Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 303 1 Lang's Family Heirloom

Chapter 303 Ichiro's Family Heirloom
After more than a month of sea voyage, the fleet finally arrived at the largest port in Fujian at this time, Citong Port, which was also Quanzhou Port, one of the three major ports in the Ming Dynasty.

Quanzhou is also known as the City of Erythrina. According to legend, the Jiedu envoys of the Five Dynasties once planted Erythrina around the city in order to expand the city outline of Quanzhou.Later, Erythrina grows luxuriantly with flowers and leaves, and the flowers are red like fire, which has become a major feature of Quanzhou, and Quanzhou has become famous both at home and abroad.

Therefore, Erythrina has become a symbol of Quanzhou.

Its implication is: prosperous, auspicious and rich, full of people's good hopes for the future.

As one of the three major ports of the Ming Dynasty at this time, Quanzhou Port, the wharf at this time was crowded with people.

Whenever a large ship docked, countless people would gather around it. Among these people were Lifu who came to find work, merchants who wanted to buy the goods on board, and people who came to meet the ship.

As soon as the fleet of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce docked, it immediately caused a commotion on the shore, because the flag of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce was too eye-catching. Those who seek livelihood understand that this chamber of commerce is not something that can be easily provoked.


With a loud shout on the ship, the cargo ship of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce slowly stopped on the shore.

Several vigorous sailors jumped out of the ship along the protruding rope, and tied the cable to the bollard on the pier. After the hull stopped completely, the side of the docked ship slowly lowered the gangplank. Even if it is docked.

Before the crowd around the shore squeezed over, a group of people slowly disembarked from the boat.

Everyone saw that a group of ruthless men in black uniforms, surrounded by a middle-aged man in a staff cap with a half-smile expression on his face, walked down the springboard that had just been put down.

Behind them, men in black were divided into two rows, holding torches with bayonets inlaid with serious expressions, extending from the boat to the shore and standing in two rows one by one.

After the pedestrians who disembarked first got off the boat, there was a commotion on the boat, but calm was quickly restored after a few gunshots.

Several corpses that were still dripping blood were thrown into the sea, splashing a lot of water.

And everyone on the shore who saw this scene was blindsided for a day, and their hearts were even more in awe of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce.

Soon, a group of ragged "dwarves" with short stature less than 1.4 meters on the calm boat got off the boat along the gangplank under the supervision of several strong men holding whips.

Everyone on the bank immediately started talking...

"Hey! Look at how short these people are. My little bastard was taller than them when he was young. Could this be the legendary dwarves?" A man looked at this scene in surprise and said in amazement. .

A businessman next to him, who was supposed to be traveling all over the world, gave the man a contemptuous look, and said proudly, "You are so ignorant, you are not a dwarf, but a Japanese!"

"What? Japanese people! How is that possible! It's not that I haven't seen those harassing Japanese people, they are not so short!" The man retorted with disbelief.

The businessman became even more proud when he heard the words, and pointed to the Japanese slaves who were still disembarking one after another, and said, "I don't believe you if you say you don't know anything, are those Japanese people you've seen before?
fart!Those are fake Japanese people pretending that our own people can't survive, some are captive men of some wealthy families, and only a very small number of them are real Japanese people who wandered here.

However, they have always been looked down upon in the Japanese pirate team due to their origin, and they can only do some logistical chores. How can they be qualified to fight?

Those in front of you are the real Japanese people, okay? Don’t you know that in the Sui Dynasty, the king of Fusang asked the Emperor of Sui for the title. The Emperor of Sui saw that he was short in stature, so he gave them the title of King of Fusang and Japanese King. Since then, we Han people The Dongying people are called Japanese people.

They were originally so short, and it is said that they were even shorter, but in the Song Dynasty, in order to optimize their bloodlines, the big families of the Japanese sent a large number of Japanese girls from the big families to our Central Plains to be prostitutes, waiting to be conceived When she was pregnant, she ran back and raised the child as the heir of the family to inherit the family.

I heard that this is called an ethnic optimization plan on their side!
Steal the excellent blood of our Han people to improve their inferior blood. "

After listening to the merchant's words, not to mention the man, the other people around were also dumbfounded, and they all started talking.

"I'm going, these Japanese people are so perverted?
Hehehe, why is it gone now? If you want me to come, I promise to optimize it for them and let them take our seeds back!Hahaha! "

"Fuck, brother's appetite is too heavy. I heard that those Japanese women all have black faces and black teeth. When they smile, their mouths smell bad. You actually want to do this kind of thing." , strong! Little brother can only say one word strong!"

"Ah! Is that so? Then I don't want it! I don't want it!"

The man who was excited just now had goosebumps when he heard this, and hurriedly waved his hands to repent.

...not to mention the comments of pedestrians on the shore here.

Among the crowd of slaves who disembarked, Ichiro walked slowly among them.

Since waking up on the ship, Ichiro learned from the old man who spoke bad Japanese that he had been sold as a slave to a chamber of commerce in the Ming Dynasty.

And this should be the legendary Ming country, right?
Thinking of the legends about the Ming Dynasty that I heard at the pier in the past, it is said that people here can have endless white rice and gold everywhere, it is simply a paradise on earth, and I used to yearn for it very much. , thinking that it would be great if I were from the Ming country, and I would be able to have endless rice balls, and maybe my fields would not be robbed by those warriors, right?

Thinking in this way, Ichiro secretly raised his eyes and looked around with the corners of his eyes. Although the guard who found out soon found him and gave him a whip, he didn't regret it.

Because just this one glance made him understand that although this Ming country is not as full of gold as in the legend, compared to Nagasaki, it is no different from a paradise on earth.

Just at a glance, the patchwork of blue bricks paves the road, and the houses lined up on both sides are decorated with carved beams and painted buildings. On both sides of the road, clusters of Erythrina blooming with colorful flowers adorn it, making this place look like the dream that Buddha often said Paradise in general.

Among the crowd watching from a distance, even those who seemed to be working the same way as him before were all tall and muscular, and their clothes were actually made of linen. In Japan, only samurai Clothes you can afford!

And I didn't even have any clothes before, only a few pieces of cloth wrapped around the important parts, and the clothes I'm wearing now are the old clothes that the stewards on the ship thought they were indecent and made me and others wear. Ichiro was also ecstatic about the old clothes, which were clothes!
The real deal!
My own father!I thought of the complete clothes that my grandfather didn't wear, but the clothes on my body at this time, in Ichiro's eyes, even those patches are incomparably sacred!

Ichiro has already decided that if any manager doesn't want these clothes back, he must pass on the clothes as a family heirloom, so that his son, grandson, and future generations can wear the clothes !

Thinking of the fact that his ancestor left a piece of clothing for them in the legend of the descendants of later generations, Ichiro couldn't help but raise a big smile. Thinking about it, he should be the most capable in the family ancestors!

After all, I have passed down a piece of clothing from the Ming Dynasty to my descendants!
Even though, the clothes are covered with patches, and the bottom is still cold, so there should be another hole...

(End of this chapter)

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