards, Huang Taiji greeted him loudly, and immediately someone ran in from outside. According to what Huang Taiji said, he found someone to follow Liu Shibao closely for twelve hours, and put him under close surveillance.

After Liu Shibao left, Huang Taiji also discussed with Zhubeile again.

And where they didn't see, the guards sent to monitor Liu Shibao showed a strange smile to each other after arriving in No Man's Land with Liu Shibao, and then said to each other: "Brother! Long time no see!"

They have known each other for a long time!

ps. The second update.

Please forgive me for the poor writing of this plot, sorry everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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