Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 29 I don't know what to call it

Chapter 29 I don't know what to call it
The golden autumn season is the time to harvest.The leaves on the branches are also dyed autumn yellow.

However, the village that was once bustling and bustling because of the joy of the harvest is now full of burned ruins, and black smoke rising from the village after the fire extinguished.

On the ground, there were either ruins or corpses. The blood had already turned dark red, and an unpleasant smell of blood mixed with a strong burnt smell permeated the entire village.

step - step - step -
There was a sound of footsteps, and a man in black armor wearing black armor led a horse and stepped on the corpses all over the ground. He walked slowly to the threshing ground in the center of the village and waited quietly.

Not long after, the Heijia people from all over the village also gathered together, forming a rectangular queue neatly in front of the first Heijia people.

"Take a break!"

"stand at attention!"

"Card! Card!"

Seeing that the people were almost coming, the black-armored man who came first shouted loudly, and the rest of the black-armored knights lined up followed the password and made consistent actions.

Under the uniform movements of the black-armored people, the helmets made a neat clashing sound, and the loud metal clashing sound was indescribably shocking at this moment in this apparently unusually quiet village!

"Deputy team! Report the result of the battle!"

The Heijia man who came first shouted again.


In the team, there was a rough answer immediately.

Immediately afterwards, on the leftmost side of the first row of the team, a knight in black armor with a height of about two meters one and a strong figure like a bear took a step forward!
"Report Captain!
This battle!None of us were injured!Killed 32 Tartar men, 78 Tartar women and children, and killed a total of 110 people of different races!
In addition, 65 Han people were rescued from the village, including 24 women, 11 men, and [-] children!

Speaking of this, the bear-like black armor knight stopped suddenly, and after staying for four or five seconds, he continued in a somewhat angry and sad voice:
"But! Those [-] adult women have all committed suicide, and we couldn't stop them!"

It's not so much that he couldn't stop him, but that he watched them end his own life with a smile under the begging of those abused women.

They knew that maybe living would be more painful for these women than the humiliation they had suffered. Sometimes living does not only require courage, and besides, this kind of courage is not available to everyone.

At least, before they died, the Heijia people did not see pain and nostalgia in their eyes, but were all full of relief.

Although it is not the first time to face this kind of scene, but when seeing this kind of scene again, the black armor people still can't let go, all clenched their fists tightly, a soaring killing intent is uncontrollable from them It gushes out from the body!

The surrounding wind seemed to stop at this moment, and the murderous aura caused the surrounding temperature to drop to zero in an instant.

These women, they should be young girls who are still living carefree lives. If it weren't for these hateful Tartars, perhaps some of them might have married as wives, some might have become mothers, and some might have I just met my favorite lover, and maybe some people are still acting like a spoiled child at the knees of their parents.

They should have a wonderful life that belongs to them!Their lives are just beginning!
And now, because of the appearance of the Tartars, because of these beasts!After all these innocent women have endured countless pains, they can only use death to keep their last bit of dignity!

With the emphasis on women's innocence in this era, from the moment they were captured by the Tartars, they had no way of life. Everyone knew this, and they themselves knew it very well.

So, there is this scene.

And the black-armored knights also watched this scene reappear countless times after fighting again and again, powerless.

The atmosphere froze for a moment, the surroundings were silent, no one spoke, and even breathing seemed to have stopped at this moment.

"What? Feeling angry?! Feeling ashamed?!
But what's the use of that! "

The black-armored man known as the captain suddenly burst into tears.

"Why did this happen?! It's not that we, as men, failed to protect our country! Our wives and daughters, our family members!
If only those wastes in Liaodong could have a little blood!The number of our Han people far exceeds these Tartars.

Even if it is a pile!Take people's lives!We can all take this crap!These beasts!These wild boar skins are spotless!Extinct species!How did it come to this point?ah!You tell me! "

Everyone was silent, and some of them lowered their heads deeply, feeling ashamed.

They are locals from Liaodong.

yes!If they had dared to work hard back then, with the number of Tartars, how could they have brought Liaodong to such a scourge? Not only was a large area of ​​territory lost, but countless brothers and sisters were captured and taken as slaves by the Tartars.

If only... I could be like this at the beginning, it would be great!
But there is no regret medicine in this world, and if this option allows them to start over, everything is irreparable.

The black-armored knight who was called the captain looked around everyone and said loudly again: "It's useless to regret now, the only thing we can do now is to prevent this kind of thing from happening again!
This!There is only one way!Kill the Tartars!kill them all!Kill them until they are afraid!Kill them to extinction!
Let them disappear completely from this world just like the Huns and Turks back then!Let them no longer pose any threat to us Han people!

Only in this way can the spirits of those brothers and sisters who died at their hands be comforted! "

As soon as the captain of the black-armored knights finished speaking, all the black-armored knights couldn't hold back anymore and let out a hoarse roar.

"Kill! Kill the Tartars! Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill all the Tartars! Not one left!"

"Not a single one!"

"Not a single one!"

The roars of the black-armored knights went straight into the sky, and the clouds in the sky seemed to be shaken by the huge murderous aura revealed by their words, and the surrounding birds that had already started returning to their nests were even more frightened by their roars. It flew out of the nest directly, and dared not approach for a long time.

The captain of the black-armored knight nodded in satisfaction, and shouted again: "Now! Continue to report! Vice-captain member Wu!"


The bear-like Wu members responded loudly.


"Yes! Captain!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Ask for investment!

(End of this chapter)

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