Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 270 Zhuqing's doubts

Chapter 270 Zhuqing's doubts

Liu Jianqiao was shocked by the domineering side of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce, but he was helpless.

After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and now this is the only place where you can get weapons and armor, so even if you feel upset, you can only endure it, cursing secretly in your heart, but still ask with a smile:
"Then I wonder if I am eligible to buy weapons?"

The waiter glanced at Liu Jianqiao, then looked at Lin Qingyi and the others, who were dressed in rags but could still be seen to be guard uniforms, nodded and said: "Mr. Liu and all the guests are from our Ming Dynasty. And now that slaves enter the country, one or three conditions are met. As long as Mr. Liu completes the second condition, which is to inform the intention of buying weapons, and the younger one reports it to the steward for approval, the young master can purchase what he needs in the chamber of commerce. arms.

I don't know what Mr. Liu intends to buy the weapon for? "

the waiter asked.

Liu Jianqiao hurriedly replied: "We need weapons to defend the city and fight Jiannu to the death!

Is this reason enough? "

The waiter nodded: "Is it enough that the villain has the final say? The manager has the final say. The villain will go to find the manager and report the matter. I also ask Mr. Liu to stay here for a cup of tea. The villain will come when he goes."

Liu Jianqiao had no choice but to nod: "Please hurry up, time doesn't wait for me, any more delay, I will be less prepared to wait, and please understand my little brother!"

The waiter nodded with a smile: "The villain is awake, so let's go."

After finishing speaking, he summoned another waiter to whisper a few words and then hurried away.

And the new waiter immediately led Liu Jianqiao and others to sit down on the side seats, and brought tea to everyone, and everyone waited quietly.

On the second floor of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce, the management room.

Zhuqing, the steward of the Longjingguan Branch, was looking at yesterday's account book and doing an inventory.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door.

tuk tuk ~

"Come in!"

Zhuqing raised his head and looked at the door suspiciously, closed the account book in his hand and put it away before speaking.

The door was opened, and the waiter who received Liu Jianqiao and others walked in quickly, and came to the three steps in front of Zhuqing's table.

"Chen Xiu? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhuqing was a little surprised to see this person, this Chen Xiu was the foreman of the waiters in the Longjingguan branch, and he was also the person who knew the most etiquette among all the waiters here in the branch.

No matter what happened in the past, Chen Xiu has always been calm and calm, and has never been as irritable as today, so seeing Zhuqing's impatient appearance, Zhuqing was so puzzled.

Chen Xiu didn't hold back, and directly told Liu Jianqiao and others that they wanted to buy weapons.

After hearing this, Zhuqing stood up from behind the table, walked out of the table with her hands behind her back, and paced back and forth in the room.

It stopped after a while, and said: "I'll meet them and lead the way!"

Chen Xiu nodded and walked out quickly, Zhu Qingye immediately followed with a serious expression.

After a while, the two came to the reception hall, and saw Liu Jianqiao and others who were holding teacups and pouring water.

Along the way, everyone's mouths were already parched. Seeing the waiters serving tea, they all drank it without being pretentious, so a scene like this appeared in the living room, a group of waiters were holding teapots over and over again. Filled up the tea for everyone, and everyone didn't care about the temperature of the tea, and they all finished it in gulps. After all, after this time, they don't know if they will have a chance to drink water next time, so everyone also tried their best. drinking.

When Chen Xiu came with Zhuqing, everyone had already started to drink the sixth round. Just after the end, all the waiters were about to continue to check back, but suddenly saw their steward coming, they all turned around to salute, and then retreated one by one.

Seeing the tea go away, the evil tiger and his party could only lick their tongues, shook their heads and sat back.

Forget it, don't drink if you don't have to!

Seeing the waiter leading a chubby person to come, Liu Jianqiao recognized at a glance that this person was Zhuqing, the manager of Longjingguan Branch. He was the one who issued his membership card back then, so he naturally recognized him.

Hastily got up and said:
"It's been a long time since the bamboo steward, how are you doing?"

Seeing this, Zhuqing hurriedly replied: "Mr. Liu is too polite, to delay Mr. Liu's blessing, the little old man eats well and sleeps well, even this body has gained a few catties uncontrollably! Hahahaha! "

Liu Jianqiao nodded and said, "That's good, and the bamboo steward is very lucky."

"Hahaha, Mr. Liu is being polite!"

After finishing the formalities, Liu Jianqiao went straight to the topic and said, "Guan Zhu, what Liu did today must have been known to Guan Zhu, and I don't know what Liu asked for. Can you agree?"


Zhuqing didn't answer immediately, but stroked the beard of his chin and pondered for a while, then asked: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu has already met all the other conditions. As long as you can tell a reason that the little old man approves, this chamber of commerce will accept it." sold.

But the little old man was a little confused, so he asked Mr. Liu to clarify his doubts, and then the little old man told Mr. Liu whether what he asked for was successful or not?
I don't know what Mr. Liu wants? "

What can Liu Jianqiao say?Naturally, he could only nod in agreement.

Zhuqing nodded in satisfaction, and then asked: "Mr. Liu, as far as the little old man knows, Mr. Liu and your father had already broken out of the city when the pass was broken, why did you return here to fight Jiannu?

Mr. Liu should know that returning this time is a situation where ten deaths and no life will come, why do you want to come back? "

Naturally, Liu Jianqiao couldn't tell the truth, so he used the reason of fooling Lin Qingyi and others to answer: "Liu felt that there was no hope of escape, and he received the news that the imperial army was expelling Jiannu. Not far away, I am a deserter, and I am willing to use this body to prevent the return of Jiannu and contribute to the imperial court!"


Zhuqing looked at Liu Jianqiao in surprise when he heard the words. Liu Jianqiao who looked straight at him felt uncomfortable, not knowing where he had said something wrong, and thought that his lie had been exposed, and his heart began to beat suddenly.

Liu Jianqiao didn't know that Zhuqing was wondering how he would know that the imperial court was expelling Jiannu. Even he had only received the news not long ago that Jiannu in the pass had been defeated by the Yongwei Camp and was fleeing here to leave the pass. .

Where did Liu Jianqiao, the son of a businessman, get the news from? It's even faster than him!
But looking at Liu Jianqiao, whose eyes were dodging under his gaze after he finished speaking, Zhuqing, who was mature and sophisticated, immediately understood that the news was just a bluff, and to put it more elegantly, it was a bluff!
Looking at Lin Qingyi and the others behind him, Zhuqing couldn't help but feel pity flashing across his eyes.

"Poor children, you were fooled by this bastard!"

But he didn't intend to expose it. After all, Lin Qingyi and the others were originally guard soldiers, and it was their duty to guard the gate. Whether they were fooled into coming back or voluntarily, in his opinion, this is what they should do. Since Liu Jianqiao is willing to participate, he is already prepared, and there is no need to persuade him.

What's more, they are also hitting the right side. If they can really block Jiannu for a while and buy time for the follow-up Yongwei Battalion, it may be a blessing in disguise for these people, but it will be a good thing.

However, how many of these individuals are left in the end depends on God's will!

Zhu Qing secretly shook his head, sighed, then looked at Liu Jianqiao and nodded, "Young Master Liu, I agree to this matter!"

Liu Jianqiao immediately showed an expression of extreme surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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