Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 356 1 Ye Guzhou

Chapter 356 A Lonely Leaf Boat

Zhu Wushi, one of the three top masters of the Ming royal family's family heritage.

It is one of the foundations used by the royal family to frighten the Jianghu. After all, chivalry is forbidden by martial arts. There are always two bold people in the Jianghu who want to earn fame by assassinating the king. This has not stopped since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Unfortunately, most of these daring guys ended up as corpses in random graveyards outside the city, where they were buried in the same place as those eunuchs who had no family members.

To be able to do this, the royal family naturally has its own background, and Zhu Wushi is such a background, but Zhu Wushi's uncle is different from the other two priests, the other two priests are not members of the royal family, one The enshrinement is the military eunuch who has been handed down from generation to generation in the palace to protect the emperor, and one is served by masters collected from the rivers and lakes by the royal family all the year round.

After all, learn martial arts and sell them to the emperor's family.

People in the Jianghu practice martial arts for that?Most of them are for glory, wealth, fame and fortune, and the royal family is undoubtedly the best winter family in the hearts of such warriors. Not everyone is willing to spend their lives in the rivers and lakes.

At first, when Zhu Youjian first came, he didn't know that the royal family still had such a background, until Emperor Tianqi was assassinated and the emperor crushed the assassin's throat in a flash, and the assassin even approached Emperor Tianqi. When the hundred steps were not completed, Zhu Youjian, who was stunned after witnessing this scene, learned the news of the royal family's enshrining from the mouth of Emperor Tianqi.

And at the beginning, when Emperor Tianqi fell into the water, it was those guys who used tricks to transfer the three major priests in the palace one by one to succeed.


Zhu Wushi, the well-known god of iron courage in the Jianghu, the illegitimate son of his grandfather who only dotes on Concubine Wan Gui, because he was afraid that Concubine Wan Gui would hate him, so his name did not inherit the royal family's generation, and it was consistent with the royal family's usual naming habits It is quite different, it is completely a name chosen by Emperor Wanli at will.

Ignore and ignore, as can be seen from the name alone, Emperor Wanli's attitude towards him is just two words, ignore.

Because it was an illegitimate child, Emperor Wanli didn't care much about him, allowing him to grow wildly and ignore him, which is similar to the situation faced by Zhu Youjian and his brothers.

But after all, it is the royal blood, even if it is not favored, according to the rules of the clan, it will be a title when it reaches adulthood.

This emperor's uncle was miserable, his mother was just a lowly court lady, and after giving birth to him, Concubine Wan Gui was found out and killed, no one cared.

If it wasn't for the relationship between the prince and the blood of the Tian family, Concubine Wan Gui would not blatantly attack her no matter how hard she was, and whether she would survive to adulthood would be a problem.

However, when he finally became an adult, because of his status and Concubine Wan Gui's troubles, he didn't even get a prince, and was only hastily granted a marquis by Emperor Wanli.

This is because the uncle ran out of the palace when no one cared about him in order to avoid the persecution of Concubine Wan Gui, and later gained a bit of fame in the Jianghu. For the sake of a well-known clan in Jianghu, he was given the title of Marquis of Tiedan God.

However, this is just a vain prince who doesn't even have a fief. He can only go to the clan to receive the marquis' salary every month. He is not allowed to leave Beijing without an edict. He can only stay in the clan's mansion and wait for dispatch. The role of a family guard with strong martial arts skills raised by the royal family helps the emperor do some shady things and serves as a royal heritage.

No matter how poor the bloodline of other emperors is, they can go to their own fiefs to be the local emperors, and those who are well-clothed and well-fed are like pigs waiting to die. , I can only honestly be a royal worker, which is not miserable.

When Emperor Tianqi fell into the water, the emperor's uncle suddenly received news that his beloved woman had been kidnapped, and rushed to rescue her. In the end, she was rescued, but she was on the verge of death.

Taking advantage of his helplessness, Zhu Youjian appeared in front of him with the Tianxiang cardamom obtained by the system lottery, and hanged the woman's life with a piece of Tianxiang cardamom, but said that there was no second Tianxiang cardamom, and he would help her find it so Take it under his command.

Since then, this uncle has become Zhu Youjian's trump card with the highest force value, and he is firmly controlled by Zhu Youjian. As for why the Donglin Party knew what the uncle's weakness was, it is unknown ...

He took out a palm-sized porcelain bottle from the wide sleeve robe, opened the stopper and poured it out, and poured out a large pile of black balls that looked like chocolate balls. He reached out and picked one up and looked at it carefully for a moment. He said to himself: "Heavenly fragrant cardamom, which is rare in the world? Hehe... I have plenty, but I won't give it to you, hehe~ just for fun!"

Tianxiang cardamom Zhu Youjian has drawn many lottery draws over the years, and has saved up a lot, but no one will think that this life-saving thing is too much, so don't use it if you can.

What's more, the reason why this uncle is so honest now is because he has Tianxiang cardamom in his hands. If he took it out easily, would this uncle who has formed a huge Anbu with his support be so honest?
Even if he wants to make trouble, I'm not afraid, but wouldn't it be nice to have less trouble?
Putting away the Tianxiang Cardamom and rolling up his sleeves, Zhu Youjian got up and walked to the door, gently pushing aside and stepping out. Xiao Guizi, who had been waiting outside, immediately called softly: "Your Majesty".

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly, looked up at the bright moon accompanied by dark clouds in the sky, and suddenly asked: "Is this the sixteenth day of the twelfth lunar month?"

Xiao Guizi nodded respectfully and replied: "Go back to the emperor, today is indeed the sixteenth day of the twelfth lunar month."

Zhu Youjian's eyes flickered, looking at the bright moon in the sky, he suddenly said with emotion: "People often say that the moon is sixteen round on the fifteenth day, and this is true.

The end of the new year is approaching, and most of the people are reuniting with their families to celebrate a good year, but this year I lost my only blood relative, Brother Huang.

In previous years, at this time, the emperor should send someone to tell me to prepare to enter the palace to accompany him to celebrate the new year, but this year I am afraid that I can only pass it by myself.

Xiao Guizi, do you think that the more you grow up, the more you lose? When you want to gain something, you will lose other things that are also cherished by you? "

"This... my lord, Xiao Guizi only knows that one has to pay for what one wants to get. Xiao Guizi's family couldn't eat, so she entered the palace in order to have enough to eat. Now Xiao Guizi is not complete, but Xiao Guizi is no longer there. You don’t have to go hungry anymore, Xiao Guizi got what she wanted, so there’s nothing to complain about.” Xiao Guizi replied solemnly after thinking about it.

After hearing this, Zhu Youjian nodded in agreement, then sighed again, and squeezed his hands together even tighter. The sense of loneliness hit him like the endless waves of the sea, There are obviously many people in this Nuoda palace, and there is a little eunuch beside him, but at this moment, he feels more and more alone, as if he is the only one in the entire Forbidden City.

"Everything is chosen by myself, and I really shouldn't complain.

But... I regret it a little now, and I'm thinking... If I had chosen another path at that time, would everything have been different? Maybe Daming would be better than today, and maybe I could still be the same as before. Under the protection of the imperial brother's wings, being a happy prince is carefree.

Really, you know what?

What the emperor lacks is only what I have, if the emperor owns what I have, he must do better than me, but this person...hehe...human nature is so complicated...complicated..."

(End of this chapter)

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