Chapter 342
"Ge Lao, then Xu Yongda sent an invitation."

In the backyard of the Beiyu Office, Xu Guangqi, who was preparing for a face-to-face meeting with the people in the castle three days later, suddenly received an invitation from Xu Yongda.

Putting down the things in hand for now, he took the invitation from the butler, opened it casually, and saw that it was just some common invitation words, so he threw it on the table and waved his hands: "Reply People, just say not tonight, I have something to do tonight, and I will go in two days."


After the butler went down, Xu Guangqi sneered coldly, trying to find out what he said?
How could it be so easy for you to take the initiative?
Stay honestly for a few days, let you be anxious for a while before talking.

Two days later...

In the past two days, Xu Yongda didn't know the taste of food, and he didn't know the saltiness of drinking. He was full of thoughts about what the old Xu Ge meant?
I don't want to come and reject myself directly, but even though I didn't come that day, I said it will be two days later, why is that?
Puzzled, he finally prepared a dinner on this day and distributed invitations to let the whole Pingxi Fort know about it. In fact, this also meant to put pressure on Xu Guangqi, telling everyone that he was Xu Guangqi I have already promised to come back today, if I don't come, then the dignified Mr. Ge has missed the appointment.

On this day, the Xu family was crowded with guests.

"Zhang Baihu sent Yu Ruyi a pair!"

"Lin Zongqi sent a treasured sword!!"

"Master Chen will give you a hundred taels of silver!"

"Master Qu sent a rubbing copy of Wu Daozi's painting!"


"Xu Shoubei, with such a big fanfare, will Mr. Yuge come?"

Some people saw that the banquet was about to begin, and asked questions before the legendary Xu Ge elder arrived.

Xu Yongda waved his hands and said: "Everyone next door is anxious. After all, you are a dignified cabinet elder, and important people always appear last. Besides, as Xu Ge elder, it is normal for Xu Yongda not to give me face."

When Xu Yongda was talking, leaving himself a retreat, the singers outside the house suddenly shouted excitedly: "The cabinet is old, Xu Ge is old!"

In an instant, everyone in the arena stood up, looked at each other for a moment, and in the next moment, they all went down to the door led by Xu Yongda to meet the late Xu Ge.

Xu Guangqi deliberately waited until the time was almost up before arriving. Naturally, it was intentional, and the effect was obvious. Seeing Xu Yongda and a group of respectable people from Pingxi Fort coming to greet him respectfully, Xu Guangqi knew that his goal for today was at least accomplished. half.

It seems that my status as a cabinet veteran is somewhat useful in Fort Pingxi!
The corners of his mouth rose slightly, Xu Guangqi waved his hand, and said to everyone with a smile that was enough to make people feel refreshed: "You don't have to be so cautious, I am here today just for a banquet, and I am here as a private person, not for anything. The court elders, you can do whatever you want."

After saying that, he walked towards the inner hall first, and everyone hurriedly followed, but the people who followed behind him secretly rolled their eyes.

I thought to myself: You said it was in your personal capacity, but you are an official, whoever believes what you say is a real idiot!

When they came to the hall, all kinds of dishes had been served, and everyone sat down as guests and hosts, and Xu Guangqi was arranged to sit at the top.

Immediately, everyone started toasting and greeting each other.

After a long time, after three rounds of dishes and five tastes of wine, Xu Yongda, who is today's host, stood up with a glass of wine. He first looked around with the wine, and then turned to Xu Guangqi and said loudly: "Today, the old man Xu Ge came to the humble house. , the general feels very honored at the end, so he is very happy to have a banquet with Mr. Xu Ge.

Coincidentally, Mr. Xu Ge came to our little Pingxi Fort in person today. As one of the chief officials of Pingxi Fort, Xu wanted to ask Mr. Ge a question or two. Don't blame, Xu will punish himself with three cups first! "

After saying that, Xu Yongdou immediately drank three cups in a row, then turned the cup over the bottom and faced the crowd to signal that there was not a drop left.

"it is good!!!"

