Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 35 Spicy Rabbit Head = Huang Shoufu

Chapter 35 Spicy Rabbit Head = Huang Shoufu


There was a piercing sound of rubbing, and the originally closed palace gate slowly opened a gap that was only enough for one person to enter and exit.

"Huang Shoufu, His Majesty has agreed to summon you, come in quickly."

Wang Chengen walked out along the open door, and said to Huang Liji who had been waiting outside the palace gate for a long time.

Huang Liji, whose name is Shi Yan, was born in the Jiajing period, and another name is Zhongwu.

He is now the chief assistant of the cabinet, a Jinshi in the 32nd year of Wanli, a tired official and a little Zhan Shi, and a minister of the Ministry of Rites.

In August of the fifth year of Tianqi (1625) of Emperor Xizong of the Ming Dynasty, Wei Zhongxian was promoted by Wei Zhongxian as a fellow of the same village, and was promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of Rites and the Bachelor of Dongge University, and joined the cabinet to participate in the maintenance.

In the following year, he moved to Wuying Hall and Jianji Hall to be the first assistant.

Huang Liji can be said to be a pillar-level figure in the eunuch party!

Huang Liji is now [-] years old. It can be said that he is a man with a lot of beards. Maybe he is well maintained. Huang Liji at [-] still has long black hair that countless modern programmers envy.

It's just that the beard is all white, and even the waist has already been bent down, making the whole person look a little hunched.

But no one dared to underestimate this seemingly frail old man. As the saying goes, he moves his energy and raises his body.

Having been the chief assistant for two full years, Huang Liji's official authority can be said to be very majestic!
Even if he just stood there quietly with a deadpan expression on his face, it would make others feel great pressure.

However, the chief minister who used to be unsmiling, always expressionless towards his subordinates, and full of official authority, now looked at Wang Chengen who came out of the palace gate with a flattering smile.

This young eunuch!

"Thank you, Eunuch Wang! This old man is very grateful. This is a little bit of kindness from this old man. Please don't dislike me, Eunuch Wang!"

With that said, Huang Liji took out a red envelope from his pocket and stuffed it into Wang Chengen's cuff in front of him.

However, Wang Chengen nimbly turned first, then jumped, avoiding the red envelope stuffed by Huang Liji.

After Wang Chengen dodged, Huang Liji froze on the spot on the spot, and the outstretched hand holding the red envelope froze in mid-air while maintaining the outstretched posture.

"Uh... Eunuch Wang, what are you?"

But the first assistant is the first assistant, how can the depth of the city and the thickness of the skin be compared to ordinary people?
Seeing his bribe was evaded by Wang Chengen, Huang Liji came back to his senses after being stunned for less than two breaths, and the red envelope he was holding in his hand disappeared with a flip of his palm!

Immediately afterwards, Huang Liji quickly withdrew his hand and put on a smiling face, as if nothing had happened just now.

When Wang Chengen saw that he withdrew his hand and came up again, he kept a smile on his face and asked, "Here, the prince is too little? Don't blame the prince, he came out in a hurry today, so he didn't bring much. Tomorrow, tomorrow, this old man will definitely give Wang Gonggong a satisfactory gift!"

Although the young eunuch in front of me is young, he is the person who accompanied His Majesty from the hidden residence to the present!
Why can Wei Zhongxian step on his head in the Tianqi Dynasty, and let himself, a scholar, follow his example?Is it because of Tianqi's deep trust that he is the person around Tianqi, the most trusted eunuch.

As for the person in front of me, although he is still young, he definitely has the potential to be the next Wei Zhongxian. After all, he is a person in His Majesty's hidden residence, so the degree of trust is higher than that of the late emperor to Wei Zhongxian.

As long as he pleases him, maybe after Imashang's vigil is completed and the eunuchs are cleaned up, I can use this to escape the catastrophe?

Therefore, this relationship must be well established!

The above are Huang Liji's views on Wang Chengen, which is why the bribery scene just happened.

What Huang Liji didn't expect was that his bribe was actually avoided by the prince!
This is silver!White silver!
Uh... Although it is in the form of a bank note, it is still money!

Are there any eunuchs who are not greedy for money?You guys who are neither male nor female, what else can you be greedy for if you are not greedy for money?Why hide?

Wang Chengen's actions completely confused Huang Liji, the chief assistant of the dynasty!

As if seeing Huang Liji's shock, Wang Chengen smiled and led Huang Liji to the palace, before whispering to Huang Liji: "Huang Shoufu doesn't need to be like this, our family is just a servant of His Majesty, Huang Shoufu is the chief minister of the dynasty, how can our family accept your money?
If the emperor finds out about this, the head of our family may be lost.

So, our family appreciates Huang Shoufu's kindness, but this silver ticket is absolutely unacceptable. "

After listening to Wang Chengen's explanation, Huang Liji was even more confused!
What the hell?Are there really eunuchs who are not greedy for money?

