Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 287 Dawn

Chapter 287 Dawn
The moonlight is like water, but time is very ruthless.

A quarter of an hour passed in the blink of an eye. No matter how much the city defenders paid and tried their best, they couldn't stop the Jurchen army from breaking through the city.

Densely packed Jurchen soldiers swarmed into the city of Longjingguan, and quickly wiped out most of the people who were still resisting.

A place where there are piles of corpses at the head of the city.

Broken corpses were scattered all over the ground. Liu Jianqiao and Ah Cao looked around in despair. At this moment, they were surrounded by Jurchen soldiers who could not see the end.

And their physical strength has also reached a critical point.

The evil tiger had already died in the battle just now.

War is cruel, no one will be favored, everyone will die, evil tiger is no exception, and Liu Jianqiao didn't think he would be that exception.

Not long ago, he saw with his own eyes the exhausted vicious tiger being cut to pieces by seven or eight Jurchens, and even his pair of refined hammers became the spoils of war for the two strong Jurchens!
Liu Jianqiao no longer had the energy to speak, and so did Ah Cao.

The two exhausted their last efforts to be careful and guarded, but they almost fell down several times due to physical problems. They knew that they had reached their limit, but they could only hold on.

The Jurchens surrounding them all looked at the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who were still stubbornly fighting with playful eyes. In their view, Liu Jianqiao and the two of them are already fish on their chopping boards, and they cannot escape. Let's see how they are going to play with these two smart soldiers!

"Hey, Geerlang, how do we play with these two smart people?"

"Hey, I think it's better to give them some hope, and then let them despair, what do you think?"

"Oh? How?"

The two Jurchen generals at the first level of Niulu looked at the surviving Liu Jianqiao and others jokingly and began to mutter in Jurchen dialect.

I saw the slightly shorter of the two Niulu whispered in the ear of the taller Jurchen Niulu for a while, and then they both burst out laughing proudly.

Then he looked at Liu Jianqiao and Ah Cao with cruel eyes.

The tall Jurchen general looked at the two of them and said, "Ming, listen carefully! You Jurchen uncles are in a good mood today, so I decided to give you two choices.

One way to live, one way to die!
Needless to say, the way of death, the way of life is as long as one of you kills the other and eats one of his limbs.Then he can survive!

As for who can survive, it's up to you!
Mingren!I still don’t thank you Jurchens for your kindness! "


As soon as the Jurchen general finished speaking, Liu Jianqiao gave a disdainful pooh, held his head high and said, "Gou Jiannu, just dream, I am not those beasts who can point butcher knives at comrades in order to survive!
If you want to kill us, come on!
Don't deal with these vain people, the man will be fooled by you! "

The faces of the two Jurchen generals that Liu Jianqiao said turned green and white, and the tall Jurchen general stood up, pointed at Liu Jianqiao with a waist knife in his hand and shouted angrily: "Ming, my lord gave you a way out, and you are actually not willing to leave!" , if that’s the case, then don’t blame the uncles for not giving you a chance, you gave up on it yourself! The uncles are going to chop you two up and feed them to Hai Dongqing!”

After saying that, the tall Jurchen general pointed at Liu Jianqiao and the two of them and immediately ordered: "Ben Niulu, kill these two Ming people! Let them regret that they dared to provoke our Jurchen masters in this life!"

"Hoho! Kill! Teach these two wise people a painful lesson that they will never forget in their next life!"

The impatient Jurchen soldiers who had been waiting around for a long time immediately became excited when they heard the words, roared and rushed towards Liu Jianqiao and the other two, waving the weapons in their hands!

Seeing the surrounding Jurchen soldiers rushing up, at this critical moment, instead of showing the slightest fear on Liu Jianqiao's face, a smile appeared on his face, and he said loudly: "Ah Cao, it seems that we are going to end up here today. Yes, in the next life! If my young master can meet you again, I will definitely invite you to the best brothel and sleep with the most beautiful girl, and I will not let you be a chicken! Hahahahaha!"

Originally, I was a little moved after hearing the first half of the sentence. Cao Deng's face turned red, and he couldn't help but argue immediately because he was not good at words: "I'm not a chicken!"

When Liu Jianqiao heard the words, he just laughed and didn't refute him. This attitude made Ah Cao even more ashamed, but he was helpless.

Finally, the surrounding Jurchen soldiers surrounded them during the time when the two said their last words.

A pair of steel knives fell towards the two of them. Even if they knew they were dead, they would not be slaughtered, so they raised their weapons with all their strength to resist.

Weapons collided, and it was difficult for a single tree to support it. After blocking the next wave of attacks, Liu Jianqiao was crushed by the force and fell to the ground. The same was true for Ah Cao on the side. The steel knife is ready to make up the knife!

At this time, the sky was slightly brighter, and in the early morning mist, Liu Jianqiao saw the falling weapon above his head cut through the mist and came head-on!

"Heh~ are you going to die?"

Liu Jianqiao laughed helplessly.

After all, I still can't stop it!

Dad, the baby is here to find you!You old man gentle.

Liu Jianqiao closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

At this moment, his mood was unusually calm, without any waves, like a deep pool of water, he fell into dead silence and waited for the final moment to come.

The sound of explosions roared in my ears!

A heat wave is coming!

The whistling sound pierced the sky, as if about to break through the sky, sending out an ear-piercing scream!

Liu Jianqiao, who was waiting for the final moment, only heard an exclamation, it was Ah Cao's voice!
"Brother Liu! Be careful!"

Then he felt a person rushing up to hug him, and then the two of them were lifted up by a huge force from nowhere, and there was a burst of pain. Liu Jianqiao opened his eyes and looked at him in a daze. to all around.

The surrounding Jurchen soldiers seemed to have changed their appearance. Except for those who had turned into corpses, they all looked horrified and looked outside the city.

Liu Jianqiao also looked over subconsciously. With the light of the sky, on the horizon in the distance, as the mist cleared, a wave of black waves surged!

In the black wave, densely packed black dots flew up into the sky as they approached, and flew towards this side. The accompanying screams were exactly what Liu Jianqiao heard just now, and it was only when the black dots approached Liu Jianqiao that he could see clearly , these flying are actually cannonballs the size of human heads!
It was exactly the same as the ones he saw at the Huangming Chamber of Commerce before!
At the moment of crisis, Liu Jianqiao suddenly remembered what Steward Zhu said when he chatted with him before. The best way to deal with shells is to cover your ears and lie on the ground to reduce the contact area of ​​shock waves and shrapnel with you. The rest depends on God's will!
Without hesitation, Liu Jianqiao immediately pulled himself up and threw himself down. Ah Cao, who had already fainted at the moment, lay on the ground in a large font. It felt a little unsafe just lying down, and his eyes lit up when he looked around!
Deafening explosions resounded throughout the city of Longjingguan, and the wailing of the Jurchens came one after another. Those who were killed by the blast, those who were shocked by the shock wave, those who were hacked to death by their fleeing companions, and those who fell and were trampled to death by the crowd , the Jurchen army fled in a mess.

In order to leave this purgatory-like city wall as soon as possible, some jumped directly from the top of the city. Even if their legs were broken, they still smiled from the bottom of their hearts, because he escaped from that hell!
And there is only one reason for all this!
The Yongwei Battalion, who were chasing after Huang Taiji's army, caught up!
After judging that the defenders at the top of the city were almost lost, they covered the top of the city with artillery fire!

(End of this chapter)

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