Chapter 27

The vast land of Liaodong is cloudless, and from time to time, yellowish dead leaves are blown off the trees and drift into the distance with the autumn wind.

Located in the north, autumn comes earlier than other places, and the entire land of Liaodong has already entered the harvest season.

It's a pity that there are not many people living in this vast land. Today's Liaodong can be described in one sentence.

Thousands of birds and all-rounders.

The entire land of Liaodong is sparsely populated. In addition to the previous battle between the Ming army and Jiannu in Jinzhou, the entire Ningjin line of defense is almost a no-man's land for thousands of miles. You can't see it for thousands of miles. a person's existence.

However, in such a place, there is a group of nearly a hundred black-clothed and black-armored knights galloping in this wilderness.

The costumes of the black armored knights are all exactly the same, all of them cover their entire bodies, and even their faces are covered tightly by a steel mask similar to the heavy armored knights in the Western Middle Ages. It can be said that they are armed to the point of teeth.

All the black-armored knights have a red cloak fluttering behind them with the wind. As the horses gallop, the cloaks are blown and fluttering. The cloaks of the black-armored knights flutter with the wind, and the pattern of a golden sword is on the top of the cloak. The center is looming, and if you look carefully, you can find that the hilt of the golden sword pattern is also connected with a bunch of golden rice ears.

The golden long sword representing killing and the golden rice ears representing harvest are combined together to form such a weird pattern.

Nearly a hundred war horses galloped across the vast wilderness, and smoke and dust that covered the sky and the sun were raised from the passing places.

The black armored knights continued to move forward in silence. Suddenly, one of the first black armored knights spoke up: "Hey! Did you hear that? A letter came from my hometown, saying that someone will be transferred back."

The other black-armored knights also became interested after hearing the words, broke the silence and began to discuss.

"Well, I heard that it is said that the boss needs a person who is the most murderous and good at training soldiers to go back. It seems that he is going to train the old, weak, sick and disabled in the Beijing camp."

"Huh? Those old, weak, sick and disabled in the Beijing training camp, are you kidding me!

Does that group of trash need training?It would be better to disband directly.

It may be easier to retrain a new recruit than to train them, train them, heh!What a waste of time! "

A black-armored knight's tone was full of sarcasm and disdain.

It can be seen from his words that he should have a deep understanding of Jingying, and he looks down on Jingying very much.

"Hahahaha! Old Sun, didn't you also belong to Jingying back then? Why do you look down on them now? Is it really okay for you to say that about your old club? Huh? Hahahaha"

The black-armored knight, who was called Old Sun, became annoyed when his sore spot was exposed:

"Chen Ergou, don't mention this matter to me. It's just that I used to be ignorant, thinking that his mother's life is the Beijing camp anyway, and it can't be far behind, and I can have military pay to subsidize the family. That's why I entered the Beijing camp. , otherwise the ghosts will go there.

It was only after entering that I realized what kind of ghost it would be inside!

The Jingying, which was so powerful in the world back then, was the strongest soldier of Ming Dynasty, but now there are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled to fill in the number, the oldest one is seventy years old, and has not retreated yet!

The youngest is only nine years old, which is still a doll at all.

After going in for half a year, my mother received ten copper coins in military pay, can you believe that?Damn it!Just the money of five pies!Enough for what!

Drinking Mistral is not enough!
Just this group of people, let alone find someone to train them, even if you bring the soldier Han Xin to train them, I don’t believe that they can fight, so they quickly disbanded and saved most of the imperial court’s military pay! "

The black-armored knight called Chen Ergou heard the words, but he was puzzled and said: "Hey? Old Sun, didn't you say that you only received five copper coins for the military salary after entering for half a year? Why do you say that a lot of military salary from the court was wasted?"

The other black armor knights also questioned.

"Yes! Old Sun, what you said is inconsistent!"

"Old Sun, are you out of your mind?"


Being questioned by everyone, Lao Sun was not in a hurry to explain. He shook his head and said slowly: "You don't understand, only those of us who are inside understand, do you think the court really only sent us five Is it the ringing silver of the copper plate?
After all, it is also the Beijing camp. If the imperial court loses the military pay of any guard, it will not lose the Beijing camp. I have seen with my own eyes that the quartermaster who paid us the military pay went to the household department to receive the military pay, and then the military pay for the large carts Do you know where you ended up going? "

The others suddenly became interested, and asked: "Tell me quickly, where are you going, don't be secretive."

"Exactly! What's the deal? Where did the military pay go? Say it quickly!"

"Not to mention, believe it or not, when you go to bed at night, I will stuff all the foot wraps I haven't washed in half a month into your mouth!"



Seeing that he was outraged by the public, and there were still people threatening him with that kind of biological weapon, Lao Sun didn't dare to pretend anymore, and told the whereabouts of the military salary.

"At that time, I was just resting, so I followed, and I saw with my own eyes that **** military quartermaster sent our military pay to Duke Cheng's mansion!
Do you know the government of Chengguo?How could it be the family of the Duke who founded the country, the Duke who retired with the country!If it weren't for this background influence, who would dare to make an idea of ​​the military salary of the Beijing camp? "

"What?! It's Duke Cheng! They are Dukes of the country. They have been rich since the founding of the country and are now the Dukes of the country! Why are you still focusing on this little military salary?"

"Yes! You old grandson, are you lying to us for bragging, a big guild cares about your little money?"

Everyone expressed disbelief, but the old grandson sneered and said, "That little money? Do you know how much our military salary is as a rule?"

"How many?"

"Yes, how many can there be?"


Facing the doubts of the crowd, Lao Sun slowly stretched out three fingers and said to everyone: "Three taels of silver! A soldier in the Beijing camp normally has three taels of silver every month, but now the entire Beijing camp has an establishment of 8 people, that is, every month The monthly military salary is as high as 24 taels of silver, which is 2808 million taels a year!

Of course, due to the financial shortage of the imperial court in recent years, all the soldiers in the Beijing camp have been reduced to one tael per month when they are not going out, but there are 8 taels a month, 96 taels a year, nearly a million silver!

Let me tell you this, our entire Beijing camp is divided into three battalions, the fifth army battalion where I belong is the most numerous, the three thousand battalion is full of cavalry, and the Shenji battalion is full of firearms soldiers.

Our three camps are what people often call the Beijing camp. According to the current establishment, the entire Beijing camp has a staff of 8 people!
Among them, the 6000 Battalion had 5000 people, and the Shenji Battalion had 69000 people. The largest was the Fifth Army Battalion where I was at that time, with a total of 7 people, nearly [-] people.

Among them, the [-] battalions have long existed in name only, with only a staff, not even a single horse!
It is better for the Shenji Battalion to be under the command of the British public. About [-]% of the actual number of people are supported by the British public with [-]% of the military pay.

And our Fifth Military Battalion was the worst, with an establishment of nearly 7 people, only less than [-]% of the actual number.

And among these people, only Cheng Guogong and the servants of those nobles can get the military salary on time.

The others are all old, weak, sick and disabled, they couldn't get the ring silver, and they were forced to stay, and they were not allowed to leave. If my boss hadn't stepped forward, I wouldn't have been able to leave.

Calculated in this way, the entire Mute has 8 people, and the actual impact is less than 3500 people, and the rest of the military pay has all gone into the hands of those nobles.

More than 7 taels of silver a month, and more than 80 a year in military pay, all went into the pockets of these nobles.

With so much money, how could the Duke's Mansion not be jealous?If you really think of them as saints, I'm afraid even saints will not be able to resist when they see so much money! "

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Ask for investment!

(End of this chapter)

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