How is this possible? !
If you are not greedy for money, how can I bribe you? If you don't bribe you, how can I keep my life like this old man? !
How can you do this? !You are a eunuch!Or the eunuch next to His Majesty!
You can't learn from others Wei Zhongxian, learn from senior Liu Jin, and be bold and greedy!Greedy to your heart's content, greedy to your heart's content? !

If you are not greedy, how can we have a chance to bribe you?If we cannot be bribed, how can our hearts be at ease? !How can I ask you to do things conveniently?
Do you know that you are violating the fine traditions of the eunuchs!If you don't learn the fine tradition of accepting bribes, how can you learn from Hai Rui, a eunuch!

I beg you, old man, okay?Be a traditional "good" eunuch!You have to learn to work hard to inherit the fine traditions of your predecessors in order to become a "good" eunuch with a long history!

Huang Liji went crazy, it was the first time he met such a eunuch who didn't want money, what should he do?
However, there is always a high probability that things will turn around. As the saying goes, there is another village!
Just as Huang Liji was struggling with how to build a good relationship with the celebrity next to the emperor after he couldn't give the money, he suddenly heard the eunuch who didn't like money say something like this.

The two were walking towards the imperial study room, Wang Chengen sighed suddenly, and Huang Liji, who had been paying attention to him, immediately noticed it, so he asked, "Is there anything bothering you, my lord?"

Wang Chengen first glanced at him with the corner of his eye, and the corner of his mouth slightly turned up, but he immediately reacted and quickly recovered, and then he showed a look of regret and said: "Huang Shoufu, I heard that there is a new restaurant in Dongshi. The spicy rabbit head shop from Sichuan, is it true?"

Huang Liji was taken aback when he heard the words, how could the eunuch get involved in the spicy rabbit head.

But since he asked, and he knew where he was, he just told him, so he replied directly: "Well, yes, there is indeed such a store in Dongshi. I heard that the business is good, and the old man also sent someone to buy a few. Come back and taste it, it tastes really good.

What Huang Liji didn't notice was that when he said that he had indeed opened such a restaurant and that he had eaten there, Wang Chengen's eyes lit up at the side.

The throat rolled twice in spite of disappointment.


Swallowing his saliva with difficulty, Wang Chengen asked curiously: "Huang Shoufu, since you have eaten a spicy rabbit head, how does it taste?"

Listening to Wang Chengen's question about the taste, Huang Liji thought for a while and then replied: "When I first met him, he looked a little scary. An old man with a red rabbit head looked a little panicked at the time, but he couldn't stand the smell that came out of it. The aroma is tempting, so I ate it.

This time, I couldn't stop.

According to the eating method learned from the store by the servants of the family, the old man first broke the whole rabbit head into two halves from the rabbit lip, and then gnawed the rabbit cheek first.

The rabbit meat has been boiled very badly, even an old man with few teeth left just needs to suck it lightly!
hiss!The crispy and tender rabbit meat was eaten directly into the mouth!
The moment the rabbit meat enters the mouth, a fresh, spicy and spicy taste fills the whole mouth. After the stimulation, when you taste it carefully, the tender and spicy rabbit meat is matched with the layered sesame seeds and peppercorns. The spiciness can make people feel like they are floating on the clouds, swimming freely.

After you regain your senses, an almost unbearable hotness will spread throughout your mouth and become hotter and hotter, more and more unbearable!

But at this time, you can't help but pick up one again and eat it again. The moment you take the second one, the unbearable spicy feeling will be suppressed, which is the alluring spicy and refreshing feeling of Tutu. It will fill the mouth again, and when the second one is eaten, the spicy feeling will hit again!

So you pick up the third one!


In this way, one after another, one after another, soon you have eaten all the rabbit heads.

All in all, although this spicy rabbit head feels uncomfortable after eating, it tastes really good. It is the kind of thing that you want to eat after eating, and you still want to eat after eating. It is impossible to stop! "

"Suck it!"

Huang Liji finally finished talking about his feeling of eating spicy rabbit head, but when he came back to his senses, he suddenly found that Wang Chengen's eyes were staring at him at this moment, and there were a few strands of crystal clear liquid slowly dripping from the corner of his mouth. fell down.

At this moment, an ominous premonition enveloped Huang Liji's whole body!

Because Wang Chengen looked at the way his eyes were shining, he suddenly felt that he had become a spicy rabbit head in Wang Chengen's eyes, and now the eunuch seemed to be eager to taste it...

ps. Suck!

Sorry, I accidentally wrote too much about what I ate, and I can't control my own saliva at night.suck!
Well, if you have a ticket, give it two votes!suck!

no!Can't take it anymore!suck!I think I still have a few packs of instant noodles, so I'm going to eat instant noodles!suck!suck!suck!

Don't forget to vote!Everyone!suck!

By the way, the general update time for Piaoxue is 12:[-] am.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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