Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 262 Persuasion

Chapter 262 Persuasion
"Mr. Liu, please forgive me for not agreeing to your request. I can only break my promise to you. I escaped from the siege of yeast powder with great difficulty. It is impossible for Lin to sacrifice his brothers' wealth and lives just for a promise." adventure!"

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Qingyi finally rejected Liu Jianqiao's request directly.

Liu Jianqiao had guessed that Lin Qingyi would say this a long time ago, and he was not surprised when he heard the words. It was very interesting: "Master Lin said it himself just now, even if he risked his life, he would do it. Why is he really going to do it now? But refused?

Could it be that what Mr. Lin said earlier was just empty talk? "

Lin Qingyi blushed.

That's right, just now he did say that he would do it even if he risked his life, and now he is the one who regrets it, so he has nothing to refute what Liu Jianqiao said.

After holding back for a while, Lin Qingyi blushed and said in shame: "Mr. Liu, just treat my words as Lin Qingyi, and it doesn't matter if it's just me.

But the lives of the brethren are their own.

On a bigger scale, it also belongs to the imperial court.I don't have any right to let them die for a promise I promised, so today I can only be a villain who broke his promise!
It's the official who broke his promise to Mr. Liu! "

Liu Jianqiao clicked his tongue twice and slowly shook his head without saying anything, but his actions made Lin Qingyi even more unable to lift his head.

Immediately, a strong man with a big arm and a round waist came out of the defeated soldiers on the side, stood in front of Liu Jianqiao, looked down at Liu Jianqiao with his bushy bearded face and said viciously: "Boy! Don't push yourself too far!
No matter what you do, you are just the son of a businessman. Our lord only gave Mr. Liu some face because your lord was once a soldier of the Qi family. Otherwise, ordinary people still want us to compensate him?
That is purely dreaming!

Now that you are getting cheap, you don't know how to measure it and make such an embarrassing request. This is purely finding fault, don't you know!
I don't care why you came to us out of nowhere, but you are not welcome here now, you leave now!

Otherwise, don't blame us for not pronouncing Mr. Liu's name, and teach you a lesson, it will be too late for you to cry by then!

Do you understand? "

As soon as the strong man finished speaking, Lin Qingyi hurriedly said: "Evil tiger! Hugh's being rude! This is because I broke my promise and failed to do what I promised. Mr. Liu should be dissatisfied. How can you So rude?"

The strong man called Evil Tiger ignored Lin Qingyi, didn't turn his head, and still stared at Liu Jianqiao, but said in his mouth: "Master Zongqi, you are too stubborn. Even if the six sons offended him before, But he was the one who came to us first, if he hadn't come, the six sons wouldn't have argued with him for no reason, and you wouldn't have promised him anything, so naturally there would be nothing wrong with others.

This kid is responsible for everything now, but we still owe him, what kind of reasoning is this!
Don't worry about the next thing, I think this kid's appearance and demeanor must have been educated, otherwise there would be no such twists and turns.

My father said that we are all rough people. It is impossible to play with these educated people. The best way for us to face them is to use our fists. clear!
We are soldiers!

Don't care what he wants to do, if we don't pick it up, if you get anxious, I will kill him on the spot!
Am I right?boy! "

The evil tiger grinned at Liu Jianqiao and asked with a ferocious smile.

Liu Jianqiao subconsciously wanted to nod, but immediately restrained himself.

"Don't panic! Don't panic! Calm down! Calm down!"

After silently cheering himself up in his heart, Liu Jianqiao still had an indifferent expression on his face, without any vicious tiger, he just turned his head and looked at Lin Qing together: "General Lin, do you think we can still escape?"

"What do you mean?!"

As soon as Liu Jianqiao said this, everyone's expressions changed, and Lin Qingyi stared at Liu Jianqiao with wide eyes and asked in an instant.

Liu Jianqiao pretended to be confident and smiled and said: "Lin Zongqi, do you know why we ran well originally, why I came to you all of a sudden, and took such a risk to come to you?
I'm not a fool, I have to ask for trouble if I have nothing to do. "

Lin Qingyi's eyes narrowed, and he said coldly: "What did Mr. Liu say, please speak clearly!"

"Yes! You shameless guy, just tell me what you have, don't play tricks there to divert people's appetite, believe it or not, if you continue to adjust, I will give you a fist immediately!

Have you ever seen a fist as big as a saucepan? "

The evil tiger stared at Liu Jianqiao, and threatened while waving his fist the size of a saucepan.

Liu Jianqiao shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm being tricky, or that I'm stupid, but we have nowhere to go now!

You also know that my Liu family has a big business, and it is inevitable that we will collect information in this business. If we rely on outside information, it is easy to cause problems, so we merchant families usually set up our own information channels to collect the information we need. information and make decisions based on that information to prepare for business. "

Lin Qingyi squinted his eyes at him and said, "You mean, what new news did you receive from the Liu family's information channel, and this news has something to do with our life and death?"

Liu Jianqiao snapped his fingers and nodded, "That's right, that's it!

Just now I received the news that the Jiannu army in the rear met the army that I, Daming, came to support, and has been driven out of Longjingguan, and is fleeing outwards! "

Lin Qingyi frowned and said, "Isn't this a good thing? After Jiannu leaves, we can go back. Why is this related to life and death again?"

Liu Jianqiao immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, Zongqi Lin, we are now on the only way for Jiannu to escape.

Once we are discovered by the fleeing Jiannu, who have just been defeated by the imperial army, do you think they will vent their anger on us, are we the only ones capable of resisting? "

Lin Qingyi still frowned and asked: "Of course we are powerless to resist, but if you let us take the initiative to fight against it, wouldn't that be a dead end?"

However, Liu Jianqiao explained confidently: "Zongqi Lin's words are wrong. If we don't take the initiative to attack, those Jian slaves will definitely take us as the target of venting. Under the offensive of the army, we will definitely have no way out!
On the contrary, if we took the initiative to attack the slave army, the situation would be very different! "

"What's the difference?"

This time it was Evil Tiger who asked.

Liu Jianqiao smiled and said: "In this way, they will think that we are sent to block their footsteps so that the imperial army behind them can catch up and encircle them, so they will not be willing to waste time with us at that time. On the contrary, they will Do your best not to get entangled with us, escape here as soon as possible!

In this way, under our countermeasures with this reverse method, we have a great chance of surviving!

Lin Zongqi, do you think what Liu said is right? "

Lin Qingyi and the rest of the defeated soldiers had their eyes widened and their mouths widened as they looked at Liu Jianqiao. There was only one thought echoing in their minds.

It turns out that you can still play like this!Sure enough, as expected of a person who has read the book, the routines are dirty!
This Jiannu heart is so accurate that the Liu family's brother can accurately calculate it!

(End of this chapter)

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