Chapter 314
All the vassals bowed and saluted, and Zhu Youjian sat in the first seat calmly and looked at them so calmly.

Time passed quietly, a drop of sweat fell on the carpet, and was immediately absorbed by this expensive Persian rug.

But the owner of the sweat drop is already sweating profusely.

"Be flat."

After sweat dripped from most people's foreheads, Zhu Youjian finally spoke out.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said in unison: "Thank you, Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty..."

After the etiquette, the kings sat down, Zhu Youjian took a sip of the tea that the maid had just served, and then looked at the kings and said: "Everyone, some of you are my elders, some of you are my juniors, and some of you are my elders. Maybe he stayed in the capital once."

Speaking of this, Zhu Youjian glanced at King Fu who was sitting on a chair panting, and then continued: "Some have never been to the capital.

But, no matter what, we are all my kinsmen, we have the same blood, we are all descendants of Taizu, everyone should support my Daming country together. "

Having said that, Zhu Youjian paused, and the people below nodded slightly, before Zhu Youjian continued: "But unfortunately, you don't seem to be my great Ming's help, but have become my great Ming Jiangshan. sores!

Maybe my wording is inappropriate, but don't you know how your behavior is different from that sore?
This is also the reason why I violated the ancestral system and summoned all the clan relatives here. "

Zhu Youjian finally revealed his purpose, and all the vassal kings also lowered their heads when listening to meat, with a look of guilt on their faces, but it is unknown how much is true and how much is false, and Zhu Youjian does not believe their words at all. Fan appearance.

"Your Majesty, we are ashamed!"

Regardless of whether they were sincere or just pretending, all the vassals stood up and bowed in unison, ashamed to admit their mistakes.

Zhu Youjian waved his hands, motioned them to sit back, put his hands together, looked at the crowd with sharp eyes and said slowly: "I don't know whether you are really guilty or not, I know The most important thing is that guilt is not something that can be said, but something that can be believed.

Over the years, the imperial family has added a lot of burden to the imperial court. Every year, a large amount of tax is spent on the imperial family. The imperial court's finances are already difficult, and the imperial family is a mountain of pressure on the imperial court. The imperial court is oppressed. The world is out of breath.

Forget about the money, the imperial court has paid it out for so many years, and I don’t want to talk about it in the past. After all, this is the ancestral system, and the protection given by the ancestor to the clan’s children. As descendants, we naturally want to continue the promise of our ancestors.

But the question is, is this money really used on the clan children who should be with them? "

Speaking of this, Zhu Youjian shot a cold light in his eyes, and all the vassal kings felt that the temperature around them dropped a lot in an instant, and they felt cold all over their bodies, and they all shrank subconsciously.


Zhu Youjian snorted coldly, and then suddenly thought: "Uncle Zhou Wang, what do you think?"

Zhou Wang Zhu Gongyan's body trembled subconsciously, and he said with a guilty conscience, "I... naturally gave them all of it."

Zhu Youjian curled his lips noncommittally, turned his head to look at Jin Wang Zhu Qiugui and asked again: "Where is Uncle Jin?"

Compared to King Zhou, King Jin, who was behind, was naturally prepared, and he nodded calmly and replied, "Give them a lot of points."

Zhu Youjian nodded, and then asked King Chu, King Tang, King Dai, King Qing, etc. in turn...

All the kings agreed.

After Zhu Youjian had asked them all and got their answers, Zhu Youjian was silent for a while, and after a slight pause, he said: "I asked all the uncles one by one, and the answers given to me by all the uncles were all I gave a lot of points, but...why is the news I got different from what the Wang uncles said?"

Zhu Youjian looked around the crowd with a gloomy expression, and the hearts of all the kings who were swept by his eyes involuntarily missed a beat, and there was a feeling that they almost jumped out of their chests.

"Why, no one wants to say something?"

After waiting for a while, Zhu Youjian lost his patience when he saw that these guys were still dying, holding unrealistic fantasies, and finally asked a question. Seeing that the kings were still silent, he waved his hand directly, and Jin Yiwei immediately came from the hall. walked in.

He was also holding a stack of files in his hand, so many that he almost fell to the ground when he walked around.

Looking at Jin Yiwei who walked in with this stack of files, the kings suddenly felt a warning sign, and a bad premonition reverberated in everyone's hearts.

The Jin Yiwei came to Zhu Youjian, who was seated first, with a stack of files, and carefully placed the files in his hands on the table in Zhu Youjian's right hand one by one. After putting the things away, he bowed to Zhu Youjian and left. go down.

Zhu Youjian casually took out a volume from the file and slowly opened it. After scanning his eyes, he recited aloud: "In July of the third year of Tianqi, the king of Qin inherited Zhu Yipin, a son of the Lieutenant and Jue clan of Fengguo, because his wife was seriously ill and had no money. For medical treatment, he went to the Qin Palace to ask for the three-year salary in arrears, but the Qin Palace refused, and ordered his servants to beat him out with sticks.

Three days later, his wife died of a serious illness, and he himself could not afford to fall ill due to the injuries, and he also left soon after.

However, the Palace of the Prince of Qin concealed the news of his death, and still asked the court for his annual salary every year, until this year, it was still collecting his annual salary, and he himself died four years ago.

The son of the dignified clan, the son of the dragon and the grandson of the dragon, came to ask for the due annual salary because he had no money to treat his wife, and was beaten to a serious injury and finally died of his injury!

For this bad incident, is there any explanation for Uncle Qin Wang?Um? ! "

Zhu Youjian threw the dossier at King Qin's feet.

Qin Wang Zhu Yifu picked it up trembling all over his body, took a look, and knelt down towards Zhu Youjian with a pale face, unable to utter a word, his face full of despair.

Seeing his appearance, Zhu Youjian didn't continue to question him. He sneered and picked up a file from the table and opened it.

"In September of the second year of Tianqi, Zhu Shuaimin, Lieutenant of Fuguo under King Qing, borrowed money from a rural landlord because he hadn't received his annual salary for five years. Later, he sold himself into slavery because he couldn't pay it back. He is still living in the landlord's home. However, the palace ignored this and even sent people to humiliate her many times.

Uncle Qing, how do you feel about the fact that my family members of the Zhu family became slaves of others? "

The same file was thrown at the feet, but Prince Qing Zhu Shuai fell down on his knees without even daring to look at it.

Because he knew whether this was true, or he ordered him to kill Zhu Shuaimin as soon as possible so that he could completely steal his annual salary of 300 shi.

It's a pity that Zhu Shuaimin was able to endure hardships, and survived being treated and humiliated like that, until now.

Zhu Youjian still sneered, and picked up a file again, and the other vassal kings trembled quickly when they saw it.

It was as if he was waiting for a prisoner to be sentenced.

What they have done themselves, they know it clearly in their hearts, judging from His Majesty's meaning, it is obvious that all these dirty things of theirs are clearly known to him, and it is not known whether it was Dongchang or Jinyiwei who investigated it, so detailed !
Just when the vassal kings were uneasy, Zhu Youjian had already opened the third dossier.

"In the 45th year of Wanli, Jin Dynasty..."


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(End of this chapter)

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