"Generals are massive!"



Everyone in the hall cheered and applauded, Xu Guangqi also clapped his hands with a smile on his face, but the vigilance in his heart was raised to the highest level at this time, because he knew that Xu Yongda was going to attack him, let's see how he acts first!

Xu Guangqi was prepared, and Xu Yongda's attack followed suit.

"Old Xu Ge, I believe you saw it when you came to our Pingxi Fort. Today's Pingxi Fort can be said to be a mess, and the people and even the soldiers are in dire straits.

And all of this didn't have to happen.

After we regained our homeland from Jiannu at first, we rebuild our homeland with our own hands and full of enthusiasm with full of longing.

And the imperial court is also fully supporting the reconstruction of Fort Pingxi, and everything is developing for the better. You should know all this, right? "

Xu Yongda's eyes seemed to be full of memories, and his longing eyes made it clear how much he loved Pingxi Fort at that time.

Xu Guangqi knew what kind of guy he was, and he was still not confused by his appearance. Hearing this, he just nodded slightly and said: "I know that the whole northern territory is like this after returning to the imperial court. It's really me." Daming's luck."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yongda's face suddenly changed, with a wry smile on his face, and his voice gradually increased: "But all of this has changed since one person came! Do you know this?!"

The expressions of the people in the hall also changed accordingly. Those lower-ranking officers in the military system of Fort Pingxi all squeezed the wine glasses in their hands angrily, and the wine glasses creaked harshly as they rubbed against their palms. , but no one cares.

Xu Guangqi secretly said, knowing that it was a critical moment, his face remained calm, and he asked in a flat voice: "Oh? Has the castle become what it is today?"

Xu Yongda didn't hesitate any more, nodded his head directly and gritted his teeth: "Mr. Xu Ge, I've reached this point, and the general will stop playing around with you. Does anyone in this hall know who the general is talking about? What the general is talking about is the general's immediate superior, Zheng Fangping, the current guard of Pingxi Fort!

Ever since Zheng Fangping came to our Pingxi Fort, the inside of the fort has deteriorated day by day, and the life of the people and brothers has become even more miserable, even worse than that of the refugees in the past!
But all of this can be tolerated by everyone, and everyone knows that now that the imperial court is in a state of ruin, the imperial court has paid a huge price for defeating the Tartars. passed.

But what we didn't expect was that this sudden heavy snow made everyone unable to hold on, and what was even more terrifying was the man-made disaster that followed the natural disaster!
At first, everyone heard that His Majesty was sympathetic to the people, and allocated relief money and supplies early on.

Everyone is a member of the imperial court, and they all know that the normal supplies will be taken to us, and the court princes will definitely take them..."

Before Xu Yongda finished speaking, Xu Guangqi suddenly interrupted: "Shut up! Xu Yongda, do you know what you are talking about! Do you have evidence for what you said!
I will tell you today, I don’t know what happened in the past, but until all the disaster relief materials are distributed to the localities, the imperial court will give you as much as the Holy Majesty allocated, and there will be no detaining half of it!Don't talk nonsense! "

Xu Yongda was overwhelmed by Xu Guangqi's majestic burst of drinking, and the emotions that had been brewing for a long time came to an abrupt end. After a while, he came back to his senses and hurriedly added:
"It's the end of the day that the generals are talking nonsense, and the emperor's efforts to govern the court today are naturally different from the past. When those materials were distributed to my Pingxi Fort, they must have been distributed in real terms.

But the sad thing is that Zheng Fangping, a big corrupt official, fell into my Pingxi Fort!
As far as I know, the materials have been delivered to the castle as early as the beginning of the month, but it is now late, Mr. Ge, you can ask everyone present, who has seen any materials?

All of them were under the ignorance of Zheng Fangping!
Ge Lao!These are life-saving supplies for the whole castle!
He, Zheng Fangping, deserves a thousand cuts and death!Old Xu Ge!You say!Does the court care about this matter? !
As the court elder, you don't care? ! "

(End of this chapter)

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